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Farmworker Housing Inspections Unit 2: Pre-Inspection Preparations.

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1 Farmworker Housing Inspections Unit 2: Pre-Inspection Preparations

2 1.Review employer’s application or job order 2.Contact employer 3.Study relevant standards and documents 4.List and pack items to bring Overview of Pre-Inspection Steps

3 Step 1: Review employer’s application / job order Job description, wages and qualifications/experience/education Date the workers are expected to arrive Number of workers expected Check your calendar for possible inspection dates –Remember: property must pass inspection at least 30 days before occupancy

4 Step 2: Contact employer to schedule inspection Find out the type of housing to be provided and the year it was built. –This will indicate which standards apply to the housing you will inspect. Explain to the employer the types of housing issues you are most concerned about (safety and health) –Includes 2nd-floor emergency exits, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, smoke alarms, construction and repair issues, plumbing, electrical.

5 Step 2: Employer contact (continued) Send written confirmation of inspection date & time. In this notice, explain the deadlines for housing to meet standards. –If the housing fails the inspection, the employer has no more than 5 calendar days to bring it into compliance. –Housing must still pass final inspection at least 30 days before workers arrive. Enclose inspection form (optional)

6 Step 2: Employer contact (continued) The confirmation letter can also: –Encourage employer to attend if this will be a first-time inspection. –Request [cell] phone number to reach the employer during the inspection if s/he will not be present –Give idea of how long the inspection will take: “Ballpark” estimate: 20-30 minutes for “repeat customer,” 45-60 minutes for first- time inspection Varies widely by property size

7 Step 2: Employer contact: State Variations Inspection confirmation may also include information specific to your state. –Notify the employer of any state requirements and deadlines. E.g., water testing, labor camp permits 30 days before occupancy. –Ask employer to measure rooms in advance, if allowed NOT recommended for first-time inspections. You are still responsible for accuracy

8 Step 3: Study relevant standards and documents Determine which standards apply to the housing site you will inspect (ETA, OSHA, or state). Become familiar with all housing forms/checklists provided by ETA, OSHA, and your state, along with their rules, regulations and standards.

9 Step 3: Study relevant standards and documents (continued) Form ETA 338 - Housing, Furnished Housing and Facilities Gives detailed information on the housing unit. Easy to complete format – electronic version available. If 338 is not used, the same information is to be provided as part of the application packet. It provides the workers with specific information regarding the housing unit.

10 Step 3: Study relevant standards and documents (continued) Learn about state-issued variances from federal standards (statewide or property-specific). Examples include: –Room dimensions Different dimensions for shower stalls to meet what is available from manufacturers Different ceiling height for attic rooms –Appliances Allowing washer/dryer instead of wash tubs

11 Step 4: Pack items to bring (Recommended—some items optional) Inspection checklist form (one per unit) –ETA, OSHA, or state, whichever stricter Pens Note pad for additional notes Clipboard Carbon paper –Enables you to give the employer a copy of your notes, especially if you find any problems File folder for each employer to be inspected –Helps you keep track of properties and results of previous inspections

12 Step 4: Pack items to bring (continued) Tape Measure (at least 25 feet) Calculator –Useful for calculating square footage Camera –Useful to document any serious violations you might find Tape recorder –(Some inspectors use this to take audio notes) Flashlight

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