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++-++- Theodore Roosevelt's Life Long Story. Theodore was born in New York in 1858.

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1 ++-++- Theodore Roosevelt's Life Long Story

2 Theodore was born in New York in 1858.

3 Theodore graduated from Harvard University in 1880.

4 Theodore had a kid named Alice Lee in 1884.

5 Theodore's wife, Alice Lee, and mom, Martha Roosevelt, died on the same day in 1884.

6 Theodore married his second wife Edith Carow in 1886.

7 Theodore had his first boy named Theodore Jr. in 1887.

8 In 1891, he had a daughter. Her name was Ethel.

9 In 1898, he was elected Governor of New York.

10 Theodore was elected Vice President in 1901.

11 In 1901, he was elected President.


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