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Heather Sanchez Leanne Koenigs Roxanne Luchini Riverview School.

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Presentation on theme: "Heather Sanchez Leanne Koenigs Roxanne Luchini Riverview School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heather Sanchez Leanne Koenigs Roxanne Luchini Riverview School District Welcome! We are glad you are here. Please sign in, have a seat and make yourself comfortable.

2 Essential Questions  How does a Tiered System of Supports function to close the opportunity gap for learners?  How do effective school wide problem solving practices support an effective Tiered System of Supports?  How do school-based interventions support a Tiered System of Supports?

3 Common Agreements  Monitor Personal Technology.  Take Care of Yourself.  Monitor participation.

4  I feel comfortable with…  I’d like to learn more about…

5 Purpose of the Guidance Team

6 Disproportionality by ELL status  Researchers have suggested that it could take seven to ten years for ELLs to become proficient in academic English, who in many cases are misdiagnosed as having a learning disability (Cummins, 2002; Collier, 2004; Sullivan 2011).  The overrepresentation of ELLs assigned to special education services in U.S. schools may influence the quality of education in this country in the future. In the United States, the general education population grew by 7.2% to 49.5 million students in schools today. The English language learner population has grown from 3.5 million to 5.3 million, or by more than 51 percent in the past decade (National Clearing House for ELLs, 2011).  The dropout rates for English language learners are 15-20% higher than the overall number of non-English language learners. This lack of academic success is also the cause for referrals of English language learners to special education, which does not increase the rate of ELLs who graduate. Artiles and Ortiz (2002) suggest that English language learners with the least amount of language support are most likely to be referred to special education and less likely to graduate with a high school diploma


8 Disproportionality by Gender 

9 MTSS  Academic  Behavioral About MTSS  Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is defined as a whole-school, data-driven, prevention-based framework for improving learning outcomes for EVERY student through a layered continuum of evidence- based practices and systems.

10 Essential Components of MTSS There are Six Essential Components in the Multi- Tiered System of Supports framework:  Shared Leadership  Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making  Layered Continuum of Supports  Evidence Based Instruction, Intervention, and Assessment Practices  Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring  Family, School, and Community Partnering (FSCP) These components are not sequential and not hierarchical. They are complementary, and they are not mutually-exclusive.

11 Domain 1: Scheduling  Regularly scheduled for the school year.  All standing members invited to all meetings in August  Suggested twice per week Initial meeting Follow up meeting  GT Marathon if needed MTSS Components: Shared Leadership, Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making

12 Success/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

13 Domain 2: Team Composition  Strength in Diversity  Standing members: Counselor, Administrator, Literacy/Math Specialist, Psych, SPED teacher, teacher who sees multiple grade levels (Specialist or Elective)  Invited members: Parents, classroom teacher, any other pertinent staff that work with the student. MTSS Components: Shared Leadership, Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making, Family, School and Community Partnering (FCSP).

14 Successes/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

15 Domain 3: Referral Process/Initial Meeting  Conduct a team data review outside of teacher referrals.  Use a consistent referral form completed by teacher prior to meeting.  Utilize a point person to receive referrals and schedule meetings.  Use a consistent scheduling tool.  Note taker with template at meeting.  Rotate Facilitator at meeting.  Always start with the positive. MTSS Components: Shared Leadership, Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making, Family, School and Community Partnering (FCSP), Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention & Assessment Practices, Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring.

16 Successes/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

17 Domain 4: Interventions  What Works Clearing House  Intervention Central  PRIM  Flip Chart  Programmatic/Individualized MTSS Components: Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making, Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention & Assessment Practices, Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring, Layered Continuum of Supports.

18 Success/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

19 Domain 5: Progress Monitoring  Frequency/Duration of Intervention  Focused Intervention (prioritized)  Gap Analysis  Approx. 6 weeks (or at least three data points) prior to follow up  Progress monitoring can be teacher developed MTSS Components: Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making, Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention & Assessment Practices, Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring, Layered Continuum of Supports.

20 Successes/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

21 Domain 6: Follow Up & Adjustments  Every referral is followed up on for progress.  Three meetings with limited progress: What do we need to do differently?  Follow up Meeting notes added to original template  Tracking sheet updated  Tracking sent to next teacher/grade level team/next school at end of year MTSS Components: Shared Leadership, Data-Based Problem Solving and Decision Making, Family, School and Community Partnering (FCSP), Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention & Assessment Practices, Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring.

22 Successes/Challenges  Proud of!  Still working on…

23 Continuous Improvement (Lessons Learned)  Do everything possible to get parents at the meeting.  Prioritize area of intervention  Listen for child’s performance across settings  “We’ve been giving this kid help for two (three, four) years…and nothing is helping”…  Commonly presented concerns  Involve General Education teachers and families early and often

24 Enduring Understandings  How does a Tiered System of Supports function to close the opportunity gap for learners? A Tiered System of support provides a systematic approach to meeting the needs of all learners.  How do effective school wide problem solving practices support an effective Tiered System of Supports? Effective school wide practices ensure an efficient and effective problem-solving process.  How do school-based interventions support a Tiered System of Supports? School based interventions provide the means to target necessary intervention for students.

25 Document Resources  Guidance Team Referral Flow Chart Guidance Team Referral Flow Chart  Guidance Team Referral Form Guidance Team Referral Form  Guidance Team Meeting Template Guidance Team Meeting Template  Sample Intervention Checklist Sample Intervention Checklist  Sample Scheduling and Tracking Sample Scheduling and Tracking  ELL Critical Data Matrix ELL Critical Data Matrix

26 Action Planning  Resources needed  Structures to implement  Timeline  Professional Responsibility  Other?


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