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{ Functions of Digestive System.  Labeling Exercise Do Now.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Functions of Digestive System.  Labeling Exercise Do Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Functions of Digestive System

2  Labeling Exercise Do Now

3 Review  Digestion using enzymes  Main site of absorption of nutrients  Includes  Duodenum  Jejunum  Ileum  Don’t get punched in the jejunum…  _ko _ko _ko

4 Small Intestines  Approximately 3 meters long  Numerous projections called villi that function to increase surface area  Total surface area of 500-600 square meters  Why is increased surface area important?

5 Large Intestines  Also called the colon  Colon cancer?  Receives approximately 10 liters of water per day  1.5 L from food  8.5 L is from secretions  Last major part of the digestive system  Function is to remove water from indigestible food, and then pass waste material from the body  Takes approx. 16 hours to finish digestion

6 Large Intestines  Also absorbs sodium and other ions  If water is not absorbed, diarrhea can result  Causes dehydration and ion loss

7 Polyps  Small growths in the lining of the colon (large intestines)  Cancerous (malignant) or benign  Benign?  Low-fat, high-fiber diets are recommended to protect against colon cancer

8 Liver  Important in metabolism, glycogen storage and detoxification  Many vital functions  Secretes bile  Cannot live without a liver

9  Bile stored for too long in gallbladder results in gallstones  Much like kidney stones, they are sharp  Gallstones can create blockage, backing up bile in the liver and entering the blood stream  Jaundice results from backup of bile in the blood Gallstones

10 Jaundice

11  Blockage can also result in hepatitis  Hepatitis?  Inflammation of the liver  Can also result from poor drinking water Gallstones

12  Complete crossword puzzle  May need to use books Crossword

13 { Function of Digestive System

14  Ingestion  Propulsion  Mechanical Digestion  Chemical Digestion  Absorption  Defecation GI Processes

15  Monosaccharides  Glucose  Fructose  Galactose  Disaccharides (double sugars)  Sucrose – table sugar  Lactose – milk sugar  Maltose  Polysaccharides  Starch  Cellulose – cannot break down; provide fiber for diet Carbohydrate Sugars

16  Sphincters are circular muscles that help close off passages  Cardioesophageal Sphincter  Causes heartburn  Pyloric sphincter Heartburn

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