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WELCOME! Mrs. A.R. Martinez Third Grade EFL. Introduction Barry University graduate 13 years of 3 rd grade experience at CGPA Other schools: ◦ G.W. Carver.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! Mrs. A.R. Martinez Third Grade EFL. Introduction Barry University graduate 13 years of 3 rd grade experience at CGPA Other schools: ◦ G.W. Carver."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! Mrs. A.R. Martinez Third Grade EFL

2 Introduction Barry University graduate 13 years of 3 rd grade experience at CGPA Other schools: ◦ G.W. Carver Middle ◦ Silver Bluff Elementary Educational Philosophy Passing/FCAT /FSA record at CGPA

3 Agenda Arrival, Dismissal and Attendance Gradebook Student Portal Official Class Websites Discipline and Conferences Homework Third Grade Curriculum Accelerated Reader and i-Ready Science Project Florida Standards Assessment (replaced FCAT) Things to do…

4 Attendance Pick up is at PE field 8:20, when raining in front of class Dismissal by the main office. Dismissal time Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 3:05 pm - Wednesdays 1:50 pm ◦ Unless it is an emergency, please do not pick up your child early! Attendance - ◦ 3 times tardy = a detention ◦ When absent, must send a letter from parent to excuse absence ◦ If more than 3 consecutive days absent, school requires a doctor’s note

5 Gradebook See grades online through student portal and parent portal Will send un-official progress report in between school’s official progress report and report card to keep you informed. Grading Scale: 90%-100% = A, 80%- 89% = B, 70%- 79% = C, 60%- 69% = D and 59% and below = F Subjects categorized as: ◦ Classwork (35%) ◦ Tests/Quizzes (45%) ◦ Projects (20%) ◦ Behavior (0%, does not count as an academic grade and listed under Reading)

6 Student Portal Access to grades (gradebook) Access to textbooks, workbooks, videos, etc. Links to encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. Link to i-Ready, Discovery Education, Riverdeep, Science Builder, etc. Online library Sign-in by using student ID as user, password 2-digit birth month, 2-digit day, 2-digit year and first and last name initials (lower case). You may change password.

7 Class’ Website The New Schoolnotes: Homework Behavior Plan School Supplies Important Updates Links Flashcards: Vocabulary and Spelling Words Contact teacher

8 Discipline Procedures Class Dojo: Positive Dojos / Negative Dojos Reports Communication with teacher Will be used for weekly behavior grade in conjunction with teacher discretion/observation Can see weekly grade in gradebook under Reading Code of Student Conduct Values Matter

9 Conferences Open door policy from 8:00 am to 8:20 am. Wednesdays from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm (unless there is a meeting) Emergency conferences after dismissal, no later than 3:15 pm Phone conferences preferred

10 Homework Assigned Mondays through Thursdays Starting in January, may see homework on weekends due to preparation for FSA. 30 minutes of silent reading each night (in addition to homework) i-Ready: assigned on Mondays and will have a week to complete two Reading lessons and two Math lessons. Reports are run on Mondays. Incomplete = 2 homework misses for the week Three homework misses equal one detention Weekly homework routine sent home at beginning of school and it is attached to today’s packet Should take about 45 minutes to complete all homework!

11 Curriculum Reading/Language Arts/Writing ◦ Everything Red  Reading Folder, Journal, Wonders Textbook and Writer’s Workshop Textbook (books in student portal)  Programs Used: i-Ready and Accelerated Reader (may add more later) Mathematics ◦ Everything Blue  Math Folder, Journal, Class Workbook, Homework Workbook, and Multiplication Packets (books in portal and direct link provided, see schoolnotes)  Programs Used: Think Central and Multiplication Websites (see schoolnotes)

12 Curriculum (cont’d) Science / Social Studies – Content Area ◦ Everything Green  Split Content Folder, Split Journal, Textbooks ◦ One week Science, one week Social Studies  Social Studies: Harcourt, not in student portal. Provided direct link in schoolnotes  Science: Pearson in student portal. Provided direct link in schoolnotes.  Programs Used: ◦ Pearson SuccessNet and GIZMOS for Science (see schoolnotes) ◦ Social Studies, will provide links as needed in schoolnotes

13 Curriculum (cont’d) EFL ◦ Everything Yellow  EFL Folder, Journal, Maravillas Textbook (in student portal)  Will read A.R. books as a class and will take A.R. tests  Adivinanzas and trabalenguas  New curriculum!

14 AR and i-Ready A.R. ◦ Must read chapter books only! ◦ Must read 30 minutes per day ◦ Must reach 50% of A.R. goal by semester’s midpoint ◦ Must reach 100% of A.R. goal by Oct. 27! Per third grade policy, Reading grade will be lowered by one letter grade if student does not reach 100% of his/her goal. i-Ready ◦ Sign in through student portal ◦ Cycle runs Mondays-Sundays ◦ Must complete two Reading lessons and two Math lessons ◦ Weekly participation grade in Reading

15 Science Project Group Project – worth 12 grades in science! Students will: ◦ Complete research ◦ Conduct experiment ◦ Type Project Report ◦ Need a USB memory device by the end of September!!! Teacher will: ◦ Provide all materials for experiment ◦ Supervise and guide student throughout the experiment ◦ Assist with USB’s ◦ Put display board together

16 Florida Standards Goodbye FCAT! ◦ What’s up next? Florida Standards Why Are We Changing? To provide for more rigorous instruction so that students have the knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the 21 st century

17 What do they mean for teaching and learning? LAFS Regular practice-complex text & academic language Reading, writing, listening and speaking grounded in evidence from text Build knowledge through content- rich text Different writing genres MAFS Deeper understanding of mathematical concepts Builds habits of mind of productive mathematical thinkers Real-world applications Modeling with pictures technology, graphs, manipulatives Florida Standards (cont’d)

18 What subjects are included? ◦ MAFS - Mathematics ◦ LAFS - English Language Arts ◦ Science and Social Studies will continue under the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Tentative dates: March 28 – April 8 (more information will be forthcoming) Florida Standards (cont’d)

19 How may you help your child? Read different types of books and informational text with your child Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc. Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by supporting it with facts, details and reasons from text Discuss mathematics ideas with your child and have them explain these to you using pictures, graphs, etc. Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal to become familiar with the new assessments. Florida Standards (cont’d)

20 Training tests are available (see link) and are designed to help students, parents and teachers become familiar with assessment question formats and the computer-based test (CBT) delivery system ◦ Third graders will take a paper-based test ◦ Multiple choice, short and extended responses ◦ Time requirements forthcoming ◦ I will provide more information as it is given (still don’t have the results from last year)

21 If you have not done so… Join Class Dojo!!! Let me know if you need another invitation Purchase a seat sack for your child! Available online, Get Smart or our PTSA Store ($15) Recommend 15” Join PTSA – Room Parents: Mrs. Roche-Chavarria and Mrs. Carpintero Parent packet was sent home E-mail request forms included today in packet Become a school volunteer Application available online, through the parent portal

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