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Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona SoCalGas Emerging Technology Program (ETP) 10 - ? 8 – Utility-based Technology Demonstration Programs Nate Taylor.

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1 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona SoCalGas Emerging Technology Program (ETP) 10 - ? 8 – Utility-based Technology Demonstration Programs Nate Taylor Technology Solutions and Market Development August, 2015

2 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 2 Definition of Emerging Technologies Develops a pipeline of new Energy Efficiency (EE) measures through “technology push and market pull.” SoCalGas’ ET Program is Focused on Advanced Natural Gas End-Use Technologies Major Drivers of the ETP: CPUC EE Program Decision California Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan AB 32 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Other California State Goals Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs): PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, & SoCalGas Municipal Utilities: LADWP, SMUD

3 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade CEC PIER Research SoCalGas RD&D Other Research Entities Emerging Technologies Program: Assessment, SFP, Demonstrations, Outreach Energy Efficiency Programs Rebate and Incentive Programs Building and Appliance Energy Codes 3 Energy Efficiency Technology Flow

4 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade ET Program Elements: 1.0Technology Development Support – Outreach and Technology and Business Incubation 2.0Technology Assessments (Field and lab) – Field and lab evaluations – Scaled Field Placements (SFP) – Market and Behavioral Studies 3.0Technology Implementation Support – Demonstration and Showcase Projects – TRIP solicitations Collaboration and Partnerships with: Customers and Industry Players 3rd Party, CPUC, and SCG internal evaluators Other Utilities and Municipalities Universities and Research Institutions 4 Tools and Activities

5 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 5 ETP Purpose & Main Functions ETP manages a portfolio of technologies that target efficiency and market transformation. –14 current residential projects (potential new measures: 1-2014, 7-2015) –15 current C&I technologies (potential new measures: 6-2014, 2-2015) Current Commercial and Industrial ETP Efforts C&I 1. Cypress Wireless Steam Trap Monitoring C&I 2. Rheem H2AC Heat Recovery C&I 3. PRSV (Pre-Rinse Spray Valves) Field Test C&I 4. Playa Vista Commercial Near-ZNE Showcase C&I 5. ENERGY STAR Fryers Scaled Field Placement C&I 6. Lang On-demand Stove-top Field Testing C&I 7. M2G Scaled Field Placement C&I 8. UC Davis WCEC Research of Gas Technologies: Condensing Furnaces in RTU C&I 9. UC Davis WCEC Research of Gas Technologies: Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump (GDHP) C&I 10. UC Davis WCEC Research of Gas Technologies: Polymer Bead Laundry C&I 11. Laundromat of the Future C&I 12. AMI-HAN Applications in Light Commercial Segment C&I 13. Food Service Cooking Equipment with PIER & GTI/FN Lab (a recent addition) C&I 14. Food Service Water Heating with PIER & GTI/FN Lab (a recent addition) C&I 15 Wahoo’s AQ3 Water Recycler Beta Testing

6 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Current Program Highlights 6

7 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 7 Current C&I Projects  C&I 2. Rheem H 2 AC Heat Recovery for Packaged RTUs Technology: Heat recovery by adding water cooled condenser coil to existing air cooled roof-top air conditioner units (RTUs) to preheat water for use in commercial kitchens Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Rheem H2AC RTU heat recovery system for commercial kitchen hot water preheating. Information on energy savings, functionality, and implementation will aid in developing a future program Deliverables: The project results will be presented in a final report aimed at informing future EE programs and market transformation. Findings/Timing: Field testing is underway at three restaurants, started in Q1 2014. Final report will be transferred in 2015.

8 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 8 Current C&I Projects  C&I 4. Play Vista Commercial Near-ZNE Showcase Technologies: Integrating a 75 kW micro-CHP, Tecogen engine, with a 62.5 kW solar PV system and 5 swimming pool heaters in a LEED Platinum facility; demonstrate energy generation and building end use in real-time using a dashboard and Internet Purpose: Showcase gas has an important role in reaching the commercial ZNE aspirational goals set by the CPUC; demonstrate gas can work and compliment renewable and electric technologies; by real example support the associated policy making and codes & standard issues; partnering with the LADWP ETP peers. Deliverables: Tecogen and dashboard to be installed; M&V to follow for 2 years. Findings/Timing: The installation will be completed in Q2 2015. M&V annual report in 2015 and 2016.

9 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 9 Playa Vista “Resort” Rendering

10 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 10 Current C&I Projects  C&I 5. ENERGY STAR Fryers Scaled Field Placement Technology: Scaled field placement; testing EnergyStar & low oil volume fryers that reduce natural gas use, extend life of oil, and reduce oil disposal costs Purpose: The project will determine the energy savings potential and market barriers to energy efficient fryers by conducting field evaluations of various models in 17 commercial kitchens. To accelerate market transformation. Deliverables: Final report on the findings of 17 field installations. Findings/Timing: Final report is delivered in Q1 2015. 3 additional sites are tested in 2015. Fryer rebate claims jumped from 209 in 2013 to 1,001 in 2014.

11 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 11 Current C&I Projects  C&I 6. Lang On-demand Stove-top Field Testing Technology: A new product, a commercial stove-top that automatically shuts off the burner when the cooking utensil is removed. Purpose: Field testing in 3 restaurants to determine the user behavior, market barriers, customer acceptance, and energy savings potential of the Lang 4- and 6-burner on-demand models. Deliverables: Final report can help manufacturer improve product, and inform potential EE programs for incentive applications. Findings/Timing: Preliminary results indicate about 20% savings. Field data collection is nearing completion. The final report was in Q4 2014.

12 KITCHEN OF THE FUTURE High-efficiency foodservice appliances Concept Summary – A comprehensive assessment and demonstration project will validate the energy savings of specific appliances at a commercial foodservice site and validate optimization techniques. Includes baseline measurement and operator feedback regarding cooking performance. SCG Market and Potential – Segment: Commercial (food service – new and retrofit) – Average Energy Savings: TBD – Market Potential: Restaurants account for 28% of all commercial sector gas use (CEUS 2006); EE adoptions uncommon – Non-energy Benefits: Reduced HVAC system loads, occupant comfort, reduced emissions Market and Project Development – Project Cost: ≈ $100,000 – Installed Cost: ≈ $50-100,000 per site – Market Risk & Barriers: Upfront cost (industry purchases driven by equipment price) – Payback: ≈ 2-5 years Technology Overview – Competing Manufacturers: Various – Time to Market: Currently available; energy efficient options available for most types of foodservice appliances – Risk Factors: None identified Potential Approach & Program Synergies – GTI ETP project – Field study and demonStion – duration: 1 year 12 »Savings Stegies  High-efficiency appliances save kitchen gas Horizon 1 year

13 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 13 Current C&I Projects  C&I 11. Laundromat of the Future Technology: Multiple emerging measures integrated to a commercial laundry facility. Purpose:. To showcase and demonstrate integrated solutions, and energy savings potential of this commercial laundry washer technology. Deliverables: Final report detailing market and technology assessment along with field test results. To conduct workshops for the industry owners and operators. To collaborate with the LADWP ETP peers. Findings/Timing: The planning is in progress. Planning may start in 2015.

14 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 14 Contacts A. Y. Ahmed (213) 244-5308 Joe Shiau (213) 244-4130 Nate Taylor (213) 244-4307 Aline Dew (213) 244-8222

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