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SectorAnnual Consumption (2011) GWh Large & medium (Industry & Commercial)4677 Small (Industry & Commercial)1167 Religious95 Domestic3980 Street Light105.

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2 SectorAnnual Consumption (2011) GWh Large & medium (Industry & Commercial)4677 Small (Industry & Commercial)1167 Religious95 Domestic3980 Street Light105 10024

3 Cumulative Consumption of Large & Medium (Industrial & Commercial Sectors) Projected saving is 375 GWh / annum considering 10% of energy consumption reduction (Equivalent to 3% of the overall national electricity consumption) Institutions – 5523 (80%) Consumption – 927 GWh (80%) Institutions – 5523 (80%) Consumption – 927 GWh (80%) Institutions – 1400 (20%) Consumption – 3737 GWh (80%) Institutions – 1400 (20%) Consumption – 3737 GWh (80%)









12 Daily Electricity Demand - 2012



15 Technology / ProcessAnnual Saving Potential - GWh Energy Labeling Program Ceiling Fans 35 Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 65 Ballasts 80 Refrigerators 16 Efficient lighting173 Air Conditioning250 ISO 50001 (1600 Institutions)375 Efficient motors and controls185 Building Management System (BMS)20 Efficient office equipments16 Solar water heaters5 Telecomunication11 Efficient air compressors11 Eliminating Incandescent Lamps 205 (225 MW) Green Buildings 550 Total 1991

16 Estimated budgetary requirement for 5 years is around LKR 1.2 billion. Estimated budgetary requirement for 5 years is around LKR 1.2 billion. Anticipated financial saving: Anticipated financial saving: - LKR 13 billion in the 1 st yr, will exceed LKR 34 billion at the 5 th yr, - Over a period of 5 years: Around LKR 135 billion. Estimated budgetary requirement for 5 years is around LKR 1.2 billion. Estimated budgetary requirement for 5 years is around LKR 1.2 billion. Anticipated financial saving: Anticipated financial saving: - LKR 13 billion in the 1 st yr, will exceed LKR 34 billion at the 5 th yr, - Over a period of 5 years: Around LKR 135 billion. IMPACT OF NATIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES 16 Source - National Energy Management Plan (EnMAP) 2012-2016

17 Energy Savings Achieved Projects Implemented Under National Energy Efficiency Award Scheme

18 Switching from fossil fuel to biomass Implementation of ISO 50001 Changing from Conventional to Green building 200 accredited energy managers are involving in implementation of EE activities in industrial sector Introduction of high efficient chillers Introduction of high efficient motors and VSDs. Introduction of sky lights Switching from T8 to T5 and high efficient LEDs Penetration of CFLs in domestic sector is more than 76%

19 Energy Labelling Programme Code of Practice for Energy Efficient Buildings kWh Energy Manager / Energy Auditor Regulation ISO 50001 Certification Recognition at national level for the involvement in energy conservation activities in both state sector and private sector organizations

20 Energy Management Program for Industrial and Commercial Sector Large Consumers – More than 600,000 kWh per Annum Appointing Energy Manager

21 Energy Management Program for Industrial and Commercial Sector Small & Medium Institutions – Less than 600,000 kWh per annum

22 Energy Management Program for Domestic Sector


24 Consumption by sectors SectorConsumption (%) Agro Industry Coconut Processing1.0 Rubber Processing1.2 Tea Processing3.7 Manufacturing Industry Major Industries in western Province 4.9 Brick9.1 Tile3.1 Lime4.0 HouseholdsCooking68.7 CommercialBakeries, Hotels2.4 Other Industries1.9 Total consumption – 13,156,000 MT

25 Total consumption – 2875 MT/Day

26 G Fuel 100% Flue Gas loss 10 – 12% Elect 15 – 30 % Mechanical Loss 2-5% Process Heat 60 - 75 % Steam Turbine Plant Type η elect % η Thermal % α Open Cycle 30 - 35 - Cogen Cycle 20 - 3080 - 850.4 – 0.5 Combi Cycle 40 - 451.0 – 1.3

27 Combustion chamber Saturated steam Supper heated steam Electricity Heat 1100 0 C 184 0 C 100 0 C 30 0 C Condensate

28 Cogeneration Applications Textile Plant Electricity + Heat for drying Tea Factory Electricity + Heat (Hot air) for drying & withering Tire Factory Electricity + Heat (steam) for curing Rubber Gloves Manufacturing Electricity + Heat (steam or thermic fluid) for curing Hotel, Hospitals Electricity + Hot water or Heat for generation of chilled water through absorption chiller Commercial Buildings Electricity + Heat for generation of chilled water through absorption chiller


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