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POWER-UP DAY 1– 11/5 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER-UP DAY 1– 11/5 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER-UP DAY 1– 11/5 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: memories

2 POWER-UP DAY 2– 11/7 Write the caption for this picture using the CAPTIONS Power-Up for help. Homecoming game

3 POWER-UP DAY 3– 11/11 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What idea(s) do you have for a campaign for selling yearbooks? 2.What idea(s) do you have for a campaign for selling senior and business ads? 3.What role can you play in selling yearbooks or selling senior/business ads?

4 POWER-UP DAY 4– 11/13 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.To you, what’s one thing the yearbook would be incomplete without? 2.What’s important to you when you’re flipping through the pages of a yearbook? 3.How can we meet people’s expectations for a quality yearbook?

5 POWER-UP DAY 5– 11/17 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What should each section highlight in the divider stories (1 st spread for each section)? 2.What are some events that can be covered in Academics? 3.What are some events that can be covered in Student Life?

6 POWER-UP DAY 6– 11/19 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: trouble


8 POWER-UP DAY 8– 11/25 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.If you could ask KHS students one survey question, what would it be? 1.What are 3 synonyms to replace the words “good” or “great”?

9 POWER-UP DAY 9– 12/1 Copy the sentences below, then replace each of the underlined words with a more vivid, descriptive word. Rewrite the last sentence entirely.  Cassie is really smart.  They played a great game.  The speaker was fun.  Everybody had a good time at the dance.

10 POWER-UP DAY 10– 12/3 Copy the sentences following quote into your journal, then answer the questions that follow. “Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded." – Author Unknown  What does this quote mean to you?  What might the “extra mile” symbolize in your life?

11 POWER-UP DAY 11– 12/5 Answer the following question in complete sentences. What is your favorite winter holiday memory and why?

12 POWER-UP DAY 12– 12/9 Answer the following question in complete sentences. Do you think tragic events should be covered in the yearbook? A school in Washington experienced a shooting at their school recently. Do you think that they should devote space in the yearbook for this? Why or why not?

13 POWER-UP DAY 13– 12/11 Answer the following question in complete sentences. What do you think is the overall perception of the Kecoughtan students? Do you think it is positive or negative? If it is positive, how can we continue this tradition? If negative, what can we change?

14 POWER-UP DAY 14– 12/15 Write the caption for this picture. It’s all up to you!

15 POWER-UP DAY 15– 12/17 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: cheer

16 POWER-UP DAY 16– 12/19 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What is one food item you will enJOY over break and why? 2.What is one activity you will enJOY over break and why? 3.Who is one person you will enJOY spending time with and why?

17 POWER-UP Day 17 – 1/6 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What was your favorite part of break? 2.What was the best food you ate over break? 3.Who did you get to spend time with that you enjoyed the most and why?

18 POWER-UP Day 18 – 1/8 Copy the following quote into your journal, then answer the questions that follow. “Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.” - Gordon B. Hinckley 1.What does this quote mean to you? 2.How does this quote relate to yearbook?

19 POWER-UP DAY 19– 1/12 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: winter

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