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Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 1 The EU Plasma Wall Interaction Task Force : Work Programme 2011 R. Neu (act. TF leader, IPP Garching) E. Tsitrone.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 1 The EU Plasma Wall Interaction Task Force : Work Programme 2011 R. Neu (act. TF leader, IPP Garching) E. Tsitrone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 1 The EU Plasma Wall Interaction Task Force : Work Programme 2011 R. Neu (act. TF leader, IPP Garching) E. Tsitrone (res.TF leader, CEA Cadarache) With contributions from : S. Brezinsek (FZJ), P. Coad (UKAEA),K. Krieger (IPP), M. Lehnen (FZJ), G. Maddaluno (ENEA), M. Rubel (VR), K. Schmid (IPP) EFDA contact: R. Zagorski (EFDA CSU Garching)

2 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 2 Foreword Emmanuelle Tsitrone resigned from TF Leadership due to other obligations call for new leadership this summer (deadline July 23!) plans for new arrangement of TFs and TGs within about one year (also different definition of relation to work at JET) stronger focus on ITER and Demo needs expected WP 2011 close to original plan (as discussed with SEWG leaders), but details may be adjusted call for participation under preparation, deadline for application: 5/9/10? will include call for new SEWG leaders (except fuel ret., dust and fuel removal will be joined, old ones are free to apply) This meetings presentation will be put on the EU PWI homepage:

3 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 3 Scientific highlights for 2009 evidence for threshold in chemical erosion at 1-2 eV; development of transport codes: ELMs and gaps in ERO, grid extension to the wall ongoing in SOLPS H retention in W confirmed to be low: impact of He bombardment, simulation of neutron damage; porosity network in CFC characterized by high resolution tomography first characterization of runaway electrons in Tore Supra and TEXTOR; similar valves in MAST, TEXTOR and JET for massive gas injection (MGI) studies; modelling effort started for runaways and MGI (FZK) performance of N seeded scenarios well established in full W AUG and nitrogen wall pumping evidenced; improved plasma performance with liquid lithium limiter in FTU coordinated experiments on ICRF cleaning in TEXTOR, Tore Supra, AUG as well as in JET under TFE/H dust trajectories investigated in several devices using fast cameras exploration of ternary systems (Be-C-W, Be-O-W) (IPP, MedC); benchmarking of ERO-TRIDYN ongoing (collab. with the PISCES-B)

4 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 4 1. Disruption/ Runaway Mitigation 2. ELM Control/ Mitigation 3. Plasma Facing Materials Physics basis for ITER reference scenarios with W/ Be PFCs ; C removal 5. Diagnostics Dust / Hot dust ; divertor erosion ; mirrors ; H/D/T inventory Heat loads, runaway electrons: reduction > 1 order of magnitude Fuel retention & Dust Fuel retention Dust & Fuel Removal Transient heat loads ELMs and disruptions Material erosion and transport in tokamaks Materials Material migration High-Z Materials ITER-like Material Mix EU-PWI TF : targeted at ITER through 6 SEWGs Material ErosionW R&D Fuel retention Dust Heat loads ITPA Div SOL : 5 topics 4. Scenario Development Rad. cool., accumulation supr.

5 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 5 Task Force Plasma-Wall Interaction Main orientations at Annual General Meeting Contact Persons from 23 associations + JET TF E,E1,E2 and FT, EFDA, F4E, ITER IO Special Expert Working Groups Annual specialised meeting of SEWG members Joint meetings EU PWI TF: mature organisation Associations Baseline work programme : 20 % (?) Priority support : up to 40 % EFDA: ITM-TF (codes) TG MHD (disr.) TG H&CD (ICWC) TG diags (LIBS) TG Mat (W alloys) TG Trans (impur.) Emerging techno (Dust & T) ITPA Div/SOL EFDA-JET: TF-E1/E2 TF-FT (ILW)

6 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 6 Definition of the Work Program for the next year(s) Presentation of the n+1 annual WP to EFDA SC (main lines – ceiling) (Feb-March) Call for Participation for n+1 WP (summer?) Answer to call (early Sept) Call assessment by PWI TF (end Sept?) Presentation to EFDA SC for approval (Oct?) Task agreements drafted for n+1 WP (Nov?) Implemented by end of the year SEWGs meetings Annual PWI TF meeting, reporting on current WP Timeline for the PWI TF preliminary evaluation of proposals (TFL, SEWGL) Autumn 2010

7 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 7 Main orientations for 2010-2011 Strengthening of modelling for extrapolation to ITER and DEMO – Interpretative modelling for benchmarking tools used for ITER simulations (SOLPS, ERO, DIVIMP …) – in close connection with ITM-TF (code development) 2 years WP : TA2010 and TA2011 will be similar Integrated plasma operation : impact of impurity seeding – erosion, mixed material, fuel retention … Including recent ITER requests – disruptions/runaways – W R&D – divertor re-attachment heat loads – IC wall conditioning Bilateral collaborations : – mixed materials : PISCES (US) EFDA PWI TF material damage : plasma guns (RF) F4E+ITER, but modelling + dust = PWI TF

8 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 8 Fuel retention Establish multi machine scaling of fuel retention for ITER: complete studies of retention in C environment, study the retention in a full W environment, study D retention in Be/W/mixed materials, assess the contribution of wall conditioning (boron), establish a multi-machine scaling of retention and refine the fuel retention predictions for ITER Characterisation of retention mechanisms using particle balance and post mortem analysis: perform an extensive post mortem analysis of PFCs for comparison with integrated particle balance results, assess the location of the retained fuel, investigate the temperature dependence of fuel release from metals that have suffered radiation damage, retention in mixed materials, flux dependence of retention in metals, impact of radiation damage, deep diffusion and permeation in high Z metals at high fluxes and temperature, retention in W-alloys.

9 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 9 Total WP2010 : 23.75 ppy High Z Disruptions Resources for 2010: 25.2 ppy priority support 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fuel retention Fuel removal Dust Mat migration High Z Liquid Mixed mat Disruptions ELMs PS (ppy) TA 2010 TA 2009 WP 2010 PS planned for 2011: 27.5 ppy, 440 k hardware WP 2011 (planned) combined in 2011!

10 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 10 Reporting obligations are defined in the Task Agreement Baseline Support At the end of each calendar year, during the PWI TF annual meeting, the Task Coordinator shall present a report on all activities (baseline and priority support) under the Task Agreement to the EFDA Leader for his approval. These reports shall integrate the progress made by each Association on each activity, and they shall indicate the level of achievement of the objectives, the situation of the activities, the allocation of resources and recommendations for the next year when applicable. Priority Support Achievement of Priority Support deliverables will be reported separately to the EFDA Leader. A final report (and intermediate reports marking substantial progress in the achievement of deliverables, if the EFDA Leader so requests) shall be prepared by the Task Coordinator and submitted to the EFDA Leader. Each participation Association will have to report in one subsection on the degree to which the deliverables of their Task have been achieved, and shall include a breakdown of expenditure. The Task Coordinator will collect the individual subsections into the final report for Priority Support activities addressing the milestones.

11 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 11 Reporting on BS Scientific reports (deadline: PWI Annual meeting – 3-5 November 2010) Objectives: Synthetic description of the objectives and main milestones of the year Main Achievements: Description of the scientific outcome, highlighting the most important results. Report on the achievements against the objectives of the Task. Shortcomings Indicate which part of the work has not been done or delayed and why. Conclusions and General perspectives Indicate if and how the work should be continued, and which perspectives it could open inthe future. Publications: papers published/submitted, conferences, seminars, reports Task id.Associations involved Manpower PPY Status*)Short description with milestones/deliverables WP10-PWI-05-03/IST/BSIST0.25DoneResults published in...... WP10-PWI-05- 03/SCK.CEN/BS SCK.CEN0.5Not doneExperimental time was not available *)Completed, Partially done, Not done Administrative reports: (deadline: 19 December 2010)

12 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 12 Reporting on PS Scientific reports (deadline: 19 December 2010) Task ID / association Achievements (0.5 page max) Brief description of the work carried out (experiments, hardware, code development, simulations, feasibility studies … ) Scientific outcome, highlighting the most important results and reporting on the achievement of the objectives. Mention of mobility trips, exchange of scientists, diagnostics, hardware … Shortcomings Indicate which part of the work has not been done or delayed and why, and whether it is to be postponed for the following year or cancelled. Publications / internal reports / presentations etc … List of related publications / internal reports / presentations etc … Technical report necessary only in case publication is not available !!!

13 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 13 Reporting on PS Administrative reports: Association XXX Task id.Manpower Priority support Expenditure Hardware Expenditure Status*)Short description with milestones/deliverables References **) PPYkEuro WP10-PWI- 05/PS/IPPLM [1] *) Completed, Partially done, Not done (justification needed if task is not fully completed) **) Reference to the publications (listed below) has to be included here. In case no publication is available, indicate a reference to the scientific report sent by the association to the PWI TF (see part II for details). List of publications: [1]… All reports to be sent to SEWG leaders SEWG leader compiles report to be sent to TF leaders (deadline: 19/01/11)

14 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 14 Delays, prolongation of tasks Priority support tasks: Official request should be sent to EFDA Leader (cc EFDA RO) no later then 30 November 2010 - for tasks delayed more than 6 months) no later then 19 December 2010 - for tasks delayed less than 6 months) Baseline support tasks: Official request should be sent to EFDA Leader (cc EFDA RO) no later then 19 December 2010

15 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 15 PWI Annual Meeting, 3-5 November, Vienna, Austria (SEWG) Meetings: High Z Materials and Liquid Metals: 21-23 July, Garching Transients and Heat Loads: 1- 2 September, Jülich EFDA Meeting on modelling activities of EU-PWI Task Force: 7-8 September 2010, Culham, JET Important Dates

16 Meeting SEWG retention, 19-20/7/2009R. Neu 16 7 th September Session 1: SOL and Divertor physics (W. Fundamenski) Session 2: Impurity and plasma transport (M. Tokar) Session 3: Transient events, their control and effect on PFCs (M. Lehnen) Session 4: ITER modelling: status and needs (R. Neu) 8 th September Session 5 : Material erosion, migration, mixing (K. Krieger) Session 6: PSI related material modelling (tritium retention, removal, dust) (U. v.Toussaint) Session 7: PWI issues for plasma operation (lithium, seeding, high Z) (A. Kallenbach) EFDA Meeting on modelling activities of EU-PWI Task Force 7-8 September 2010, Culham, JET

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