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Results of the Track 1.0 Antiretroviral Therapy Program February 2004 - June 2007 Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, PhD, Director HIV/AIDS Bureau, Global HIV/AIDS.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of the Track 1.0 Antiretroviral Therapy Program February 2004 - June 2007 Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, PhD, Director HIV/AIDS Bureau, Global HIV/AIDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of the Track 1.0 Antiretroviral Therapy Program February 2004 - June 2007 Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, PhD, Director HIV/AIDS Bureau, Global HIV/AIDS Program Health Resources and Services Administration US DHHS

2 Track 1.0 ART Program The Track 1.0 ART Program is funded and administered by HIV Care and Treatment Team, GAP, CDC and HIV/AIDS Bureau, HRSA Four grantees receive Track 1.0 ART awards AIDSRelief (Catholic Relief Services Consortium) Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) Harvard School of Public Health (Harvard) Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University (Columbia) The program was funded in February 2004

3 Program Year Annual Funding (millions)Countries Program/ Country Projects Care and Treatment Facilities 1 (2004-05)$921121119 2 (2005-06)$1721324279 3 (2006-07)$2061324478 4 (2007-08)$3201325537 Track 1.0 ART Program

4 As of June 30, 2007 800,624 ever enrolled in palliative care 512,129 currently receiving palliative care 386,456 ever started on ART 304,848 currently on ART Of those on ART, 8% are children Of adults on ART, 63% are females Of children on ART, 49% are females

5 Results of Track 1.0 ART Program as of June 30, 2007 By Country

6 Countries where Grantees have Implemented Track 1.0 ART Programs as of June 30, 2007 Country by GranteeAIDSRELIEFEGPAFHARVARDCOLUMBIATOTAL Botswana X 1 Cote d’Ivoire X X2 Ethiopia X1 GuyanaX 1 HaitiX 1 KenyaX X2 MozambiqueX X2 NigeriaX XX3 RwandaX X2 South AfricaXX X3 TanzaniaXXXX4 UgandaX 1 ZambiaXX2 TOTAL953 825

7 No. of Persons Currently on ART by Country and Track 1.0 Grantee, June 30, 2007 *Indirect Support Country by GranteeAIDSRELIEFEGPAFHARVARDCOLUMBIATOTAL Botswana 9,520*9,520 Cote d’Ivoire 26,878 Ethiopia 14,332 Guyana412 Haiti2,126 Kenya15,0304,94419,974 Mozambique 3,32022,49125,811 Nigeria8,48723,0483,82835,363 Rwanda92910,15811,087 South Africa11,72913,40616,67941,814 Tanzania9,35411,66710,0876,62337,731 Uganda12,761 Zambia13,08453,95567,039 TOTAL73,912109,22642,65579,055304,848

8 Track 1.0 ART Program Botswana One Track 1.0 ART Program Harvard School of Public Health As of June 30, 2007, 1 medical facility was providing ART 9,520* persons currently on ART n/a persons currently receiving HIV care *These results are now classified as indirect

9 One Track 1.0 ART Program Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University (Beginning FY2008) As of June 30, 2007, 77 medical facilities were providing ART 26,878 persons currently on ART 31,567 persons currently receiving HIV care* *Those on care include those on ART Track 1.0 ART Program Côte d’Ivoire

10 Track 1.0 ART Program Ethiopia One Track 1.0 ART Program Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University As of June 30, 2007, 38 medical facilities were providing ART 14,332 persons currently on ART 28,473 persons currently receiving HIV care

11 Track 1.0 ART Program Guyana One Track 1.0 ART Program AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 3 medical facilities were providing ART 412 persons currently on ART 755 persons currently receiving HIV care

12 Track 1.0 ART Program Haiti One Track 1.0 ART Program AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 8 medical facilities were providing ART 2,126 persons currently on ART 3,856 persons currently receiving HIV care

13 Track 1.0 ART Program Kenya Two Track 1.0 ART Programs Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 44 medical facilities were providing ART 19,974 persons currently on ART 33,965 persons currently receiving HIV care

14 Track 1.0 ART Program Mozambique One Track 1.0 ART Program Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University As of June 30, 2007, 50 medical facilities were providing ART 25,811 persons currently on ART 68,653 persons currently receiving HIV care

15 Track 1.0 ART Program Nigeria Two Track 1.0 ART Programs Harvard School of Public Health AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 40 medical facilities were providing ART 35,363 persons currently on ART 62,508 persons currently receiving HIV care

16 Track 1.0 ART Program Rwanda Two Track 1.0 ART Programs Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 44 medical facilities were providing ART 11,087 persons currently on ART 24,249 persons currently receiving HIV care

17 Track 1.0 ART Program South Africa Three Track 1.0 ART Programs Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University AIDSRelief Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation As of June 30, 2007, 76 medical facilities were providing ART 41,814 persons currently on ART 71,536 persons currently receiving HIV care

18 Track 1.0 ART Program Tanzania Four Track 1.0 ART Programs Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University AIDSRelief Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Harvard School of Public Health As of June 30, 2007, 84 medical facilities were providing ART 37,731 persons currently on ART 69,101 persons currently receiving HIV care

19 Track 1.0 ART Program Uganda One Track 1.0 ART Program AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 17 medical facilities were providing ART 12,761 persons currently on ART 23,113 persons currently receiving HIV care

20 Track 1.0 ART Program Zambia One Track 1.0 ART Program Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation AIDSRelief As of June 30, 2007, 55 medical facilities were providing ART 67,039 persons currently on ART 94,353 persons currently receiving HIV care

21 Results of Track 1.0 ART Program as of June 30, 2007 By Grantee

22 No. of Persons on ART by Track 1.0 Grantee AIDSRelief 91,697 81% on ART 11,028 patients/quarter

23 No. of Persons on ART by Track 1.0 Grantee EGPAF 142,017 77% on ART 21,486 patients/quarter

24 No. of Persons on ART by Track 1.0 Grantee Harvard 54,062 79% on ART 4,564 patients/quarter

25 No. of Persons on ART by Track 1.0 Grantee Columbia 98,680 80% on ART 15,325 patients/quarter

26 No. of Persons on ART by Track 1.0 Grantee Program Totals 386,456 79% on ART 52,403 patients/quarter

27 No. of Persons Currently on ART by Country and Track 1.0 Grantee, June 30, 2007 *Indirect Support Country by GranteeAIDSRELIEFEGPAFHARVARDCOLUMBIATOTAL Botswana 9,520*9,520 Cote d’Ivoire 26,878 Ethiopia 14,332 Guyana412 Haiti2,126 Kenya15,0304,94419,974 Mozambique 3,32022,49125,811 Nigeria8,48723,0483,82835,363 Rwanda92910,15811,087 South Africa11,72913,40616,67941,814 Tanzania9,35411,66710,0876,62337,731 Uganda12,761 Zambia13,08453,95567,039 TOTAL73,912109,22642,65579,055304,848

28 Total* Treatment Results and Projections** *The total number receiving treatment includes individuals reached through USG upstream and downstream support. ** Based on past performance and current capabilities. Assumes that countries will continue to newly enroll 30,00- 60,000 patients per month into treatment for a total of 180,000 to 360,000 per 6 months. Actual out year results are unknown and may differ from these projections. PEPFAR Progress in Treatment

29 Contribution of Track 1.0 ART Program to Emergency Plan As of June 30, 2007, the Track 1.0 ART Program supported 537 medical facilities in 25 country/partner programs in 13 countries 304,848 on ART, which is about 28% of all those on ART supported by PEPFAR 512,129 in palliative care


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