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Overview of HIV/AIDS and ARV Treatment in Georgia

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1 Overview of HIV/AIDS and ARV Treatment in Georgia
Lali Sharvadze MD, PhD Director of inpatient Department . Associated Professor.

2 Reported Cases of HIV/AIDS
in Georgia 2518 AIDS 538 - Deaths Estimated number  3500

3 Distribution of HIV/AIDS Patients
by Sex and Age Groups 2518 Women 665 Men 1853 Age distribution

4 HIV Cases Registered in Georgia Annually
Number of cases

5 Distribution of HIV/AIDS Cases (number of registered cases)
by Regions of Georgia (number of registered cases) Abkhazia 168 891 Tbilisi (55 Foreigners) Svaneti 8 Lechkhumi 5 Samegrelo 369 Mtianeti 19 Poti 39 Imereti 319 Guria 54 Shida Kartli 66 Adjara 322 Kakheti 102 Samtskhe Javakheti 29 Kvemo Kartli 94

6 Incidence of AIDS Cases
per population (Source – WHO reports, 2007)

7 HIV Prevalence among High Risk Behavior Groups (2007)
HIV Prevalence in General Population

8 Distribution of HIV Cases by Routes
of Transmission

9 AIDS Control Service in Georgia
Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Infectious Diseases, AIDS & Clinical Immunology Research Center National Center of Disease Control and Public Health Zugdidi AIDS treatment center Batumi AIDS treatment center Kutaisi AIDS treatment center 9 VCT centers in regions of Georgia 217 HIV diagnostic labs

10 Universal Access to HIV Treatment, Care and Support and Prevention
Georgia is the First Among FSU Countries that from 2004 Ensured Universal (100%) Access to ARV Treatment.

11 What Does It Mean - The Universal (100%) Access to ARV Treatment Georgian Approach
Investigation of all HIV infected persons by special algorithm To identify all patients requiring ARV treatment according to special criteria To offer ARV therapy to all patients requiring treatment Monitoring of all patients receiving ARV treatment

12 according to WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF report on universal access of 2008
Access to HAART RUS* BEL* UKR* KAZ* GEO UZB* KGZ* AZE* ARM* TKM TJK* ALB* FYM* according to WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF report on universal access of 2008 no HAART individuals on HAART (<1%) * in the process of scaling up ART very poor access ( 1-25%) poor access (25-50%) disputed coverage estimates or insufficient data available moderate access (50-75%) good access (over 75%)

13 Implementation of Major Laboratory Methods
in Georgia 1984 – ELISA 1984 – Immunophenotyping of CD3, CD4, CD8 lymphocytes 1985 – Western blot 1995 – Qualitative PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 1996 – Quantitative PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 2003 – HIV and HCV Genotyping 2005 – HIV Genotypic Resistance Testing HIV subtype analysis using phylogenetic methods 2006 – HIV, HCV & HBV quantitative- Real time PCR 2006 – CCR5, CCR2 and SDF1 genotyping testing 2009 – Abacavir hypersensitivity testing HLA-B*5701 SSP genotyping assay.

14 ARV implemented in Georgia
NRTI AZT 3TC D4T DDI Abacavir Tenofovir FTC Téno/FTC Truvada® ABC/3TC Protease Inhibitors (PI) Ritonavir Norvir® Indinavir Crixivan® Saquinavir Invirase® Nelfinavir Viracept® Lopinavir Kaletra ® Atazanavir Reyataz® Fosamprenavir Telzir ® Tipranavir Aptivus® Darunavir Prezista® Entry inhibitor Enfuvirtide NNRTI Nevirapine Viramune® Efavirenz Sustiva®* Integrase inhibitor Raltegravir

15 739 Patients are currently receiving ART
ARV Treatment 739 Patients are currently receiving ART 710 adults 29 children

16 National Guidelines Criteria for Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy Based on WHO and DHHS ART Guidelines History of an AIDS-defining illness; CD4 T - cell count <350 cells/mm3; Patients with HIV-associated nephropathy; Patients co infected with HBV when treatment is indicated.

17 Georgian HIV/AIDS National Guidelines
updated annually

18 Thank you for your attention!

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