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Pat James Hanz July 6, 2009 For audio call Toll Free 1 - 888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 731522 How Do You Know Who Your Students Really Are? Facing Authentication.

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Presentation on theme: "Pat James Hanz July 6, 2009 For audio call Toll Free 1 - 888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 731522 How Do You Know Who Your Students Really Are? Facing Authentication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pat James Hanz July 6, 2009 For audio call Toll Free 1 - 888-886-3951 and use PIN/code 731522 How Do You Know Who Your Students Really Are? Facing Authentication Regulations

2 Maximize your CCC Confer window. Mute your phone (*6) if you have visitors or noise in your office. Please note phone audio may be in presenter-only mode. Ask questions over the phone when the presenter prompts. Ask questions throughout presentation via the chat window. Turn on or off Closed Captioning by clicking on the icon. Save the presentation or chat by clicking on the icon. Vote Yes or No by using the icon. Housekeeping

3 How to use VoIP 1) To listen, adjust your speaker volume (left bottom of window) 2) To speak youll need a microphone or USB headset. a) First, run the audio wizard Tools/Audio/Audio Setup Wizard. b) Second, press on the mic icon when it is free (release when finished speaking)

4 To Send Chat Messages Type your message and click Send or Enter on your keyboard.

5 To Turn On Closed Captioning Click to open the Closed-Captioning text window

6 Emoticons! Let everyone know how you feel about the presentation. Click on one of the emoticons.

7 Authentication: Do you know who your students really are? A conversation about ideas.

8 The Issue: Higher Education Opportunities Act 2008 Section 495 of the HEOA 2008: (ii) the agency or association requires an institution that offers distance education or correspondence education to have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes and receives credit for the course.

9 What did we do?


11 Clarification, please. The Conferees [legislators] expect institutions that offer distance education to have security mechanisms in place, such as identification numbers or other pass code information required to be used each time the student participates in class time or coursework on-line. As new identification technologies are developed and become more sophisticated, less expensive and more mainstream, the Conferees anticipate that accrediting agencies or associations and institutions will consider their use in the future. JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE:


13 1)Requires institutions to verify the identity of a student who participates in class or coursework by using, at the option of the institution, methods such as – (i) A secure login and pass code; (ii) proctored examinations; and (iii) New or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification; (2) Makes clear in writing that institutions must use processes that protect student privacy and notify students of projected additional student charges associated with verification of student identity, if any, at the time of registration or enrollment. Final Language says we have options. Higher Education Act 602.17 Application of standards in reaching an accreditation decision.

14 What??? Translation: We dont have to employ invasive measures and the accreditation agencies have to ensure that colleges have processes established that ensure that the student we registered is the student taking the course. We have do develop processes! We have to adopt the processes! They have to be written down someplace! (Evidence) Everyone has to follow them!

15 What will be asked in Accreditation? Has authentication of student identity been a common institutional practice to date? In Policy: Is it treated separately or as part of academic honesty/integrity policies. In Practice: Is authentication left to the individual instructors discretion and responsibility, or is done or enforced by institutionally mandated practices? Have Evidence Stolen shamelessly from Barbara Benos presentation….

16 What do I think we shouldnt be discussing?

17 Secure Exam Remote Proctor!

18 Acxiom

19 What should we be discussing? Strategies that promote Academic Integrity Online Cheating in all classes Good teaching – Resource: WCET Resources including Best Practice Strategies and Examples of Institutional Practices and Policies:

20 What do you think? (resources to follow)

21 WCET to the rescue! Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications Webinars and Presentations Discussions: DE Coordinators, ETAC, ASCCC Resources: – WCET Resources including Best Practice Strategies and Examples of Institutional Practices and Policies: – American Council on Education: Nice Analysis: newsletters/p2p/ACE_HEA_analysis_818.pdf newsletters/p2p/ACE_HEA_analysis_818.pdf – Rule Making: – Presentation by Barbara Beno eno.pdf eno.pdf – Presentation by Laurie McNabb mcnabb.pdf mcnabb.pdf

22 Patricia James Dean of Library and Technology (Distance Education, too!) And Co-Director of @ONE 951 639 5440 Q&A

23 Evaluation Survey Link

24 Thanks for Attending For upcoming desktop seminars and links to recently archived seminars, check the @ONE Web site at:

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