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Lunch n’ Learn Simple Visuals in the Workplace Welcome !

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Presentation on theme: "Lunch n’ Learn Simple Visuals in the Workplace Welcome !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunch n’ Learn Simple Visuals in the Workplace Welcome !

2 Simple Visuals Work Better

3 Imagine a World Without… Street signs Addresses Scores during a game Organized grocery aisles Air traffic controls Drive-through fast food restaurants Visuals are all around us ! Probably wouldn’t watch a sports game if they didn’t keep “the score”… Also, think of international RED CROSS (symbol)

4 A Lean Culture… encourages all workers to contribute ideas, responds quickly to suggestions for improvement, provides a collaborative learning environment, seeks perfection in its products, services and processes, and enjoys the visible support of all employees and leaders

5 Example of a Simple Visual (Flowchart of Suggestion Submittal Process)

6 A Lean Culture… Focuses on the customer and employees need to understand who the customer is. (They have internal customers also.) – How they serve the external customer is directly tied to how they treat each other internally. Is totally committed to continuous improvement: – For this kind of commitment to occur, all employees need to be involved with various improvement initiatives. – This means keeping them enthused about the process and creating a receptive environment for them to make suggestions and take (some) risks. Communicates a clear vision for the company to all employees. – Senior management needs to identify the vision and help employees understand how their daily tasks relate to the vision. Ensures everyone knows their roles by setting clear standards and expectations. – The expected behaviors within the organization need to be spelled out. It should be clear that the (new, improved) culture is now customer-focused, and that the commitment to continuous improvement is genuine

7 Visual Management My definition of Visual Management is the process of creating a workplace that has eliminated information deficit. It is the process of creating an environment where things are obvious from the minute you walk into the area.

8 Visual Management Visual Management is achieved by inserting time saving, useful information or clues into the workplace in a way that flows naturally with the value adding steps of the product or service. Visual Management helps to make jobs easier. It helps us to eliminate the wasteful motion involved in searching for information or items that should be there when we need them.

9 Guidelines Charts & signs must be visible at a distance. They should be directed toward a group, not individuals. Visuals should communicate a standard and performance to that standard. Involve all employees in the visual management process. Do not use visual management as a means to control or punish: –Drive to solve problems in a blameless environment.

10 Explanations Signs/ Labels: Show Where Tools, Inventory, etc. Must Go White Demarcations: Tape or Paint Marks Off Pathways, Inventory Locations, etc. Red Lines/ Floor Marks: Show Where Inventory Should Be Stocked to (No Higher) - Sometimes Written on Storage Area Add-ons: When Abnormalities Occur, Mounted Andons (Alarm Lamps) Will Alert Supervisors to the Problem Immediately

11 Explanations Production Boards: Show Required & Actual Outputs for an Area Standardized Work Chart: Easy-to-Read Graphical Representation of Process Layouts, Work Procedures, etc

12 Standard Work (Laminated) Meeting Room set-up Wireless connection Conference Calling

13 More types of Visuals Red Tag Strategy (5S Program) Sign boarding Line Demarcations –Floors & Aisles –Stack Height Limits Kanban (Office and Factory environment) Standard Worksheets (work instructions) Defective Item Displays

14 More types of Visuals Fluid level Markings Direction of rotation for motors Lube-point identification Storage locations – Tools, cleaning supplies, forklifts, material storage, etc Heat sensor stickers Charts showing normal operating ranges Error prevention boards – Show best practices on common errors

15 Simple Visuals, Simple Rules A mislabeled item or location is worse than an unlabeled item. If there is an existing standard, use it. (Recycling bins, for example, are blue.) Don’t keep what you can’t use. Discard it.

16 Color Coding Purpose: Identify critical items, parts and areas within factories with common colors to allow any employee or visitor to easily understand Safety or production requirements in each of our different businesses.

17 Drive Performance Visuals are about information and people, targeting waste on a local or micro level. The technologies of the visual workplace translate information deficits into visual devices (clues) and systems that populate the work environment, enabling people to execute the standards formulated by lean into performance that is both precise and complete.

18 Production Charts Corrective Action Status Monthly pareto’s Where do we need to focus? Internally? Supplier? What is the major defect? Who is working on it?

19 Drive Safety Effectively and comprehensively implemented, workplace visuality does something more than simply enable lean outcomes. It makes them sustainable.

20 Certified First Aid Providers

21 Drive Accountability I saw one hospital use these visual timers to help make hourly rounding visual (answering the question of “how long since this patient has been rounded on?). If the standard is at least every 60 minutes, the clock can make this visual. The left clock says it’s been 20 minutes since rounding. The one on the right says that the hour is up. If rounding is not occurring often enough, leaders need to ask why.

22 Really!?!

23 Drive Communication* Here’s a photo, a screen grab I took from a WSJ video, that shows the “do not disturb” side: And here’s a photo, via Etihad, of the green side that says “wake me up.” This is a form of “visual management” or you could call the red and green a “visual control” as a Lean practice. * The Etihad visual management eyeshade avoids two different problems: Not bothering/waking a passenger who wanted to eat breakfast Bothering/waking a passenger who really just wanted to sleep more

24 Lunch n’ Learn Simple Visuals in the Workplace Where, in your job, can you insert a simple visual?

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