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Thompson School District’s Elementary School Bully Prevention Program.

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1 Thompson School District’s Elementary School Bully Prevention Program

2  Kids are at school to learn – every second spent dealing with bully problems takes away from instructional time (students and teachers)  Kids need to feel safe to be able to completely focus on their studies  Thompson School District’s initiative to decrease elementary level bullying

3 “Bullying” Issues Labeling kids Generic intervention responses Over-emphasis on student responsibility for change Non-data based intervention decisions Too much attention on student, not enough on recipients

4  School Counselor will present lessons to students grades 1 st to 5 th (Kindergarten will also be covered with simplified 1 st grade lessons)  Students will learn skills to help address social problems and bullying  Teachers and other Ponderosa staff will be present during these lessons so that they hear the same message as the students and can reinforce the skills learned

5  The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book is a research based curriculum that presents lessons in 6 content areas:  Learning About Bullying  Bully Blocker Tools  Friendship Builders  Problem Solving  Respecting Differences  Confidence Boosters

6  1 st to 5 th graders will receive some training and instruction in each of the content areas, with extra time being devoted to different topics each year.

7  Lessons consist of discussion, writing, books, art work, role plays, practice, videos and other things  30 minute lessons will be delivered weekly for ½ of the school year (1 st & 3 rd quarter for some grades and 2 nd & 4 th quarter for the remainder)

8  What is bullying?  1 st Grade – 5 th Grade Definition  “Bullying is one-sided, intentional (on purpose) and repeated.”  “Bullying is when someone hurts, leaves out, or frightens someone else.”  Additional 4 th Grade – 5 th Grade Definition  “Bullying is when someone purposely threatens, leaves out, ridicules, spreads rumors, or makes offensive comments to someone else.”

9  2 Main Types of Bullying  Direct (face-to-face – pushing, hitting, name calling, etc.)  In-Direct (rumors, lies, leaving people out)

10  “It is always OK to report bullying. Bullying should always be reported to a grown-up when:  Someone is hurt or unsafe.  Someone is afraid.  Other plans have not worked.”

11  You have tried other strategies.  The bullying is harmful or repeated.  Go to a helpful grown-up, such as a teacher, staff member, playground aide, or principal.  Calmly tell the grown-up what happened.  Staff will take action and record the incident in the bully tracking book.

12  All students will sign a pledge stating:  I agree to not BULLY other students.  I will help students who are being BULLIED by speaking out and getting adult help.  I will include students who are left out.

13  All staff will be trained in how to respond to bully situations.  Staff will report bully situations and action taken in a “Bully Log Book”.


15  Pre/Post Tests for skills #1 & #2  Perception surveys will be given to students & staff  School Wide Information System (SWIS) Data regarding bullying will be used to determine if this program effectively decreases bullying problems

16  Pre/Post Test Data should show an increase in skills and knowledge regarding bullying and social issues  Student perceptions should show increased safety and decreased bullying at Ponderosa  SWIS should show decreases in bullying, fighting and harassment  As a result, students should have more “seat time” and academics should also show improvement


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