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The effects of different coloured visual stimuli on Paracheirodon innesi in a fixed environment Taylor Brooks, James Holobow & Allyson MacDougall.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of different coloured visual stimuli on Paracheirodon innesi in a fixed environment Taylor Brooks, James Holobow & Allyson MacDougall."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of different coloured visual stimuli on Paracheirodon innesi in a fixed environment Taylor Brooks, James Holobow & Allyson MacDougall

2 Paracheirodon innesi Fresh water fish ●Native to streams in Colombia, Peru and Brazil ●Iridescent blue with red stripe ●Approximately 3 cm long

3 P. innesi Eyes ●Rod Pigments absorb λmax of 500-545 nm ●Melanosomes: organelles in pigment cells in eyes (melanins) ●Light response in the retina activates the migration of melanosomes and the elongation of cones (colour vision) ●Melanosomes and cones meld together to direct incoming light to the rods ●Spectral absorbance of melanosomes is ~ 480 nm

4 Iridophores ●Scales have alternating layers of guanine and cytosine ●Scatter light to a shine ●Minimal light exposure = ultraviolet/blue ●Great light exposure = green ●Respond to each other best in bright environments

5 Purpose ●Examine the response of different coloured stimuli in P. innesi ●P. innesi will stay in close proximity to colours that are within the wavelength range of 500-545 nm

6 Materials & Methods Experimental design was simple o Limited external variables Modelled fish blobs constructed of silicon sealant painted with nail polish o Red, yellow, green, blue, aqua Modelled fish were placed inside of a jar paired with an empty control jar at the opposing end of the aquarium

7 Materials & Methods Models were ~3 cm o intended to vaguely resemble real fish The aquarium was split into three sections o Control o Middle o Coloured Model

8 Materials & Methods 15 minute trials o Position recorded at 30 second intervals o Trials repeated with orientation of aquarium reversed o Repeated test 3 times  6 trials/colour

9 Results P. innesi preferred Green and Aqua systems most o Time spent next to model o Green (50.6%, SE ± 0.050) o Aqua (65.6%, SE ± 0.023)

10 Results

11 Discussion ●Aqua has a wavelength of ~ 480 nm, the same spectral absorbance as the melanosomes ●Blue and green were the second most popular and are on either side of the 480 nm on the wavelength spectrum ●Green was 2nd most popular and it’s on the higher end of the spectrum (500-545 nm)

12 Discussion Sources of error: ●Background stimuli ●Fish inconsistency/ Overuse ●Issues with our coloured model fish

13 Why is this Important? Knowing the most stimulating visual in P. innesi is important because it can give insight towards ●Schooling ●Mating ●Predator avoidance

14 Future Studies Use iridescent nail polish o Stimulate iridophores Compare coloured models against each other Use different fish species to compare light absorbances

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