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2 CRANIAL NERVES 12-pair named “cranial” because each passes thru a foramina of the cranium part of PNS each with roman numeral (order from anterior  posterior in which nerves arise from base of brain) & a name that indicates nerve distribution

3 CRANIAL NERVES classified as: sensory motor mixed (sensory & motor)

4 Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory
olfact = to smell sensory olfactory epithelium on superior surface of nasal cavity just inferior to cribiform plate of ethmoid bone olfactory receptors are bipolar neurons each: single odor-sensitive dendrite their unmyelinated axons join above plate form rt or lt olfactory nerves

5 Course of Olfactory Nerve
olfactory nerves end in pair of olfactory bulbs: masses of gray matter resting just above cribiform plate where they synapse with next neurons in olfactory pathway

6 Course of Olfactory Nerve
axons of these neurons make up the olfactory tracts  posteriorly to primary olfaction center in temporal lobe

7 Cranial Nerve II: Optic Nerve
optic = eye sensory rods & cones in retina: receptors initiating visual signals & relay them  bipolar cells  optic ganglion neurons  their axons join forming optic nerves pass thru optic foramen  optic chiasm: a cross-over of medial half of each eye to opposite side (lateral half does not cross

8 Optic Chiasm

9 Optic Tracts from optic chiasm  optic tracts
most axons  thalamus  synapse with neurons whose axons  primary visual area of occipital lobe some axons synapse with motor neurons in midbrain extrinsic eye muscles

10 Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor
oculo = eye mixed, mainly motor its motor nucleus in ventral part of midbrain 2 branches pass thru superior orbital fissure

11 Oculomotor Nerve Extrinsic Muscles of Eye
Superior Branch Inferior Branch axons innervate: superior rectus levator palpebrae superioris (upper eyelid) axons innervate: medial rectus inferior rectus inferior oblique

12 Oculomotor Nerve inferior branch also:
parasympathetic innervation to intrisic muscle of eye (smooth muscle) ciliary muscle: adjusts lens for near/far vision circular muscle of iris: contracts/relaxes in response to amt of light (pupils constrict/dilate)



15 Oculomotor Nerve: Sensory
proprioception: nonvisual perception of movements & positions of body

16 Cranial Nerve IV: Troclear Nerve
trochle = pulley mixed, mainly motor smallest of the 12 cranial nerves only 1 that arises from posterior of midbrain

17 Cranial Nerve IV: Troclear Nerve
motor: axons from nucleus in midbrain  superior orbital fissure innervates superior oblique muscle sensory: proprioception in superior oblique

18 Cranial Nerve IV: Troclear Nerve


20 Trigeminal Nerve V largest of 12 cranial nerves mixed:
sensory: ganglion in temporal bone motor: neurons in pons

21 Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal Nerve
tri: has 3 branches Ophthalmic: sensory only: upper eyelids, eyes, lacrimal glands, upper nasal cavity, side of nose, forehead, anterior ½ of scalp Maxillary: sensory only: mucosa of nose, palate, part of pharynx, upper teeth, upper lip, lower eyelids Mandibular: sensory: anterior 2/3 of tongue (not taste), cheek, lower teeth motor: muscles of mastication

22 Trigeminal Nerve

23 Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens Nerve
ab: away / ducens: to lead (nerve impulses causes abduction of eyeball) mixed mainly motor nucleus in pons (motor): innervates lateral rectus muscle sensory: proprioception in lateral rectus

24 Abducens Nerve

25 On Which Side is VI not Functioning?


27 Cranial Nerve VII: Facial Nerve
mixed sensory: taste buds anterior 2/3 of tongue, proprioceptors in face & scalp motor: nucleus in pons innervates muscles of facial expression + stylohyoid muscle & posterior belly of digastric muscle parasympathetic: lacrimal glands, palatine glands, salivary glands: sublingual & sub-mandibular

28 Facial Nerve


30 Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear Nerve
vestibule:small cavity; cochlear: snail-like mixed, mainly sensory 2 branches Vestibular: equilibrium Cochlear: hearing motor: hair cells of spiral organ



33 Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal Nerve
glosso:tongue, pharyngeal: throat Mixed sensory: taste buds & somatic sensory receptors on posterior 1/3 tongue, proprioceptors in swallowing muscles, baroreceptors (stretch) in carotid sinus, chemoreceptors in carotid bodies motor: from nuclei in medulla, exit thru jugular foramen, innervate stylopharyngeus muscle (elevates pharynx & larynx) parasympathetic: motor: stimulate parotid gland to secrete saliva


35 Cranial Nerve X: Vagus Nerve
vagus: wanderer, vagrant mixed distributed from head  abdomen

36 Vagus Nerve sensory: skin of external ear
taste buds in epiglottis & pharynx proprioceptors in muscles of neck & throat baroreceptors in arch of aorta & chemoreceptors in aortic bodies visceral sensory receptors in most organs of thorax & abdominal cavities

37 Vagus Nerve parasympathetic motor: heart & lungs glands in GI tract
smooth muscle of airways, esophagus, stomach, gall bladder, small intestine, most of large intestine

38 Distribution of Vagus Nerve


40 Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory Nerve
mixed originates from both the brainstem & spinal cord cranial root: motor: from medulla thru jugular foramen supplies voluntary muscles of pharynx, larynx, & soft palate spinal root: mixed, mainly motor motor:

41 Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory Nerve
spinal root: mixed, mainly motor motor: neurons in anterior gray horn of C1 – C5  axons come together  foramen magnum  jugular foramen innervates sternocleidomastoid & trapezius muscles sensory: proprioceptors in muscles it supplies


43 Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal
hypo: below, glossal: tongue mixed sensory:proprioceptors in tongue muscles  medulla motor: nucleus in medulla  hypoglossal canal  muscles of the tongue (speech, swallowing)

44 Development of the Nervous System
begins developing in 3rd wk from a thickening of ectoderm called the neural plate

45 Development of the Brain & Spinal Cord



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