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UPDATE ON TRIS and Information Services Activities GTRIC June 11, 2006 Barbara Post Manager, Information Services

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1 UPDATE ON TRIS and Information Services Activities GTRIC June 11, 2006 Barbara Post Manager, Information Services

2 TRB Update TRIS – new data entry system TRB Publication Index Research in Progress Database Transportation Research Thesaurus

3 TRIS Over 633,000 records Completed implementation of the new system –Data entry – May 2005 –Export functions – (NTL June 2005) –Import functions –Reload of TRIS sent to NTL –Refinements

4 TRIS Data Entry System SQL Database (relational database) Two types of record – monographs and components Additional fields –OCLC number –Author e-mail addresses and contact information –Summary report links as well full text links –Links for direct ordering

5 Benefits of New System Database Clean-up –Over 3100 duplicate records eliminated (continuing to revise duplicate checking) –Added dates for thousands of records that lacked that field –Clean up of serials, agencies – providing more information –Maintenance of TRT and indexing terms TRIS is still not perfect

6 Benefits of New System (continued) Flexibility of importing and exporting material –Possibility of adding additional TLIB files or databases of unique collections VTRC – historical material Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation – regional planning and transit material –Loaded records for all the papers from the TRB 2006 Annual Meeting into TRIS –New TRANSPORT product on Dialog and other vendors

7 What is indexed in TRIS? Want TRIS to comprehensive as possible – limits Definitely want all Federal and State DOT research reports Other types State reports – what is its shelf life, broad interest (dont index driver license manuals) Proactive in obtaining material but realize gaps Notify us of material you think should be in TRIS

8 TRB Publications Index January 2006 new TRB Publications Index First product from new TRIS system All TRB reports, papers and articles from 1923-date About 32,000 records In May – over 87,000 visits to Publications Index and almost 58,000 unique ip address Indexed on Google


10 TRB Publications Index Google type search Simple and advance search Allows to mark and view search results in brief or full formats Search results can be downloaded or e- mailed directly to user


12 RESEARCH in PROGRESS RiP Web site – Over 8600 RiP records Includes international transportation research from the TRIP Database of ITRD FHWA Turner Fairbank Research Projects University research

13 RiP Usage Over 117,000 visits in May – Over 29,000 unique IP address –Indexed by Google Since January 2006, 370 projects added and over 1600 updated.

14 Transportation Research Thesaurus NCHRP Project 20-70 – Transportation Research Thesaurus Improvements Develop a database to allow TRB to maintain the authoritative version of the TRT Integrate the TRT into TRIS Publish the TRT on the Web

15 Improving the TRT Panel – Subcommittee of LIST –Sandy Tucker Chair Nelda Bravo, Susan Dresley, Andy Everett, Seyem Petrites, Ken Winter Reviewed Web design Decided on maintenance policy –Michael Kleiber consultant –Review by Thesaurus committee

16 TRT Project January 2006 released TRT on TRBs Web site March 2006 maintenance feature operational – clean up of terms and TRT is now maintained on TRIS system April 2006 TRT integrated into TRIS data entry system (big improvement for indexers)


18 Features of TRT on Web Allows both searching and browsing for terms Allows view in hierarchical, alphabetical, KWIC, and KWOC displays Links from term for direct searching in RiP, TRB Publications, TRBs E-Newsletter Thesaurus is can be downloaded in XML (Can also download updates)

19 Any questions?

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