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Latin 2 Spring 2008 Mrs. Fine Room 212 310-551-5100 ext. 8212

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1 Latin 2 Spring 2008 Mrs. Fine Room 212 310-551-5100 ext. 8212

2 Notes About this Course This class meets in Room 212 during Period 4 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, unless otherwise noted. Assignments are listed on the day that they are due! Late assignments are deducted 50%. Remember to check the assignment board on the side wall for any changes in assignments! Assignments can be completed ahead of time & submitted early as well! Vocabulary assignments should be completed as a vocabulary list on paper with all principle parts in Latin & definition/translation in English OR on flashcards with the Latin on one side & the English on the other Any ancillary assignments such as “RL1” mean that a student should read the cultural section and take notes on that section’s important points Abbreviations: T = textbook, A = activity book, RL = Roman Life, Hist = History, WS = Word Study, FL = Frontier Life Assignments may be submitted in class via hard copy, 3.5 floppy disk, flash drive, CD, ZIP drive (100MB or 250MB), email (send to & clearly mark that it is Latin homework & don’t forget your name!), or fax to Mrs. Fine’s attention at Mrs. Fine is available in person for questions and/or make-up work at lunch and after school almost every day or during Period 8 on Thursdays. Latin tutoring is available every Wednesday at lunch. Please make appointments when possible.

3 September 2007 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 23 Holiday 4 Course introduction 56 Intro pp. xii-xv 7 Ch1 vocab 8 910 T1b-c 11 A1b-c 1213 Holiday 14 Holiday 15 1617 Parts of speech quiz 18 Ch1 quiz 1920 Ch2 vocab 21 T2b-c 22 23 30 24 A2d-e 25 A2f-g; 1 st conjugation quiz 2627 Ch2 quiz 28 Ch3 vocab + RL 1; all late work due 29

4 October 2007 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 T3b odds + T3c odds 2 A3a&c 34 A3d & f; 1 st declension noun + adj quiz 5 Ch3 quiz 6 78 Ch4 vocab + RL 2 9 T4b-c (translate only) 1011 2 nd declension masculine nouns + adj quiz 12 2 nd declension neuter nouns + adj quiz 13 1415 Ch4 quiz 16 Myth Projects due 1718 Myth presentations 19 Holiday 20 2122 WS 1 #1-3 + Word Journal (26 words) 23 Ch5 vocab 2425 T5c#1-5 26 A5a-b; Infinitives quiz 27 2829 Ch5 quiz 30 Ch6 vocab + myth 1 31

5 November 2007 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 T6b; Gender quiz 2 3 rd declension M/F quiz; all late work due for past 5 weeks 3 45 Ch6 quiz 6 Ch7 vocab + RL 3 78 T7b&d 9 Noun + adj quiz + nominative + accusative quiz 10 1112 Holiday 13 Ch7 quiz 1415 Ch8 vocab + RL 4 16 A8a-b 17 1819 2 nd conjugation quiz + vocative case quiz 2021 Ch8 quiz 22 Holiday 23 Holiday 24 2526 WS 2 #1-3 + Word Journal (17 words) 27 Ch9 vocab + RL 5 2829 T9c&e; Prepositional phrases quiz 30 Ch9 quiz

6 December 2007 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 23 Ch10 vocab + myth 2 4 T10b 56 A10a-b; 3 rd conjugation quiz 7 4 th conjugation quiz; all late work due for past 5 weeks 8 910 Ch10 quiz 11 Ch11 vocab + RL 6 + RL 7 1213 T11c; Genitive/dative case quiz 14 Ch11 quiz 15 1617 Ch12 vocab + myth 3 18 T12b 1920 Ch12 quiz + ablative case 21 Monster Project due 22 23 30 24/31 Holiday 25 Holiday 26 Holiday 27 Holiday 28 Holiday 29

7 January 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Holiday 2 Holiday 3 Holiday 4 Holiday 5 67 Ch13 vocab 8 T13b 910 A13a-c; Imperfect quiz 11 Ch13 quiz 12 1314 WS 3 #1-3 + know mottoes; word journal (19 words) 15 Ch14 vocab + myth 4 1617 T14b 18 Imperfect quiz 19 2021 Holiday 22 Ch14 quiz 2324 Review (Verbs (imperatives, 1 st - 4 th conjugation, present & imperfect tense) 25 Verb Mastery Test (35 MC); all late work due for past 5 weeks 26 2728 Review 29 No Latin class – final exams 30 Final Exam (100 MC) 31 No Latin class – final exams

8 February 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 No school 2 34 Intro spring semester 5 Ch15vocab; decline iter & baculum 67 Neuter wkst; p.116 notes on numbers; neuter quiz 8 ch15quiz 9 1011 No school 12 Ch16vocab 1314 T16b 15 T16c 16 1718 No school 19 wkst 2021 review noun & adjective agreement quiz 22 Ch16quiz 23 2425 Word study 4#1-5; word journal due (20 words) 26 ch17vocab 2728 T17b; project check 29 Irregular verbs quiz

9 March 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 23 ch17quiz 4 Ch18vocab+ Myth 5 56 t18b 7 A18b; project check 8 910 3 rd D adjectives Quiz 11 Ch18quiz 1213 Word study 5#1-4; word journal (10 words) 14 No school 15 1617 No school 18 No school 19 No school 20 No school 21 No school 22 23 _________ 30 24 Ch19vocab+ RL8+RL9 ____________ 31 perfect tense Quiz 25 t19b 2627 T19c; project check 28 No school 29

10 April 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Ch19quiz+RL8 +RL9 23 Ch20 vocab+ RL10+Hist1 4 T20b; Project check 5 67 Notes pp. 165- 167; T20f 8 Ch20quiz+RL10 +Hist1+perfect tense 910 Parade presentations 11 Parade presentations 12 1314 Ch21vocab+ eavesdropping notes (pp. 178- 179 15 t21e 1617 T21g; a21c 18 ch21quiz 19 2021 Ch22vocab+ FL1 22 t22f 2324 Ch22quiz+FL1 25 WS6#1-3; Word Journal (19 words); Culture presentation 26 2728 Ch23vocab+ RL11; Culture presentation 29 A23a; A23c 30

11 May 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 T23f; T23h#1-7 2 Future tense quiz 3 45 Ch23quiz+ RL11 6 ch24vocab+FL2 +Hist2; Culture presentation 78 A24a; T24b 9 Pluperfect quiz 10 1112 Culture presentation 13 A24c; T24d; FL3; RL12 1415 Future perfect quiz 16 Ch24quiz+FL2 +Hist2+FL3+ RL12 17 1819 Ch25vocab+RL 13+RL14; Culture presentation 20 A25b; T25b#1,3,4,6,10 -13,15 2122 4 th declension quiz 23 A25c; T25b#2,5,7-9,14 24 2526 No school 27 Ch25quiz +5 th declension quiz 2829 Ch26vocab+ RL14+Hist3; Culture presentation 30 A26#1-15; TT26b#1-5 31

12 June 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 Hic quiz 3 A26a#16-30; T26b#6-9; Culture presentation 45 Ille quiz; T26e 6 Ch26quiz+RL14 +Hist3; All Make up work due 7 89 Ch27vocab+ notes on chariot races +RL15; Culture presentation 10 T27a; T27c 11 T27e#1-5 12 A27e 13 Verb Mastery Test (35 MC) 14 1516 WS7#1-5; Word Journal (29 words); Review 17 Finals 18 Latin Final (100 MC) 19 Finals 20 graduation 21 22232425262728 2930

13 July 2008 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 2728293031

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