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Richard Roček Jiří Švec

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1 Richard Roček Jiří Švec
Chloroprene Richard Roček Jiří Švec

2 Chloroprene – General information
Formulas: Summar: C4H5Cl Functional: CH2=CCl-CH=CH2 Structural: Names 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene Chloroprene Neoprene Iternational notation: CAS Registry Number: EC Registry Number:

3 Chemical properities Properities Industrial production Polymerization
Molecular Formula of monomer = C4H5Cl Formula Weight = Composition = C (54.26%) H (5.69%) Cl(40.04%) Molar Volume = 95.9 ± 3.0 cm3 Industrial production Polymerization

4 Physical properities Properities of pure compound
Density g/cm3, Solubility in water: insoluble g/100 mL Melting point: -130°C F Boiling point: 59.4°C F K Colourless liquid with ether-like smell Properities of polymer Good mechanical and chemical endurance High endurance against ozon and water Low flammability Adhesive with many materials Endurance - odolnost

5 Spectral analysis

6 Toxicological characteristics
Exposure limits OSHA GENERAL INDUSTRY PEL: 25 ppm, 90 mg/m3 (Skin) OSHA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PEL: 25 ppm, 90 mg/m3 TWA (Skin) ACGIH TLV: 10 ppm, 36 mg/m3 TWA (Skin) NIOSH REL: 1 ppm Ceiling, Potential Carcinogen Health factors IARC: Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans SYMPTOM(s): Eye, respiratory system irritation; nervousness, irritability; dermatitis, alopecia; [carcinogenic] HEALTH EFFECTS: Reproductive Hazard (HE5); Systemic Toxicity (HE3),Mutagen (HE2) ORGAN: system, skin, eyes

7 Use of Chloroprene The best known are propably wetsuits for
diving or water sports generaly, which are made of neoprene (polymerized chloroprene). wetsuit- neoprén, oblek na vodní sporty

8 Use of neoprene Becouse of its high mechanical and chemical endurance
lot of common things are made of neoprene. Such as gaskets, corrosion-resistant coatings, electrical insulation, hoses and very important are also various medical utilities Gasket –těsnění; coatings – nátěry, povrchy; electrical insulation – izolace elektrických vodičů; hose - hadice

9 Use of chloroprene But chloroprene is also used as a component of various types of rubbers and modern materials. From mousepads to hi-tech surfaces of military stealth airplanes, witch „hides“ planes by reflecting radar waves Surface – povrch;Stealth – tajný,skrytý

10 Thanks for your attention

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