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A Career in Agricultural Education CHAPTER 1. Define Agricultural Education  Agricultural Education is a program of instruction in about agriculture.

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1 A Career in Agricultural Education CHAPTER 1

2 Define Agricultural Education  Agricultural Education is a program of instruction in about agriculture and related subjects.  Most commonly offered in secondary schools, though it is in some elementary and middle schools

3 Career Clusters  The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium has identified 16 career clusters.  One cluster is Agriculture, Food, and National Resources. (AFNR)  Instructional areas to include: production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources, including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources and other plant and animal products and resources.

4 Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources (AFNR) Cluster  There are 7 pathways in AFNR. 1. Plant Systems 2. Animal Systems 3. Power, Structural, & Technical Systems 4. Natural Resources Systems 5. Environmental Service Systems 6. Agribusiness Systems 7. Food Products & Processing Systems

5 STATISTICS AND FACTS (2010)  506,199 members, aged 12-21 in 7,429 chapters  41% of FFA members are female. Women hold more than 50% of state leadership positions.  77% are Caucasian; 17% Hispanics, 4% African-American  89% of FFA members are in grades 9-12; 6% in grades 7-8 & 5% are high school graduates,  27% of FFA members live in rural, farm areas.  39% live in rural non-farm areas  34% live in urban and suburban areas.

6 STATISTICS AND FACTS (2010)  FFA chapters are in 11 of the 20 largest cities, including New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.  The top five membership states are Texas, California, Georgia, Oklahoma & Ohio.  51,338 FFA members, advisors and supporters attended the 75 th National FFA Convention.

7 STATISTICS AND FACTS (2010)  More than 11,000 teachers are involved in teaching Agriculture to students. a. 92% offer agriscience b. 71% offer advanced agriscience c. 59% offer agricultural mechanics d. 49% offer horticulture e. 43% offer animal science f. 24% offer environmental-related

8 AGSC TEACHERS (2001)  59% of qualified agricultural education graduates pursued teaching as a career.  Over 35 agriculture programs closed due to lack of a qualified teacher  More than 365 AGSC teachers teach in more than one school  23% of teachers have 5 or fewer years of teaching experiences The shortage of qualified agriculture teachers is the greatest challenge facing FFA and agricultural education.

9 Career Exploration  Members participate in a hands-on work experience (classwork & SAEP)  FFA members earn $4 billion annually through their hands-ons.  Members participate and learn advanced career skills in 50 proficiency areas based on hands-on experiences.  According to student magazine readership study, 87% are interested in learning about career exploration, 81% about college preparation and 81% about technology.  There are 23 national career development events offering hands-on.

10 INDUSTRY SUPPORT  Agriculture is the nation’s largest employer, with more than 22 million people working in some phase.  FFA prepares members for more than 300 careers in science, business and technology of agriculture.  National FFA Foundation has raised more $150 million for the National FFA Organization to support awards, scholarships.

11 AVERAGE ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES IN FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE (1995-2000)  14,353 – in Marketing, Merchandising and Sales Representatives  13,922—as Scientists, Engineers, and Related Specialists  5,613—as Managers & Financial Specialists  5,295—as Communication and Education Specialists  4,862– Social Service Professionals  3,873—Agricultural Production Specialists

12 TEXAS AGRICULTURE (2015)  Texas leads in the nation in cattle, cotton, hay, sheep, goats and mohair production, including value of farm real estate.  Texas leads in number of farms and ranches, with 248,800 farms/ranches covering 130.2 million acres.  Texas has more women and minority farm operations than any other state in the nation.  12% of Texas population resides in rural areas.  1

13 TODAY’S AGRICULTURE  Largest employer more than 22 million people working in some phase of agriculture.  2.19 million farms in US.  432 acres is the average size farm in US.  165,102 farms operated by women in the US.  99% of the farms/ranches are owned by individuals, family partnership or family corporations. .04% are owned by non-family corporation.

14 TEXAS AGRICULTURE (2015)  Texas leads in cattle, cotton, hay, sheep, goats, mohair production, including the value of real estate.  Texas leads the number of farm/ranches with 248,800 covering more than 130.2 million acres.  12% of the Texas population resides in rural areas.  1 of every 7 working Texans (14%) is in an agricultural-related job.  98.6% of Texas farms/ranches are family farms, partnerships or family-held corporation.  Average age of Texas farmers/ranches in 58 years.

15 DEFINITION: TEACHING Teaching is the art and science of directing the learning process. Educators meaning is “instruction that occurs in an educational institution”. This definition doesn’t fit agriculture education very well. Most agriculture learning takes place outside the walls of a school building.

16 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF AGSCIENCE TEACHERS  Being a school team member. (team player)  Planning & developing a program.(meet local needs)  Preparing to teach classes.(lesson plan)  Delivering instruction. (methods of delivery)  Evaluating student progress.(gradebook)  Advising student organizations (FFA)  Supervising student experiences (SAEP)  Managing resources. (budgets, facilities, equipment)

17 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF AGSCIENCE TEACHERS(continued)  Relating to publics. (relationships with parents, etc)  Practicing citizenship (life style)

18 THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY Remember: Agricultural education is a part of a larger school community. It is not carried out in isolation from other classes, teachers and students. School performs best when all members work together as a team.

19 COMMUNITY ELEMENTS  Administration - Board members, superintendent, principal, administrator of special programs.  Teachers -responsible for providing instruction and implementing the curriculum.  Counselors -assigning students schedules.  Extracurricular staff -athletics, music, drama, etc.  Special Services —librarians, special ed. teachers, etc.  Support Personnel – office, custodial, food service, transportation, maintenance & security staff.

20 STAKEHOLDER ELEMENTS Stakeholder is an individual or a group that has a stake or strong interest in an enterprise or program.  Family members.  Taxplayers  Businesses

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