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Unit 3 Travel Journal insist on/upon doing 坚持做某事 insist on one’s doing insist that … Eg. I’ll go with you if you insist. They insisted on talking.

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2 Unit 3 Travel Journal




6 insist on/upon doing 坚持做某事 insist on one’s doing insist that … Eg. I’ll go with you if you insist. They insisted on talking to the manager. 他坚持要独自一人去西藏旅游。 He insisted on travelling to Tibet by himself. …,she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there. (anything wrong with the sentence?)

7 一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四 个要求 1.insist 2.order/ command 3.suggest/ advise/ recommend 4.require/ request/ demand/ desire 以上动词加宾语从句时,从句谓语动词都应该 是 should+V 原 , (should 可以省略)


9 Wang Kun couldn’t persuade his sister to change her mind. 无法说服: try to persuade sb. to do sth  persuade sb. to do sth. =persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服了某人做某事  give in  a determined look 坚定的眼神 determine (v) 决定,决心,确定 determine to do sth.=decide to do sth. be determined to do sth.=make up one’s mind to do sth.



12 Huangguoshu Waterfall





17 Competition Competition 1 st round : 1 st round : Each group get 5 words.10 points for each. There are 7 groups of words to choose from. Each group get 5 words.10 points for each. There are 7 groups of words to choose from. Group A Group B Group C Group D GroupE GroupF GroupGGroup A Group B Group C Group DGroupEGroupFGroupG

18 Group A journal transport prefer disadvantage determine

19 Group B fare stubborn finally cycle altitude

20 Group C organize persuade flow graduate shortcoming

21 Group D insist attitude valley schedule journey

22 Group E pace bend boil forecast

23 Group F parcel insurance wool reliable view

24 Group G pillow flame beneath temple cave

25 2 nd round : 20 points for each correct word, but if the answer is incorrect, 10 points will be taken away from the group, and the other groups still have a chance to try. Put up your hands as quickly as you can. 20 points for each correct word, but if the answer is incorrect, 10 points will be taken away from the group, and the other groups still have a chance to try. Put up your hands as quickly as you can.

26 P17 Warming up Ex.1

27 Let’s enjoy our journey! We can go traveling by different means of transport,like…

28 Qinghai Xining

29 Phnom Penh Vientiane Ho Chi Minh City

30 Now have a talk with your partner: * Where are you going for your holiday? * How are you going there? * Who are you going with…? * What are you doing there? * How long are you staying in…? * When are you coming back? * When you leave home, what will your family and your friends say to you? Have a good trip./ Have a nice journey./ Have a good time.

31 1.What was WangKun and WangWei’s idea of a good trip? Their idea was to take a long bike trip. 2.Who planned the trip? WangWei 3.Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter? The source: in Qinghai Province It enters the South China Sea. 4.What can you see when you travel along the Mekong? You can see the source glacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains. 5.What difficulties did WangKun and WangWei find about their journey? The journey will begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres where it is hard to breathe and very cold. 6.What do you think about WangKun and WangWei? W.K: enthusiastic, critical, sensible W.W: imaginative, organized, eager, persistent stubborn, risk- taking

32 P19 Ex2. 1.She has decided to do something and will not change her ideas. 2.Details are not important to my sister. This means that she concentrates on the broad outline of the trip but not the particulars. 3. A meander is a geographical term to describe the snakelike bends that a river makes as it slows down to flow through valleys to the plains. The sentence means that the Mekong River flows slowly and gently through the valleys and reaches the farming plains.

33 Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think… Wang Wei believes… Wang Kun believes… Fill in the following form: 1. taking this trip is a dream come true. 2. that they will enjoy this trip a lot. 3. they should see a lot of the Mekong. 4. that most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia. 1. they must start in Qinghai where the river begins /see all of the Mekong. 2. that they don’t need to prepare much 1. it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai. 2. that using an atlas is very important.

34 Ex3. W.W’s attitude: positive to the trip.She wants to organize it as it was her idea. W.K’s attitude: less positive to the trip as he wants to organize it and thinks he can do that better than his sister. My attitude: It sounds like a wonderful trip and I would love to be able to do a trip like that myself one day.

35 Read again and get the main idea of each paragraph: Para.1 Wang Kun and Wang Wei’ dream. Para.2 Wang Wei is stubborn. Para.3 Preparing for their trip.

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