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Is My Kid Normal??? Information to help you better understand your child.

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Presentation on theme: "Is My Kid Normal??? Information to help you better understand your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is My Kid Normal??? Information to help you better understand your child

2 Do you really Know your 6 th grader? PHYSICALLY: On set of hormones and growth spurts. Some children mature faster than others. Increased appetite during growth spurts. Increased need for sleep.

3 Do you really Know your 6 th grader? COGNITIVELY: Developing new thinking skills. Beginning to combine logical thinking with abstract thinking. Practicing new thinking skills through humor and by arguing with parents and others (talking back).

4 Do you really Know your 6 th grader? EMOTIONALLY: Intense self focus and worrying about what others think of them. Increased desire for privacy. Frequent mood swings. Height of forgetfulness.

5 Do you really Know your 6 th grader? RELATIONSHIPS: Changes in parental patterns (setting more limits) leads to greater conflict (it is important to set those limits). Greater focus on peer friendships. It is normal to develop a small clique of friends. Often rebuffs physical affection (but still needs it). Increased interest in making own decisions. Parental listening skills and nurturing are still very important.

6 Information obtained from researchers at Oregon State University RECOMMENDED READING: Teach Your Child Well, by Madeline Levine

7 Organization Being organized this year can alleviate any anxiety that they may feel throughout the year. 1.To do this we can help with providing your child with the proper supplies. Our supply list is on our team website. 2.Finding a place where they can place their books, materials, and school related items in your home. Keep it safe from siblings and/or animals. 3.Cleaning out binders into files at home. 4.Cleaning out book bags once a week. 5.Organizing subject matter materials back into label folders/subject sections. 6.Talking to your child. Figure out what works for them.

8 Homework What your child should do: 1.Utilize 8 th periods. 2.Complete hardest subject first/prioritize. 3.Ask teachers for help. 4.Use time wisely. 5.Use Agenda book. 6.Use a checklist. 7.Ask questions. 8.Email teachers/check teacher sites. 9.Do NOT do homework past 9pm! Get sleep!

9 ATTENDANCE September is Attendance Awareness Month. Goal: To promote that attendance matters for success in school and life. “Make every day count!”

10 Attendance Matters… The Benefits: Attending school regularly can help children feel more confident about school and themselves. Attendance is an important life skill that will help your child graduate and secure a job in the future. Source:

11 DID YOU KNOW? Missing 10% (about 18 days) of school can drastically affect a student’s academic success. Excessive absences can cause anxious or negative feelings about school work. Source:

12 MY CHILD IS SICK… You may request work to be sent home after two sick days. Check the teacher web pages or have your child contact a homework buddy. Remind your child to take responsibility in meeting with the teachers to make-up the work missed.

13 WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP… Submit a family trip form one week prior. Remind your child to see the USA teachers to discuss how assignments will be made-up. After the trip, check-in with your child to make sure that all assigned work has been submitted on time.

14 FOR TIPS ON PROMOTING GOOD ATTENDANCE, VISIT: Be sure to check the attendance handout in your folder.

15 Team USA Discipline Policy - Follow the classroom rules. - Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all times. - Behaviors that distract others are not tolerated.

16 Consequences 1. Verbal warning(s) 2. Strike issued (parent signature required) 3. After earning 3 strikes, possible lunch detention and parents/teacher/counselor meet to discuss a behavior plan. 4. Referral to office for administration action.

17 Severe Behavior Severe behavior will result in a referral to the main office. Please refer to the Skyview Student Handbook for specific discipline examples/information.

18 Thank you for your support! Have a wonderful night! We look forward to an outstanding school year! - Team USA -

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