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Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) Alexei Kapterev.

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Presentation on theme: "Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) Alexei Kapterev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) Alexei Kapterev

2 There are 300 million PowerPoint users in the world* * estimate

3 They do 30 million presentations each day * * estimate

4 About a million presentations are going on right now* * estimate

5 50% of them are unbearable * * conservative estimate

6 LOTS of people are killing each other with bad presentations. NOW.

7 They are all DEAD ! Well, almost.

8 Bad presentations Bad communication Bad relations Bad relations Less sales Less sales Less money Less money Less training Less training A vicious circle

9 Let’s make the world a better place.

10 Why are they doing it?!

11 Mainly due to lack of...  Significance  Structure  Simplicity  Rehearsal

12 Significance 

13 To “pass the information”? Your boss told you to? Or to make meaning ? Why do you present?

14  Significance creates passion  Passion attracts attention  Attention leads to action How presentations work

15 Are you passionate ? Check yourself.

16 This is passion.

17 This is not.

18 Can’t find the meaning? Don’t present.

19 Structure 

20 Structure is how you place the building blocks of your story.

21  Convincing  Memorable  Scalable Q: What structure to use? A: Any – as long as it is:

22  Problem – Pathway – Solution  Problem – Solution – Reasoning  Fancy stuff (if it makes sense) Structure choices

23 Give 3-4 reasons supporting your point. They will not remember more anyway.

24 } 45 minutes 1 argument 2 argument 3 argument Memorable opening Memorable closing 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details... 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details... 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details...

25 You can tell this in... 5 minutes 15 minutes 45 minutes It is scalable.

26 Simplicity 

27 Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. “ ”

28 Apparently, being simple is not that simple. Will give you some examples.

29 Don’t worry: knowing the language doesn’t really help.

30 Notice cool background.

31 Hey, we’ve got DATA!

32 This one’s my favorite.

33 Fundamental problem?

34  Visualize ideas  Create key points  Impress PowerPoint helps to:

35  Prompter  Handouts  Data dumps They use it as:

36 People read faster than you speak. This means you are useless.

37 What’s the point? One simple point? Remove everything else.

38 Simple design rules*  One point per slide  Few matching colours  Very few fonts  Photos, not clipart * pun intended

39 Less text. More imagery. Wild imagery.

40 But what if I need to send or print the slides?

41 Write a document

42 Inform with little text* * yes you can

43 No audience? Present to the furniture. But aloud. Try it.

44 Check the room and equipment.

45 Presentation checklist

46 All this leads to...

47 Wow * * great presentations

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