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George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher You only get the X or O if you correctly Agree or Disagree with your celebrity’s.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher You only get the X or O if you correctly Agree or Disagree with your celebrity’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher You only get the X or O if you correctly Agree or Disagree with your celebrity’s answer. To play, click on a squares X or O, then Agree or Disagree with your celebrity’s answer. To see the correct answer, click on the button “Click here for the answer.” Double click to start playing! XX XXX XXX XOOO OOO OOO

3 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 1 - X Question: What holds the nucleotide bases together in DNA? Covalent Bonds 21 DisagreeAgree XXX XXX XXX O OOO O OOO O Hydrogen Bonds Click here for the answer

4 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 1- O Question: In DNA, Adenine always bonds with? Thymine 21 DisagreeAgree XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Thymine Click here for the answer

5 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 2 - X Question: What sugar is found in RNA? AgreeDisagree ribose XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Ribose Click here for the answer

6 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 2 - 0 Question: Name the process of copying the DNA code. AgreeDisagree Translation XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Transcription Click here for the answer

7 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 3- X Question: Name the protein that DNA is wrapped around in a chromosome AgreeDisagree Histone XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

8 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 3 - 0 Question: What is the name for the active form of a chromosome? AgreeDisagree Chromatin XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

9 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 4 -X4 -X Question: Adenine and Guanine are double ringed bases called: AgreeDisagree Purines XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

10 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 4 -O4 -O Question: Cytosine and thymine are single ringed molecules called: AgreeDisagree Pyrimidines XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

11 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 5 -X5 -X Question: How many amino acids does one base triplet (on the DNA) code for? AgreeDisagree Three XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO ONE Click here for the answer

12 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 5 -O5 -O Question: DNA replication results in two strands of DNA. Are these identical? AgreeDisagree NO! XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO YES! Click here for the answer

13 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 6 -X6 -X Question: Where does DNA always reside? Agree In the cytoplasm Disagree XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO In the nucleus Click here for the answer

14 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 6 -O6 -O Question: Unlike DNA, RNA contains which base? Agree Thymine Disagree XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Uracil Click here for the answer

15 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 7-X7-X Question: How many codons are needed to specify three Amino acids? AgreeDisagree Three XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

16 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 7- O Question: Genes code for assembling of what macro- molecule? AgreeDisagree Protein XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

17 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher Question: The order of nitrogen bases in DNA determines the order of what molecules in a protein? AgreeDisagree Peptides XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO 8-x Amino Acids Click here for the answer

18 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 8 - O Question: The triplet on a tRNA is called what? AgreeDisagree A codon XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Anti-codon Click here for the answer

19 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 9 - X Question: What sequence of mRNA would be Transcribed from The DNA sequence GGATTC? AgreeDisagree CCUAAG XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

20 George Washington LionThe Band VikingMe! Computerman MouseSurprise kidTeacher 9 - O Question: In DNA replication a strand with bases CCATTG produces what complimentary strand? AgreeDisagree GGTAAC XXX XXX XXX OOO O OOO OO Click here for the answer

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