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Communication JOURNAL 10 marks of the Final Result Afshan Asad Junaid.

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2 Communication JOURNAL 10 marks of the Final Result Afshan Asad Junaid

3 What is a Journal? Professional writers keep JOURNALS It is a place to store your Ideas and Resources. Afshan Asad Junaid

4 It could be anything!! A loose-leaf notebook A file An accordion file A large brown envelope Leather-bound volume with blue-lined pages A board with your thoughts pinned up Paper bags and ball point pens Desk drawers stuffed with scraps Desk drawers stuffed with scraps of paper. A journal is whatever you say it is-- so long as you can easily get what’s on it. Afshan Asad Junaid

5 Decide a Title for Your Journal The title is the first really CREATIVE thing you’ll do for your journal. Make your Title: Witty Unusual Thought provoking Decorate the cover if you wish. Ideas: Sketch on the cover Paste an advertisement/photo Write your favorite quotes on it. Afshan Asad Junaid

6 What goes in my Journal? Each entry should be 50 words or more!! Submission date: 25 December 2014 Entry 1 Presentation 1: Reflection What did you do for Presentation 1? How did you feel? What was your results like? What have you learned? Entry 2 Your Eid Al Adha vacation Afshan Asad Junaid

7 More Journal Entries Entry 3 Why is Umrah / Hajj so important in Islam? What do pilgrims normally do we they perform Hajj / Umrah? Entry 4 Group Work: Reflection Entry 5 A dream holiday! Afshan Asad Junaid

8 And more Journal Entries! Entry 6 Presentation 3: Reflection What creative inventions were in your class? What did you “ invent?” How did you perform during presentation 3? Entry 7 Evaluation of Comm Skills Sem 351 Afshan Asad Junaid

9 What can you use? Pencils Crayons Pens Computer Felt tip markers or whatever else you can… Make it interesting…. Be Creative!!! Afshan Asad Junaid

10 Communication JOURNAL 10 marks of the Final Result Afshan Asad Junaid

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