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In the book of Lamentations we read Jeremiahs words as he describes the death of Jerusalem. He mourns for the city.  Lam. 1:1-8 – Jeremiah’s description.

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2 In the book of Lamentations we read Jeremiahs words as he describes the death of Jerusalem. He mourns for the city.  Lam. 1:1-8 – Jeremiah’s description of Jerusalem

3 In chapter 3 Jeremiah puts into words the pain and agony that is happening because of the Babylonians.  vvs. 1-20 – the destruction and persecution in Jerusalem are complete  vs. 21 – Jeremiah recalls his hope  vvs. 22-27 – hope remains in God alone

4 There is plenty of application for the Christian.  Hope:  1 Peter 1:3 – we have a living hope through Jesus  2 Thess. 2:16 – everlasting consolation and good hope  Heb. 6:18-19 – hope before us is the anchor of our soul

5  Wait and seek:  Matt. 6:33 – first seek kingdom of God and His righteousness  James 5:7-8 – be patient as a farmer and establish our hearts  Matt. 25:1-13 – waiting prepared

6  Bear the yoke early:  Matt. 11:28-30 – The yoke is easy and the burden is light  2 Tim. 1:5-7 – Timothy’s faith was early in life and Paul exhorted him to stir it up  Eph. 6:4 – we are encouraged to teach our children in the Lord’s ways Obedience and faithfulness early in life will lead to a life on no regrets.

7  vvs. 28-54 – Jeremiah returns to examining their condition  vvs. 55-66 – Jeremiah recognizes the salvation, redemption, and vengeance that is in the lord

8 Again we have application for the Christian.  Acts 22:16 – at baptism we are calling on the Lord  Col. 2:12 – we demonstrate faith in the working of God  1 Peter 1:18-19 – redeemed by the blood of Christ  2 Thess. 1:6-7 – tribulation will be repaid to some and rest to others

9 Jesus lamented for Jerusalem, Matthew 23:37-39, in a similar manner as Jeremiah and for all who will not turn to Him in obedience. As we read the laments of Jesus and Jeremiah we should be spurred to obedience and faithfulness.

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