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The FY 2009 Budget Thomas N. Cooley, NSF Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences March 13, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The FY 2009 Budget Thomas N. Cooley, NSF Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences March 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The FY 2009 Budget Thomas N. Cooley, NSF Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences March 13, 2008







8 So, where’s the $$$$$? Basic Research ($29.2 B out of $145.4 B): –DOD:+4.0 % –NIH:+0.1 % –NASA:-9.1 % –DOE/Sci.+16.7 % –NSF+17.4 % –USDA:-6.8 % –Commerce:+83.3 % –Interior:-7.0 % –DHS:+12.8 %


10 FY 2009 Budget Request

11 American Competitiveness Initiative America COMPETES Act

12 The Big Picture NSF FY 2009 Budget TOTAL:$6.85 billion Increase: 13%

13 FY 2009 Budget Request by Appropriations Account (millions) Appropriations AccountFY 2009 Request Change from FY 2008 Research & Related Activities$5,593.99$772.52 (16.0%) Education & Human Resources$790.41$64.81 (8.9%) Major Research Equipment & Facilities Construction $147.51$-73.23 (-33.2%) Agency Operations & Award Management $305.06$23.27 (8.3%) National Science Board$4.03$0.06 (1.5%) Inspector General$13.10$1.67 (14.6%) TOTAL, NSF$6,854.10$789.10 (13%)

14 FY 2009 Investment : $20 million Science & Engineering Beyond Moore’s Law

15 Beyond Moore’s Law To position the U.S. at the forefront of communications and computation capability beyond the physical and conceptual limitations of current systems. Activities will encourage transformational activities as well as creating partnering opportunities with the private sector and national laboratories to accelerate innovation.

16 Adaptive Systems Technology FY 2009 Investment : $15 million

17 Adaptive Systems Technology Focuses on generating creative pathways and natural interfaces between human and physical systems that will revolutionize the development of novel adaptive systems. Is essential to advances in highly- innovative adaptive control systems, hybrid computer architectures, improved electronic PDA’s, and computer-based, self-paced, learning and training tools.

18 FY 2009 Investment : $10 million Dynamics of Water Processes in the Environment

19 Water Aims to increase fundamental understanding of the Earth’s freshwater systems and provide the scientific basis for decision-making about water resources. Efforts will include fundamental research on the complex processes and feedbacks that affect the vulnerability and resilience of freshwater systems to climate and environmental change.

20 Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation FY 2009 Investment : $100 million

21 CDI To advance science and engineering along fundamentally new pathways opened by computational capabilities Three specific foci: –From Data to Knowledge –Understanding System Complexity –Virtual Organizations

22 FY 2009 Investment : $682 million Petascale Computing & Cyberinfrastructure

23 Interdisciplinary Research FY 2009 Investment : $76 million Science and Technology Centers

24 Major Research Instrumentation FY 2009 Investment : $ 115 million

25 U.S. Climate Change Science Program FY 2009 Investment : $221 million

26 Highlights Climate Change Cyberinfrastructure NNI N&ITR&D CAREER REU RUI STCs FY 2008FY 2009 $205.25$220.60M $628.80$681.95 M $388.69$396.79 M $931.48$1090.25 M $167.76$181.91 M $ 57.73$ 61.55 M $ 31.53$ 35.23 M $ 64.95$ 76.02 M

27 Sustained Support for All Disciplines Earth & Environment Biology Astronomy Computing Materials Engineering Mathematics Education People & Society Polar Nano Physics

28 R&RA Directorate BIO CISE ENG GEO MPS SBE OPP OIA FY 2009 Increase 10.3 % 19.5 % 19.2 % 12.8 % 20.2 % 8.5 % 10.9 % 18.8%

29 Education

30 Enduring Strategies in Education * Broadening participation in the S&E workforce * Strengthening teacher preparation * Integrating research and education * Stimulating students through inquiry-based learning * Reaching a broader public through informal education

31 Math and Science Partnerships

32 Graduate Fellowships and Traineeships FY 2009 Request % Increase Graduate Fellowships:$12529.7% GK-12:$573.6% IGERT:$641.5%

33 EHR Division DRL DUE DGE HRD FY 2009 Increase 5.8 % 4.2 % 19.1 % 9.2 %


35 South Pole Station

36 Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction ALMAIceCube AdvLIGO

37 Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction ATST

38 Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction ARRVNEON OOI

39 MREFC AdvLIGO AARV ALMA IceCube ATST FY 2008FY 2009 $32.75$51.43 M $42.00-0- $102.07$82.25 M $25.91$11.33 M -0-$ 2.50 M


41 The Future of America “To keep America competitive into the future, we must trust in the skill of our scientists and engineers and empower them to pursue the breakthroughs of tomorrow.” The President’s State of the Union Address 2008

42 The Future of America



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