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The Internet and ELT: What skills do teachers need? Vienna September 2002 David Eastment.

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2 The Internet and ELT: What skills do teachers need? Vienna September 2002 David Eastment

3 Core Competencies for the Net Technical Networking / Communication Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching

4 Technical Competence Basic Computer Literacy Email Browser Word Processing Powerpoint Specific Software & Hardware

5 Core Competencies for the Net Technical Networking / Communication Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching

6 Communicating Email Discussion Lists Chat

7 Discussion Lists Subscribe Fred Smith TESL-L “TESL-L” “Neteach-L” “SLART”

8 Core Skills for the Internet Technical Communicating / Networking Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching.

9 Searching 3 billion pages; Constantly changing. Easy to search... Easy to waste time

10 Searching Just about the worst thing you can do is to sit down and type things into a search engine…. A search engine should be the last, rather than the first thing that you think about using.

11 A Search Strategy What sort of information is it? Do I have a bookmark / favourite? Is there a links page? (Use Internet TESL Journal etc) Does it fit in a category? (Use Newhoo etc) Select an appropriate search engine.

12 Searching: Choosing the Right Service Altavista: powerful syntax; FAST: big index - multimedia; Google: best general purpose; AskJeeves: natural language; common questions. +dickens +biography +title:dickens +url:ac +url:uk How do I tie a bowtie?

13 Core Skills for the Internet Technical Communicating / Networking Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching.

14 Evaluating Accuracy Authority Currency Navigation Design URL test.htm ~iteslj/links.htm

15 Core Skills for the Internet Technical Communicating / Networking Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching.

16 Creating Create paper-based materials: Cut and paste into WP Create Webpages Develop Macros Create electronic materials: Quia, Hot Potatoes, WebCT

17 Core Skills for the Internet Technical Communicating / Networking Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching.

18 Going on Holiday You are going on holiday to England. You are going to stay for a week, and have a budget of £500 per person. In groups, decide: Where you are going to go (city, region etc); How you are going to travel (car, train etc); Where you are going to stay (hotel, B&B etc). You have 30 minutes to find the information. Be ready to report back to the class. SST = Student Searching Time Scotland Bermuda Canada N.Z.

19 Teaching: Activities Language Awareness Tasks Research Projects Intercultural Projects Virtual Activities

20 Teaching: The Practicalities Demonstration Demonstration Worksheets Worksheets 3-stage Methodology 3-stage Methodology Handling Problems Handling Problems

21 Core Competencies for the Internet Basic Computer Literacy Communicating / Networking Searching Evaluating Creating Teaching … Enthusiasm!

22 Implications Learning new roles; Learning to communicate; Learning lifelong; Learning to be autonomous.

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