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What’s In A Brain? Wake me up before you go go… Clinically Speaking “Hey, I know you” Much Too Young Artifactural Digest 333333 5 4 2 111111 22222 44444.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s In A Brain? Wake me up before you go go… Clinically Speaking “Hey, I know you” Much Too Young Artifactural Digest 333333 5 4 2 111111 22222 44444."— Presentation transcript:



3 What’s In A Brain? Wake me up before you go go… Clinically Speaking “Hey, I know you” Much Too Young Artifactural Digest 333333 5 4 2 111111 22222 44444 55555

4 “What’s In A Brain?” ssss s ss ssss xx What is the name of the lobe shaded purple?

5 Temporal Lobe

6 This consists of three parts: pons, medulla, and midbrain “What’s In A Brain?”

7 Brainstem

8 “What’s In A Brain?” x x x x x x x The purpose of this material is to protect the axon from injury.

9 Myelin Sheath

10 “What’s In A Brain?” This structure receives and serves as a relay for sensory signals to the cerebral cortex.

11 Thalamus

12 “What’s In A Brain?” This cranial nerve branches to make the opthamalic, maxillary and mandibular nerves.

13 Trigeminal Nerve

14 “Wake me up before you go go…”

15 Vertex Waves

16 “Wake me up before you go go…”

17 Sleep Spindles

18 “Wake me up before you go go…”

19 K-Complex

20 “Wake me up before you go go…”


22 “Wake me up before you go go…” What stage of sleep is this patient in?

23 R.E.M.

24 “Clinically Speaking” The Patient is an 89 year old male with a hx of end stage renal disease. What pattern is shown?

25 Triphasic Waves

26 “Clinically Speaking”

27 Burst Suppression

28 “Clinically Speaking”

29 Generalized Periodic Epileptiform Discharges (GPEDs)

30 “Clinically Speaking” Pt is a 10 month old infant male born at term who is noted as having jerking of the upper and lower extremities.

31 Hypsarrhythmia

32 “Clinically Speaking”

33 Status Epilepticus

34 “Hey, I Know You”


36 “Hey, I Know You”

37 Photic Driving Response

38 “Hey, I Know You”

39 Hypnagogic Hypersynchrony

40 “Hey, I Know You”

41 Left Focal Slowing

42 “Hey, I Know You”

43 Alpha Attenuation from Eye Opening/Closing

44 “Much Too Young”

45 Trace’ Alternant

46 “Much Too Young”

47 Delta Brush

48 An otherwise healthy infant of 41 weeks' postconceptional age with episodes of arm and leg extension without EEG correlates. Note the irregular respirations; frequent eye movements on EOG; and a mixed pattern of delta, theta, and alpha frequency activity. “Much Too Young”

49 Active Sleep

50 An infant of 24 weeks' gestational age at age 4 weeks with an intraventricular hemorrhage and left shoulder twitching. Periods of alternating high-voltage mixed frequencies and periods of voltage suppression are normal findings before 28-30 weeks' postconceptional age. “Much Too Young”

51 Trace Discontinu

52 An infant of 40 weeks' postconceptional age with a left middle cerebral artery infarction and intermittent posturing and hyperextension of the neck. Background activity demonstrates attenuation of delta and fast activity on the left indicative of a structural lesion on the left. “Much Too Young”

53 Focal Voltage Attenuation

54 “Artifactural Digest”

55 EMG (Muscle)

56 “Artifactural Digest”

57 Eye Movement

58 “Artifactural Digest”

59 60 Hz Interference

60 “Artifactural Digest”

61 Impedance - Electrode

62 “Artifactural Digest”

63 Unilateral Eye Movement of a Patient with a glass eye

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