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Published byStewart Shelton Modified over 9 years ago
2010-2011 Fall Test Coordinators’ Workshop
2 PreID Windows One PreID window for W/R/M/S January 3-28, 2011 Writing Pre ID labels will be separate shipment (2 weeks prior to testing) Spring Enrollment Two-week window will be in November Pearson will load last year’s participation counts into PearsonAccess Writing materials will be produced from these numbers Algebra 1 EOC PreID window will be in April
3 What’s New Race Categories/Ethnicity For each race category, grid Y for yes and N for no; a student may belong to more than one category Grid Y for yes and N for no beside Hispanic/Latino in the ethnicity section Mathematics/Science Reference Sheets Separate handouts packaged with test materials Administration Record/Security Checklist Pre-populated form now available for schools in PearsonAccess
Updated Ethnicity/Race Categories Ethnicity – if gridded “yes” for Hispanic/Latino, this information overrides race categories for reporting If more than one Race category is “yes”, the student is reported as multiracial 4
Test Group Codes 5 Test Group Codes continue to assist us in investigating testing irregularities Writing Folders will have test group code grids this year
2011 Test Configurations 6 Key for tables that follow: R – Reading M – Mathematics W – Writing S – Science
GRADE SUBJECTCONFIGURATION RMWSNon-ScannableScannable 9X R: Test BookR: Answer Book 10XXX R: Test Book M: Ref. Sheet W: Prompt R: Answer Book M: Test & Answer Book (Gr. 10/ Retake) W: Folder 11X S: Test bookS: Answer Book 2011 Test Configurations 7
GRADE SUBJECTCONFIGURATION RMWSNon-ScannableScannable RetakeXX M: Ref. SheetR: Test & Answer Book M: Test & Answer Book (Gr. 10/ Retake) Alg. 1 EOC - 10% Paper X Test & Answer Book (special document with unique test administration requirements) Ref. Sheet 2011 Test Configurations 8
9 Daily Session Schedule Grades 6 – 10 Reading Still under review Survey results were very close; we are seeking further input from district reading specialists
10 Writing Update No December 2010 Writing field test 2011 FCAT Writing test will consist of one prompt at each grade Grades 8 and 10 - Persuasive or expository One scorer per student response with 20% of student responses receiving a second score for quality control purposes only
11 FCAT Writing Writing Prompt will be a separate secure handout for students Shrink-wrapped separately Should not be opened until the first day of testing Must be returned with TO BE SCORED materials for security purposes One prompt per grade level; mode will not be revealed in advance
12 Science Update – Spring 2011 FCAT Tests Multiple-choice items only No performance tasks Embedded field test items align with 2008 NGSSS
13 Spring Retakes Administration window April 11 – 15 (paper-based tests must be returned by Monday, April 18) Retake Mathematics – CBT only with PBT accommodations Retake Reading – CBT optional by school
14 2010 Scoring Inquiries Late Reporting Dates 9/10/2010 and 10/08/2010 Fall 2010 Retake Scoring Inquiries December 31, 2010 Late Reporting Dates 1/14/2011 and 2/9/2011
15 Reading Update – Spring 2011 Tests Spring 2011 FCAT 2.0 Reading tests in Grades 3–10 align with the 2007 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS). No performance tasks in any grade. Spring 2011 FCAT Reading Retakes align with the 1996 Sunshine State Standards (SSS).
17 Mathematics Update – Spring 2011 FCAT/ FCAT 2.0 Tests Spring 2011 FCAT Grade 10/Retake test aligns with the 1996 SSS. No performance tasks in any grade. Reference sheets in Grades 5–8, 10, Retakes, and paper-based accommodations will be provided as stand alone documents rather than as perforated sheets.
18 Grade 10 Mathematics One 160-minute CBT session Schools should try to complete testing in first week of the administration window Graduation requirement - Last cohort of students Need to distinguish between first time Grade 10 and retained Grade 10 students
19 Grade 10 Mathematics Document Count Form – Grade 10 Mathematics paper-based return
FCAT Grade 10 Mathematics and Algebra 1 EOC Reporting Categories GRADE/ COURSE CATEGORYPERCENTAGE 10 Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations17 Measurement17 Geometry and Spatial Sense25 Algebraic Thinking25 Data Analysis and Probability17 Algebra 1 EOC Functions, Linear Equations, and Inequalities55 Polynomials20 Rationals, Radicals, Quadratics, and Discrete Mathematics 25 20
21 Florida End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments April 2011 ( window not set yet ) PreID file submission MAY 16 – 20, 2011 Administration ALGEBRA 1 EOC ASSESSMENT
22 Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Administration Dates May 16-20, 2011 Length of Test One 160-minute session Individual breaks as needed
23 Algebra 1 End-of-Course Operational Test Computer-based test (CBT) with paper-based test (PBT) accommodations Four-function online calculator for CBT; four-function handheld calculator for PBT accommodated versions Online reference sheet and straightedge Multiple-choice and Fill-in response items No performance tasks
24 Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Paper-based Accommodations Paper should be requested for Students whose IEPs indicate this accommodation Students who require accommodations that cannot be supported by CBT (i.e., student can test over several days)
25 Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Paper-based Transcription Tests have fill-in response items (no grids); these items cannot be scanned School/district staff will transcribe paper-based responses into TestNav6.9 and submit for scoring Student will need to be assigned a test in PearsonAccess and transcriber will use this login information
26 Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Paper-based Transcription (cont’d) Pearson staff will verify a percentage of transcribed tests This will ensure timely reporting for these students School-level transcription process will apply only to tests with fill-in response items
27 Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Calculator Policy At the end of the Practice Test script, students will be asked to request a hand-held FCAT calculator for testing if they are uncomfortable using the online version FCAT Calculators should be available for these students during test administration Geometry EOC requires use of a scientific calculator; the FDOE will not provide hand-helds Students may use approved calculator only for Geometry (TI-30XS), if available
28 Florida End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments MAY 9 – 13, 2011 Field Tests GEOMETRY EOC FIELD TEST BIOLOGY 1 EOC FIELD TEST
29 Biology 1/Geometry Field Tests Administration Dates May 9-13, 2011 One week per test to administer tests in selected schools Our office will send your field tests samples in December Length of Tests Geometry – One 90-minute session Biology 1 – TBD
30 Geometry and Biology 1 End-of-Course Field Tests Computer-based field tests administered to select schools No paper-based test accommodations Scientific online calculator (TI-30XS) for Geometry (handheld may be used, but is not provided by FDOE) Online reference sheet and straightedge for Geometry Online periodic table for Biology 1 Multiple-choice and Fill-in response items for Geometry Multiple-choice items only for Biology 1 No performance tasks
31 End-of-Course Reporting The first year of live reporting requires post- equating. No dates scheduled for reporting; it will be contingent upon the equating process – this will be the case for the first operational year of each EOC.
32 End-of-Course Reporting Three forms of the test will be scored, and they will be post-equated to ensure that reported scores are accurate regardless of the form number. Students will receive a scale score, the range of which is still being discussed with advisory groups. Districts may determine how to use the scale score as 30% to calculate the student’s final grade in the course. FDOE will provide one-third cut reports showing student performance across the state to help districts in making this determination.
33 ESE Updates Revisions to Rule 6A-1.0943, F.A.C., effective July 1, 2010: Deleted references to specific accommodation types; test administration manuals list types Updated language to provide accommodations for Home Education or Private School students participating in statewide assessments Added language permitting exemption from participation in statewide assessments due to extraordinary circumstances (newly blind) – Commissioner approval required
34 ESE Updates The Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) is working with the Accommodations and Modifications Project to update key documents FCAT Accommodations Guide for Students with Disabilities Accommodations and Modifications Guide Other brochures for teachers and parents Website:
35 Virtual School Programs District Virtual Instruction Program Package materials for return as all other schools in your district using your district number and school number of the student’s school of enrollment Arrangements must be made to test Virtual School Program students
36 Packaging/Materials Return No BLUE calibration return label Statewide calibration sample; no special calibration materials Some jumbo and large districts will be asked for a small sample of schools to return materials early First school box will be white with a red wrap-around label
37 Packaging/Materials Return
38 Online Resources FDOE, Bureau of K-12 Assessment, Home Page New sites: FCAT FCAT 2.0 End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments Computer-based Testing
39 Online Resources K-12 Assessment Memoranda
40 Online Resources PearsonAccess
41 Online Resources Participation in Statewide Committees committees.pdf committees.pdf Detailed descriptions of committees and educator involvement Frequently Asked Questions Cat=0 Cat=0 Expanded and updated for each area
42 Interpretive Products Updates 42
43 Reading, Mathematics and Science Test Item Specifications Draft FCAT 2.0 Reading (Grades 3–10) and Mathematics (Grades 3–8) Test Item Specifications are posted here: Draft Test Item Specifications for the Algebra 1 End-of-Course assessments are posted here:
44 Reading, Mathematics and Science Test Item Specifications FCAT 2.0 Test Item Specifications for Reading and Mathematics are being modified to remove performance tasks. Modified documents will be posted in November/ December 2010. Geometry End-of-Course Test Item Specifications will be posted in the coming weeks. Biology 1 End-of-Course Test Item Specifications will be posted in 2011.
45 Reading, Mathematics and Science Test Item Specifications The most current drafts of Appendix B of each pending Test Item Specifications document are posted on the Test Development Center’s Sharepoint site at efault.aspx. efault.aspx
46 2010 Released FCAT Writing Anchor Sets The released sets contain examples of responses used as training materials for scoring the 2010 writing assessment. Each anchor set (scoring guide) includes a student response and an annotation to explain why it was assigned a particular score. Available at:
47 2011 Sample Test Materials (STMs) All regular 2011 FCAT/ FCAT 2.0 STMs will only be available online Posted to FDOE website in October Braille and Large Print STMs due in districts in November 2010 No Writing STMs Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology 1 EOC online practice tests will be provided on ePat
48 2010 FCAT Content Focus Report Now available on the FDOE website: Has benchmarks and content focus for each item that counted for student scores on the 2010 FCAT. Has total points for each reporting cluster/category. Identifies performance task benchmarks. Reading, Mathematics, and Science have benchmark crosswalks from 1996 SSS to 2007 NGSSS (Reading & Mathematics) and 2008 NGSSS (Science). Please note disclaimer!
49 Reminder: Eliminated Interpretive Products Due to budget constraints, several FCAT interpretive products that were produced in previous years are no longer available. These include: Florida Reads! Writes! Solves! Inquires! CD Keys to FCAT Understanding FCAT Reports Parent Results Folder
50 Per Florida Statute, scores for Spring Writing, Reading, Mathematics, and Science Assessments will be reported no later than the week of June 8, 2011. Reporting Schedule
51 FCAT 2.0 Reporting This year, FCAT and FCAT 2.0 scales will be linked using a statistical process similar to equating. Student results will be reported on the FCAT scale with FCAT achievement levels. Next year, a new FCAT 2.0 scale will be developed based on data analysis in the fall, and the new FCAT 2.0 scale and achievement levels will be used for Spring 2012 score reporting.
52 FCAT/FCAT 2.0 Paper Reports FCAT Writing and FCAT Science reports will look the same as in previous years FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics reports will have a new look and feel Scores reported on FCAT scale Explanation of linked scale score New reporting categories
DAC Legislative Update Senate Bill 4 & House Bill 105
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Align the FCAT with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (FCAT 2.0 and EOCs) Phase out: Grade 9 FCAT Math (2010-11) Grade 10 FCAT Math (2011-12), except for FCAT Math Retake Grade 11 FCAT Science (2011-12)
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Baseline Algebra 1 EOC in 2010-11 2009-2010—Field Test 2010-2011—30% of the student's final course grade. [Fall 2011—Standard Setting] 2011-2012—Student must earn a passing score (AL3) in order to receive course credit Baseline Geometry EOC and Biology EOC in 2011-2012 [same 3-year implementation; field test 2010-11]
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Evaluate the feasibility and effect of transitioning from Gr. 9/Gr. 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Gr. 10 FCAT Writing to an English/Language Arts II EOC Maintain the current design of FCAT Writing – no changes
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Report FCAT RMS scaled scores and achievement levels, with Level 3 satisfactory performance Designate, in addition to a passing score, a "college-ready" EOC score that indicates the student has the "potential" to meet college-readiness standards by graduation
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Consider religious and school holidays in setting the schedule [no RMS testing prior to week of April 15 still law] Report FCAT results NLT the week of June 8; school-level EOC results NLT 1 week after the school district completes testing Set a 3-week EOC testing window
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Identify EOC Equivalent Scores “The Commissioner shall analyze the content and equivalent data sets for nationally recognized high school achievement tests and industry certification tests” to determine if equivalent scores can be approved and used.
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Include EOCs in School Grades Requires Algebra 1/Geometry/Biology 1 to be included school grade calculations
Senate Bill 4: Education Accountability Concordant Score Requirements Removes the requirement that students make at least three attempts SB4 TAP (pending)
House Bill 105: Civics Civics EOC Assessment: 2012-2013—Field Test 2013-2014—30% of the student's final course grade [Fall 2014—Standard Setting] 2014-2015—student must earn a passing score on the EOC in order to receive course credit
2011 Session Assessment “issues” Revisit the statewide assessment schedule requirements Require school participation in international assessment programs, such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
64 Questions? Call or e-mail Angela S. Marino 407-870-4056 or Ext. 66150 Nereida Gonzalez 407-518-2902 or Ext. 66158 Veronica Gonzalez 407-870-4056 or Ext. 66150 Art Tweedie 407-870-4932 or Ext. 66159 John Boyd 407-518-2903 or Ext. 66160
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