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Published byLynne Moody Modified over 9 years ago
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 1 UCB, February 26, 2004 THEMIS T IME H ISTORY OF E VENTS AND M ACROSCALE I NTERACTIONS DURING S UBSTORMS RESOLVING THE MYSTERY OF WHERE, WHEN AND HOW AURORAL ERUPTIONS START THEMIS Instrument CDR Peer Review – Thermal Material April 19 - 20, 2004 University of California, Berkeley
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 2 UCB, February 26, 2004 UCB Thermal Peer Review THEMIS Instrument CDR - Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 3 UCB, February 26, 2004 Launch Probe Carrier Assembly (PCA) on Delta 3 rd Stage Five Identical probes launched on a Delta II Coordinated but independent probe release ADAMS Dispense Model Dynamic Simulation Image Must design for any launch date Must design for all solar aspect angles
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 4 UCB, February 26, 2004 Probe Design Simple Single string design Power positive most attitudes with instruments off (launch, safe hold modes) Top to sun is slightly power negative Passive thermal design tolerant of longest shadows (3 hours) Passive spin stability achieved in all nominal and off-nominal conditions Monoprop blow down RCS (propulsion) system is self balancing on orbit
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 5 UCB, February 26, 2004 THEMIS Instruments Eight Deployed Instruments Two 5m spin axis booms (AXB) Four 20m spin plane wire booms (SPB) One 1m spin plane boom (SCM) One 2m spin plane boom (FGM) Two Fixed Instruments Corner panel mounted SST ESA mounted to the IDPU which mounts to bottom deck
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 6 UCB, February 26, 2004 Mission Orbits ProbeOrbital PeriodOrbit Geometry Prior to First Year Tail Season 14 d1.500 x 31.645 Re at 7.0° 22 d1.168 x 19.770 Re at 7.0° 31 d1.200 x 12.019 Re at 9.0° 41 d1.200 x 12.019 Re at 9.0° 54 / 5 d1.350 x 10.042 Re at 9.0° Synchronized orbits align in the geotail over North America in winter Phase into a long eclipse season approximately 30 days long Maximum eclipse < 180 min
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 7 UCB, February 26, 2004 Thermal Responsibilities Probe Bus and Probe Carrier Assembly thermal design / analysis - Swales Aerospace Instrument thermal design / analysis - UC Berkeley RCS thermal design / analysis - RCS Contractor Integrated Probe Bus and Instrument thermal analysis - Swales Aerospace Integrated Probe Carrier Assembly thermal analysis - Swales Aerospace Instrument and Instrument Suite level thermal testing - UC Berkeley Probe level thermal testing - Swales Aerospace
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 8 UCB, February 26, 2004 Instrument Introduction Radial EFI (Electric Field Instrument) or SPB (Spin Plane Boom) deploys EFI sensor and preamp on a wire Axial EFI or AXB (AXial Boom) deploys an EFI sensor and preamp on a coiled rigid stacer SST - Ion and electron Solid State Telescope ESA - ion and electron ElectroStatic Analyzer IDPU - Instrument Data Processing Unit FGM - FluxGate Magnetometer SCM - Search Coil Magnetometer
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 9 UCB, February 26, 2004 Design Approach THEMIS will use passive thermal control techniques Heat dissipating boxes are coupled radiatively and/or conductively to the spacecraft Components mounted on the exterior of the spacecraft are isolated and/or use low e finishes or blankets to minimize bus heat loss –SST emittance tailored to meet ideal science requirements Internal box finishes chosen to assist heat transfer between probe top and bottom deck for top deck to sun case Heaters designed for 50% or below duty cycle in coldest case
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 10 UCB, February 26, 2004 Interfaces InterfaceMaterial SST to ProbeULTEM Isolators SPB to ProbeULTEM Isolators IDPU to ProbeULTEM Isolators ESA to IDPUBare Bolted FGM to boomG10 Isolators SCM to boomPEEK structure AXB Tube to top deckULTEM Isolators AXB Tube to bottom deckBare bolted AXB to AXB TubeBare bolted Boom to ProbeULTEM isolators Boom Release Towers to Probe ULTEM isolators
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 11 UCB, February 26, 2004 Design Margins Thermal Analysis results must be 5 degrees inside limits Acceptance tests will be 10 degrees outside of predictions Qualification tests will be 10 degrees outside of limits Heater duty cycle will be 50% or less in coldest case Max Predict Op Limits Min Predict >5°C 10°C Qualification Acceptance
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 12 UCB, February 26, 2004 MRD REQUIREMENTTHERMAL DESIGN M-26. THEMIS shall survive and performed as designed under worst-case thermal conditions Compliance. Worst-case hot and cold conditions used in thermal analysis and design. IN-1. The Instrument Payload shall be designed for at least a two-year lifetime Compliance. 2-year EOL numbers used in thermal analysis and design. IN-2. The Instrument Payload shall be designed for a total dose environment of 33 krad/year Compliance. Radiation environment considered in thermal design. IN-20, -21, -22. The Instrument Payload shall be compatible per (all) ICDs Compliance. Thermal limits and interface requirements documented in ICDs… IN-16 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the Magnetics Cleanliness standard described in the THEMIS Magnetics Cleanliness Plan Compliance. THM-SYS-002 Magnetics Contamination Control Plan. Heaters will be magnetically clean, power/return wires will be twisted. IN-17 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the THEMIS Electrostatic Cleanliness Plan Compliance. THM-SYS-003 Electrostatic Cleanliness Plan signed off. Thermal blankets and all other exposed surfaces will be sufficiently conductive and have sufficiently dense grounding networks. IN-18 The Instrument Payload shall comply with the THEMIS Contamination Control Plan Compliance. THM-SYS-004 Contamination Control Plan signed off. Thermal blankets will be baked out. Thermal Requirements
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 13 UCB, February 26, 2004 Analysis Tools Geometry Model Thermal Desktop 4.5 / AutoCAD 2000 –Same version as Swales counterpart Equation Solver SINDA/FLUINT 4.5 –Same version as Swales counterpart Simplified Node Analysis Excel Spreadsheet
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 14 UCB, February 26, 2004 Thermal Desktop Models UCB node, variable, Thermophysical and optical properties all uniquely named to prevent collisions Model definition files transferred to Swales for integration into probe model
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 15 UCB, February 26, 2004 Spacecraft Environment Solar Flux varies from a high of 1425 W/m 2 to a low of 1287 W/m 2 Earth IR varies from a high of 261 W/m 2 to a low of 209 W/m 2 Earth Albedo varies from a high of 0.35 to a low of 0.16
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 16 UCB, February 26, 2004 Conductors A single conductance value or a conductance range is determined through analysis. If a range is determined, (mostly for contact cases) this is used for hot and cold cases If a single conductance value was determined than it is multiplied by 1.5 and 0.5 to determine the high and low values to use Whether to use the high or low conductance is determined by the model and the case, though it is usually the max estimate
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 17 UCB, February 26, 2004 Example Conductors
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 18 UCB, February 26, 2004 Isolated Joint Conductance
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 19 UCB, February 26, 2004 EOL and BOL Values
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 20 UCB, February 26, 2004 AO Effects Minimum height at perigee = 1.108 Re = 700 km altitude, AO evaluation continuing but expected to be small for ITO-FEP-Ag All final material properties will be submitted to GSFC thermal coatings group for approval
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 21 UCB, February 26, 2004 Nodal capacitance is adjusted to match current best estimate of mass Blanket effective emittance SPB Cold case uses 0.05, Hot case uses 0.01 SCM and FGM, Cold case uses 0.1, Hot case uses 0.03 Thermophysical Properties
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 22 UCB, February 26, 2004 Limit Categories Science Operation Limit –Limits placed on an operating instrument –Specifies the range of temperatures the instrument will be calibrated to Eclipse Operation Limit –Limits placed on an operating instrument –May represent a wider (cooler) range that is acceptable to components –Temperatures beyond Science Op Limit need not be calibrated to Survival Limit –Limits placed on a non operating instrument Pre-Deployment Limit –Limits placed on a mechanical system before it is actuated Deployment Limit –Limits placed on a mechanical system at the time of actuation Post-Deployment Limit –Limits placed on a mechanical system after it has executed its one-time deployment
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 23 UCB, February 26, 2004 Science vs. Eclipse Limits Science will not be collected during the deepest eclipses Science cases currently cut off at 100 min eclipse
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 24 UCB, February 26, 2004 Limits
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 25 UCB, February 26, 2004 Boundary Condition Case Sets Instrument thermal models coupled to the deck temperature boundary conditions provided by Swales
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 26 UCB, February 26, 2004 Swales P1 Orbit Cold Case Longest eclipse occurs in P1 orbit Top tilted toward the sun 13 Degrees BOL Optical Properties Solar Flux = 1287 W/m 2 Earth IR = 209 W/m 2 Blanket e* =.05 Dissipation 24 W
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 27 UCB, February 26, 2004 Swales P4 Orbit Hot Case No eclipse in the P4 orbit Top tilted away from the sun 13 Degrees EOL Optical Properties Solar Flux = 1425 W/m 2 Earth IR = 265 W/m 2 Earth Albedo = 0.35 Blanket e* =.01 Dissipation 27.4 W Transmitter on for 30 min at perigee
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 28 UCB, February 26, 2004 Summary of Swales Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 29 UCB, February 26, 2004 Boundary Temperature Inputs
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 30 UCB, February 26, 2004 General UCB Case Sets “CBE” is current best estimate Actual Case sets differ by instrument any modifications and additional case sets will be discussed in the instrument section
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 31 UCB, February 26, 2004 EFI Axial Booms Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 32 UCB, February 26, 2004 Axial Boom Stowed Axial Boom (AXB) Two units mount inside a carbon fiber tube centrally mounted on the probe Tube attached to the top deck through an aluminum flange that is bare bolted Bare bolted to lower deck Two stacers, one from each unit, deploy out the tube ends AXB Mounting Tube Single AXB unit
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 33 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB / Map 80% Alum Foil Tape 20% Bare Carbon Fiber Bare Carbon Fiber Alodined Aluminum VDA Tape
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 34 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Model Inputs Optical materials –Aluminum Foil Tape –Bare Carbon Fiber –Alodined Aluminum Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –K13D2U Carbon Fiber –T300 Carbon Fiber Heaters –None used at this time, though we are prepared to supply deployment heaters if needed Conductors –Bare bolted top flange to deck: 0.612 W/C inc. bolts, flange, and adhesive –Bare bolted bottom flange to deck: 3.3 W/C each, 20 W/C total –Bare bolted AXB to Tube mount: 0.79 W/C each, 0.476 total Power Dissipation –0 Watts AXB Mounting Tab
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 35 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Case sets Bottom to sun a cold case boundary condition has no eclipse All above cases run separately with stowed boom and deployed boom
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 36 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Mechanical Unit Standard Plots - Deployed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 37 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Mechanical Unit Sunline Plots - Deployed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 38 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Mechanical Unit Standard Plots - Stowed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 39 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Mechanical Unit Sunline Plots - Stowed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 40 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 41 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Mounting Tube Modifications Spacecraft was consuming too much power in the coldest, but nominal, science case ~2.2 W To help mitigate this issue two modifications are being considered for the AXB Mounting tube Tube construction switched from all T300 ( 5 W/mK) fiber to 4 plys K13D2U (500 W/mK) + 2 plys T300 Tube exterior changed from blanket to a mix of Foil tape and bare carbon Current results show the AXB unit getting too hot and we are currently exploring options to cool it down Increase isolation between AXBs and tube Isolate tube flange from top deck At worst, cool the tube down by reducing the percentage of foil tape When the design is complete it will be within limits though new temperatures may require the thermal vac hot deploy test be repeated at a new higher temperature
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 42 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Temp Map for Hottest Case
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 43 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Temp Map for Coldest Case
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 44 UCB, February 26, 2004 Axial Boom Deployed AXB “can” AXB PreAmp Exposed Bit After Deploy
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 45 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Geometry Model Deployed Stacer Model
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 46 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Deployed Elements / Map DAG 154Alodined Aluminum DAG 213 Bronze
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 47 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Model Inputs Optical materials –Acheson Coloids DAG 213 (2 part) –Acheson Coloids DAG 154 –Alodined Aluminum –Bronze Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –Bronze –Elgiloy –PEEK Heaters –None Conductors –Main Stacer to Tip Piece, 1 rivet and circumferential contact,.3 < G <.9 W/C –Tip Piece To Bronze DDAD Lock, Large threaded interface, 10 W/C –DDAD Lock to PreAmp, large threaded bolt 3.57 W/C –PreAmp to Mini Stacer, 1 rivet and circumferential contact.3< G <.8 W/C –Mini Stacer to Can, 1 rivet, 0.3 W/C Power Dissipation –0.07 Watts Nominal at Preamp AXB Preamp
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 48 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Deployed Elements Case Sets Top and Bottom to sun cases after deployment are limited to no less than 11 degrees off the sun line The Model for the Top and Bottom to Sun cases goes through a 180 min eclipse. A 100 min eclipse is the actual limit and is shown in plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 49 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Boom Elements Standard Plots - Deployed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 50 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Boom Elements Sunline Plots - Deployed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 51 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Preamp Results Table Science operation limited to a 36 min eclipse Current predicts show Preamp falling below the limit on the TO99 can.
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 52 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Preamp Qualification AXB Preamp model is currently a simple lump with the proper radiative surfaces Thermal isolation of the TO-99 from the outer shell is complicated and difficult to reliably model Thermal Vacuum test planned determine the thermal isolation of the TO-99 from the preamp outer surface (April 12 th – April 23 rd ) This thermal isolation determined by test will be input into the thermal model to determine a reliable qualification temperature, still likely to be under the current qualified temp of –65
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 53 UCB, February 26, 2004 AXB Preamp Models
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 54 UCB, February 26, 2004 EFI Spin Plane Booms Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 55 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB 4 separate units mounted to the bottom deck Snout pokes out the solar panel Sphere and Preamp deploy out the snout on a wire (Half Sphere shown in picture) Sphere and preamp separate as rotation unwinds a thin wire from a spring loaded wheel
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 56 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB / Map AZ 2000 IECW Inorganic White Paint MLI Alodined Aluminum
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 57 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Model Inputs Optical materials –Germanium Black Kapton (Sheldahl 275XC Black Kapton) –Alodined Aluminum –AZ 2000 IECW Inorganic White Paint –Blanket:.01 < <.05 Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –ULTEM Heaters –None used at this time, though we are prepared to supply deployment heaters if needed Conductors –1/8” Ultem isolators for top deck: 0.01 W/C each, 0.04 W/C total Power Dissipation –0 Watts
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 58 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 59 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Mechanical Unit Standard Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 60 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Mechanical Unit Sunline Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 61 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 62 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Heat Map for Coldest Case
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 63 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Heat Map for Hottest Case
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 64 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Deployed Elements Preamp and sphere are connected by a thin wire Preamp is connected to SPB deployment unit by another wire Preamp is nearly identical to Axial version Sphere is only a mechanical element Titanium Nitride DAG 213
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 65 UCB, February 26, 2004 Preamp and Sphere Analysis
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 66 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Sphere and Preamp Model Nodes 3 and 4 are for the sphere hot and cold cases Nodes 5 and 6 are for the preamp hot and cold cases As with the axial preamp the SPB preamp falls below its limit by a bit. Qualification plan is in the works
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 67 UCB, February 26, 2004 SPB Sphere and Preamp Plot
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 68 UCB, February 26, 2004 Flux Gate Magnetometer and Boom Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 69 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Two carbon fiber tubes joined by an elbow hinge Frangibolt release on the base hinge Elbow hinge is capture only, no release
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 70 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Geometry Model FGM Model Deployed Stowed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 71 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM / Map MLI 30% AZ2000IECW White Paint 70% VDA Tape = 0.5 to 0.9 AZ2000IECW White Paint Alodined Aluminum on Undersides
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 72 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Model Inputs Optical materials –MLI –Vapor Deposited Aluminum Tape –AZ 2000 IECW White Paint –Alodined Aluminum Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –M55J –ULTEM –Dexter Hysol 9349 Heaters –None in current model though provisions have been made for deployment heaters if needed and it looks like we will need them. Conductors –Deck Hinge ULTEM isolators, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each –Conductance through deck hinge, 0< G <.02 W/C –Conductance through adhesive to boom tube, 6.6 W/C –Conductance through adhesive at elbow hinge, 4.9 W/C –Conductance through elbow hinge, 0< G < 0.04 W/C –Conductance through adhesive to Sensor, 3.3 W/C –G10 Isolation mounts at FGM sensor, 0.01 W/C –Elbow Latch Tower ULTEM isolators, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each Power Dissipation –0 Watts Nominal Elbow Hinge
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 73 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Case Sets Identical case sets to the SCM * UCB model eclipse time, boundary conditions do not yet include eclipse
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 74 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Deployed – Nominal Plot
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 75 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Deployed – Top and Bottom to Sun Plot
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 76 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Stowed – Nominal Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 77 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 78 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Deployed Coldest Heat Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 79 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Deployed Hot Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 80 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Stowed Coldest Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 81 UCB, February 26, 2004 FGM Stowed Hottest Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 82 UCB, February 26, 2004 Search Coil Magnetometer and Boom Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 83 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Model Carbon Fiber boom mounted on the top deck Frangibolt activated deployment Sensor mounted in PEEK structure
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 84 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Geometry Model SCM Model Deployed Stowed
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 85 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM / Map MLI 30% AZ2000IECW White Paint 70% VDA Tape = 0.5 to 0.9 AZ2000IECW White Paint Alodined Aluminum on Undersides
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 86 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Model Inputs Optical materials –MLI –Vapor Deposited Aluminum Tape –AZ 2000 IECW White Paint –Alodined Aluminum Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –M55J –ULTEM –Dexter Hysol 9349 Heaters –None in current model though provisions have been made for deployment heaters if needed and it looks like we will need them. Conductors –Deck Hinge ULTEM isolators, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each –Conductance through deck hinge, 0< G <.02 W/C –Conductance through adhesive to boom tube, 6.6 W/C –Conductance through adhesive to Sensor, 3.3 W/C –PEEK isolation of SCM sensor, 0.01 W/C –Release Tower ULTEM isolators, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each Power Dissipation –0 Watts Nominal Deck Hinge
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 87 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 88 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Deployed – Nominal Plot Deployed SCM Plot, Nominal Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 89 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Deployed – Top and Bottom to Sun Plot Deployed SCM Plot, Top and Bottom to Sun
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 90 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Stowed – Nominal Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 91 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Plot Cross Tube Temp Differentials Cross-Tube Temperature Differentials
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 92 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Plot Axial Temperature Differentials Axial Temperature Differentials
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 93 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 94 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Deployed Coldest Heat Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 95 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Deployed Hot Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 96 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Stowed Coldest Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 97 UCB, February 26, 2004 SCM Stowed Hottest Temperature Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 98 UCB, February 26, 2004 Solid State Telescope Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 99 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Mounts directly to the corner panel on three 1/8 inch isolators Has four open apertures that are sometimes obscured by attenuators Must operate at 10 Deg C or less
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 100 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Geometry Model Alodined Aluminum AZ 2000 IECW Ebanol Black Body / Alodined Aluminum
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 101 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Model Inputs Optical materials –Ebanol –AZ 2000 IECW White Paint –Alodined Aluminum Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –ULTEM Heaters –Two 5 watt heaters per sensor head controlled by redundant thermostats –Set points –50 and -42 Conductors –3 ULTEM isolators to corner panel, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each Power Dissipation –0.135 W Watts Nominal per Sensor
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 102 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 103 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST – Nominal Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 104 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST – Top and Bottom to Sun Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 105 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 106 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST – Coldest Heat Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 107 UCB, February 26, 2004 SST Hottest Heat Map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 108 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA – IDPU – SCM Preamp Thermal Christopher Smith Thermal Engineer 510-642-2461
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 109 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA – IDPU – SCM Preamp ESA IDPU SCM Preamp (Mounted on Back) ESA Support Bracket ESA and IDPU mounted together to conserve shielding / weight SCM Preamp mounted to IDPU to share heat
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 110 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU / Map Alodined Aluminum Black Anodized Aluminum
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 111 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU Model Inputs Optical materials –Black Anodized Aluminum –Alodined Aluminum Thermophysical materials –Aluminum, 6061 –ULTEM Heaters –Survival Heater Conductors –IDPU, 6 ULTEM isolators to bottom deck, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each –Bare Bolted ESA to IDPU,9.8 W/C –ESA Brace to bottom deck, 2 ULTEM isolators, 0.0078 < G <.0133 W/C each –Bare bolted SCM Preamp to IDPU, 5.6 W/C ESA Brace
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 112 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU Model Inputs - Power Power Dissipation THM-SYS-009 Rev O, Apr 04
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 113 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU Case Sets
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 114 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU – Nominal Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 115 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU – Top and Bottom to Sun Plots
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 116 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU Results Table
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 117 UCB, February 26, 2004 ESA-IDPU Coldest Temperature map
THEMIS Instrument Thermal Peer Review 118 UCB, February 26, 2004 EAS-IDPU Hottest Temperature Map
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