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Elvira Family Literacy Year 2008-2009. Components of Family Literacy Pact Time Pact Time Vocational Time Vocational Time Adult education Adult education.

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Presentation on theme: "Elvira Family Literacy Year 2008-2009. Components of Family Literacy Pact Time Pact Time Vocational Time Vocational Time Adult education Adult education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elvira Family Literacy Year 2008-2009

2 Components of Family Literacy Pact Time Pact Time Vocational Time Vocational Time Adult education Adult education Parent Time Parent Time Home Visits Home Visits

3 PACT TIME/HEAD START Parent and child togetherParent and child together Parent spend 2 hours a week with their child @ schoolParent spend 2 hours a week with their child @ school

4 PACT TIME/ELVIRA SCHOOL Pact time is a perfect time for a parent to see how the teacher works and how their child works.Pact time is a perfect time for a parent to see how the teacher works and how their child works.

5 VOCATIONAL TIME Parents help 2 hour per week @ Elvira School.Parents help 2 hour per week @ Elvira School. ClassroomClassroom CafeteriaCafeteria Work roomWork room

6 Adult Education English and basic computer class.English and basic computer class. This year GED online only in English.This year GED online only in English.

7 Parent Time Parent time 2 hours per week Information from non-profit organizations. Information about drugs/prevention Food Bank Cervical Cancer/prevention Breast Cancer/prevention.


9 Home visits Teacher, PIA and Americorps had to commit 6 home visits a year. Time to connect with student in their environment. Time to the student to share how they feels at classroom or other thoughts.

10 ELVIRA FAMILY LITERACY Jodi Perin / English Instructor. Beronica Llamas /PIA. Niltza Lopez / Americorps volunteer.

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