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英華女學校 Ying Wa Girls’ School 中五學生升學輔導講座 S5 Careers Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "英華女學校 Ying Wa Girls’ School 中五學生升學輔導講座 S5 Careers Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 英華女學校 Ying Wa Girls’ School 中五學生升學輔導講座 S5 Careers Conference

2 The school offers: 3 classes of S6 -6A and 6B for for Arts and commercial students -6S for Science students Subjects offered: Arts stream: 5 Advanced Supplementary (AS level)subjects 6 Advanced level (AL) subjects Science Stream : 2 AS and 4 AL subjects

3 For Arts Stream 5 AS subjects : Compulsory: 1. 中國語文及文化 2. English Language Optional: 3. 中國歷史 4. History 5. Mathematics and Statistics** **minimum CE grade – Grade C in Maths/Add.Maths

4 6 AL Subjects (Optional) 1. 中國文學 / 2. English Literature 3. Principles of Accounts / 4. G.P.A. 5. Economics 6. Geography

5 In addition to the 2 AS language Subjects: You may choose either: 2 AL + 1 AS subjects ; or 3 AL subjects

6 For Science Stream 2 AS subjects : Compulsory: 1. 中國語文及文化 2. English Language

7 4 AL subjects : Compulsory: 1. Physics 2. Chemistry Optional: 3. Biology 4. Pure Mathematics

8 Special requirements for S6 applicants ( 升讀中六理科的特別要求 ) 1.Obtain a HKCEE grade C or above on the selected S6 subjects. ( 擬選修科目之會考成 績必須為 C 級或以上 ) 2. For Mathematics group, applicants must obtain a HKCEE grade C in Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. ( 數學組 : 數學 及附加數學會考成績為 C 級或以上 )

9 The weighting System (applicants’ scores) 排優準則 1.On selected S6 subjects: weight=4, total score=60 擬選修科目之會考成績 ( 三科 )60 分 2.Chinese and English Language: weight=3, total score=30 語文科 ( 中、英 ) 會考成績 30 分 3.2 other subjects with better results: weight=2, total score=20 其他科目 ( 最佳兩科 ) 會考成績 20 分

10 Ying Wa Girls ’ School Application for entry to S.6 (2007-2008) (To be completed by S.5 ARTS students of this school) School Use ( Total score of first choice from Table 1) Name in English : __________________________Chinese : _______________________ Class : 5_____( ) I.D. Card No.: _____________ Age on 1.9.2007 : ________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________

11 1. Enter CE grades and points of the following subjects: First Choice S5 Conduct Grade : B+ __________ Three subjects to be taken in S6 CE Grades (points) Language Subjects CE Grades (points) Two Other Subjects CE Grades (points) 1. Accounts B ( 4 )ChineseL5 ( 4 )1. Commerce A ( 5 ) 2. Economics C ( 3 )EnglishL3 ( 2 )2. History C ( 3 ) 3. Maths and Statistics C ( 3 ) Total Score 74 Total points : ( 10 )Total points : ( 6 )Total points : ( 8 ) Score (Total points x factor) x 4 =40 x 3 =18 x 2 = 16 Second Choice (if any) One other subject to be taken in S6CE Grade (points) History C ( 3 )

12 2. Enter CE grades and points of your best 6 subjects : InstructionsSubjectsCE GradesPoints Grade Point 1. CommerceA5 A=5 2. Chinese***L54 B=4 3. AccountsB4 C=3 4. EconomicsC3 D=2 5. MathematicsC3 E=1 6. HistoryC3 *** Level of ability (provisional): Level 1=0 point; Level 2=1 point;…………………….…… level 5=4 points; Level 5*=5 points Total points of the above subjects : 22

13 3. Enter CE grades of all the subjects you have taken : EnglishL3C.Hist. AccountsBMusic ChineseL5Maths.CEconomicsCArt E. Lit. Computer CommerceAH. Econ. C. Lit. G.P.A. H. Biology Others : HistoryCGeog.C Applicant ’ s Signature : _____________________

14 Ying Wa Girls ’ School Application for entry to S.6 (2007-2008) (To be completed by S.5 Science students of this school) School Use ( Total score of first choice from Table 1) Name in English : __________________________Chinese : _______________________ Class : 5_____( ) I.D. Card No.: _____________ Age on 1.9.2007 : ________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________

15 1. Enter CE grades and points of the following subjects: First Choice S5 Conduct Grade : A- __________ Three subjects to be taken in S6 CE Grades (points) Language Subjects CE Grades (points) Two Other Subjects CE Grades (points) 1. Physics B ( 4 ) Chinese L4 ( 3 ) 1. Maths B ( 4 ) 2.Chemistr y B ( 4 ) English L4 ( 3 ) 2. Arts B ( 4 ) 3.Biology A ( 5 ) Total Score Total points : ( 13 ) Total points : ( 6 ) Total points : ( 8 ) Score (Total points x factor) x 4 = 52 x 3 = 18 x 2 = 16 86

16 Second Choice (if any) Three subjects to be taken in S6 CE Grades (points) Language Subjects CE Grades (points) Other Subjects CE Grades (points) 1. Physics B ( 4 ) Chinese L4 ( 3 ) 1. Biology A ( 5 ) 2. Chemistry B ( 4 ) English L4 ( 3 ) 2. Arts B ( 4 ) 3. Maths B ( 4 ) Total Score Total points ( 12 ) Total points : ( 6 )Total points : ( 9 ) Score (Total points x factor) x 4 = 48 x 3 = 18 x 2 = 18 84

17 2. Enter CE grades and points of your best 6 subjects : InstructionsSubjectsCE GradesPoints Grade Point 1. Biology A5 A=5 2. Physics B4 B=4 3. Chemistry B4 C=3 4. Arts B4 D=2 5. Mathematics B4 E=1 6. English*** L43 *** Level of ability (provisional): Level 1=0 point; Level 2=1 point;…………………….…… level 5=4 points; Level 5*=5 points Total points of the above subjects : 24

18 EnglishL4BiologyAGeog. H. Econ. ChineseL4Maths.BEconomics Others : ChemistryBA.Maths.CMusic PhysicsBComputer ArtB 3. Enter CE grades of all the subjects you have taken : Applicant ’ s Signature : _____________________

19 Ying Wa Girls ’ School Application for entry to S.6 Arts Stream as First Choice (2007-2008) (To be completed by S.5 Science students of this school) School Use ( Total score of first choice from Table 1) Name in English : __________________________Chinese : _______________________ Class : 5_____( ) I.D. Card No.: _____________ Age on 1.9.2007 : ________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________

20 Ying Wa Girls ’ School Application for entry to S.6 Arts Stream as Second Choice (2007-2008) (To be completed by S.5 Science students of this school) School Use ( Total score of first choice from Table 1) Name in English : __________________________Chinese : _______________________ Class : 5_____( ) I.D. Card No.: _____________ Age on 1.9.2007 : ________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________

21 Admission Procedure ( 收生程序 ) Publication of HKCEE results 放榜日 (8-8-2007) 8:00 (Distribution of result slips) 派發成績單 9:00 Hand in application forms for S6 and S5 repeating: (phase 1) 學生遞交升讀中六 / 重讀中五表格 ( 第一階段 ) 11:00 (Admission List:S6 science) 公佈理組學生及備取名單 11.30 (Admission List:S6 Arts) 公佈文組學生及備取名單 14.00 Applying other schools: phase 2 未能原校升學之學生可報讀其他學校之中六學位 ( 第二階段 )

22 Application for repeating S5 申請本校中五重讀生學位 Rules: No subject crashes( 學生修讀之科目 須與入讀班別之科目相同 ) No examination for extra subjects ( 學 生不得報考入讀班別以外的科目 ) Must include the intended S6 subjects and no withdrawl thereafter. ( 不得退選中六課程中可能選修之科 目 )

23 Note ( 注意事項 ) 1.No changes of subjects allowed after the application form is handed in ( 學生一經遞交表 格, 便不能更改所選科目 ) 2.No changes of subjects after the student is admitted ( 所有學生不能於取錄後更改所選科 目 ) 3.Must register before the deadlines ( 所有學生須 於指定時間內辦妥手續, 否則會失去入讀本校 中六之機會 )

24 Check the Website of the Careers Committee 熱門網站 (Popular websites)

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