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AODA Prevention Partnership November 22, 2013 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

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Presentation on theme: "AODA Prevention Partnership November 22, 2013 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point."— Presentation transcript:

1 AODA Prevention Partnership November 22, 2013 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

2 Agenda Welcome! Alcohol-Wise completion rates Online Program Options, many choices Sanction Grid, alcohol, implementation, updates Sanction Grid, other substances, draft Strategic Planning Process, goals Next full Prevention Partnership meeting

3 Alcohol-Wise Completion Universal prevention delivers a common message to an entire population. Fall administration, Sept 1 – Sept 30 New students 1608/1624 = 99% Transfer students 651/688 = 95% Graduate students (added)56/56 = 100%

4 Online Program Options Universal prevention programs will be discussed by the management team this year AlcoholEdu, 2 hrs Think About It, 90 minutes CollegeAlc, 2 hours Alcohol-Wise, 90 minutes Interactive, research-supported, with reports provided by the vendor

5 Growth in Student Affairs Addition of Dean of Student’s Office and personnel Dean of Students, Interim Assistant Dean of Students

6 Sanction Grid, Alcohol 1 st violation 1.Meeting with conduct hearing officer 2.16 weeks disciplinary probation 3.Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 4.Educational Component: PACE* class ($75 PACE program fee & follow up meeting) *Personal Alcohol Control through Exploration 2 nd violation 1.Meeting with conduct hearing officer 2.25 weeks disciplinary probation 3.Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 4.Parental/Legal Guardian notification by letter 5.Educational Component: BASICS* (45-min meeting, personal inventory, 45-min meeting, BASICS; $125 program fee) *Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students

7 Sanction Grid, Alcohol 3 rd violation 1.Meeting with conduct hearing officer 2.52 weeks disciplinary probation 3.On campus residence hall relocation 4.Parental/Legal Guardian notification via phone call by Dean of Student’s Office 5.Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 6.Signed statement of suspension 7.Educational Component: Referral to UWSP AODA Counselor ($175 program fee) 4 th violation 1.Meeting with conduct hearing officer 2.Suspension from UWSP, minimum one semester 3.Cancellation of housing contract, no refund 4.Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 5.Parental notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office

8 Sanction Grid, Alcohol 5 th alcohol violation 1.Meeting with conduct hearing officer 2.Expulsion from all UWS campuses 3.Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 4.Parental notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office Violation of disciplinary probation results in additional sanctions including holds on registration

9 Draft Sanction Grid, Drugs First Drug Violation 6-9 months University Disciplinary Probation Judicial Educator Module 5 Personal Decision Making M. E. Session (Marijuana Education with SHPO) $75; provide alternative education for other substances Written Parental Notification Home Second Drug Violation 12-15 months University Disciplinary Probation CASICS--Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students ($125) completed with Dr. Anne Hoffmann Residential Relocation- Parental Notification by Phone with Student

10 Draft Sanction Grid, Drugs Third Drug Violation 18-24 months University Disciplinary Probation Drug Check Up @ Counseling Center Residence Hall contract termination Parental Notification by Phone with Student Suspension- if necessary Fourth Drug Violation Suspension 12-24 months Readmission Requirements 12 months probation upon readmission Must complete assessment with outside agency and submitted to DOS before accepted Possession with intent to deliver/ dealing: Suspension, minimum of 12 months.

11 Early Intervention is Key Important Study Findings: Substance abuse doubles between the first and third years of college. Few students recognize their substance use as problematic. Of those that do, less than 5% seek help. Substance abuse strongly linked to poor academic performance and discontinuous enrollment. The Center on Young Adult Health and Development (CYAHD) at the University of Maryland School of Public Health.

12 Early Intervention is Key Fall 2013 PACE Classes Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)--Self-report, anonymous ScoreScreening results categoryStudent score 0 - 7 Screening results are not consistent with hazardous or harmful levels of alcohol use 5 8 - 15 Screening results suggest use beyond "safe" levels and lean toward hazardous and harmful; consider taking action to reduce use 43 16 - 19 Screening results are consistent with hazardous or harmful drinking; take action to reduce use 20 20+Screening results are consistent with alcohol dependence in need of treatment 10

13 Strategic Planning Summer project of management team 5 year plan, continued development Problem statement Goals Objectives Outcomes(short, intermediate and long- term)

14 Strategic Planning Overarching problem statement: “Too many UW-Stevens Point students use substances to excess which results in significant academic, emotional, physical, social, and financial consequences to the self and the greater community.”

15 Strategic Planning Goals Goal #1: Develop a model for AODA prevention and intervention that will engage a diverse group of stakeholders and various departments in its implementation Goal #2: Develop guidelines, data collection processes, and training components to support enforcement and sanctioning consistency

16 Strategic Planning Goal #3: Establish and implement a system for AODA-related policy development, review, revision and dissemination (Review at alternating biennial reviews-every 4 years) Goal #4: Establish minimum standards, enforcement protocols, and consequences for conduct related to AOD use as related to official and unofficial university and academic activities

17 Strategic Planning Goals Goal #5: Improve evaluation practices within programs and services including expectations for knowledge, skill, and behavioral changes Goal #6: Establish a communications plan and curriculum to share AODA-related data, prevention strategies, resources, and alcohol-free options for faculty, staff, and student employees

18 Strategic Planning Goal #7: Provide quality education through programs and services—increase knowledge of the effort/knowledge of the issue by using best practices Goal #8: Develop, implement, evaluate and sustain initiatives to reduce negative consequences from student drinking in the immediate surrounding communities

19 Strategic Planning Future steps will include identifying priorities and establishing work groups.

20 In closing... Next meeting— February 20, 2013, 1 PM Legacy Room Online Program Choices—management team meeting agenda Alcohol-Wise, spring administration Comments to

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