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Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark

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1 Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark
By Ms. Webert

2 Introduction Between 1800 and 1803, three nations owned Louisiana-Spain until 1800, France until 1803, and the United States, purchasing it for 15 million The Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of the United States, transforming the colony of Louisiana and its new country

3 Objectives Understand the Louisiana Purchase and what leaders played a part Understand the Lewis and Clark expedition by watching a video

4 Napoleon

5 Napoleon In the European country of France, the French Revolution led to many changes Napoleon Bonaparte seized power in France and crowned himself the “emperor of France” He had a strong desire to conquer all of Europe, placing those loyal to him as the leaders of conquered nations He also wanted to gain back land in North America

6 Napoleon Napoleon first wanted to take back Saint-Domingue (Haiti) from Toussaint L’Ouverture-renamed Haiti He needed Haiti as a resupply point between France and Louisiana

7 Napoleon Napoleon wanted Louisiana as a base for his military operations in North America Napoleon pressured Spain to transfer Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of Ildefonso In 1802, Napoleon sent over 20,000 troops to Haiti. These troops were defeated because of yellow fever and guerrilla warfare

8 Thomas Jefferson “There is on the globe one single spot, the possessor of which is our natural and habitual enemy. It is New Orleans.” - Thomas Jefferson

9 Napoleon Napoleon couldn’t risk losing any more troops in Haiti because he needed them for his war with Great Britain Napoleon also needed money to fund his war with Great Britain Without Haiti , owning Louisiana was useless. He knew that the United States wanted Louisiana to control the Mississippi River and New Orleans President Thomas Jefferson wanted New Orleans Jefferson sent Robert Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate in Paris, France

10 Negotiations in Paris Robert Livingston James Monroe
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand Robert Livingston James Monroe

11 Napoleon To the surprise of the U.S., Napoleon offered all of the Louisiana territory for 15 million!! Livingston and Monroe accepted without the approval of Congress

12 The Louisiana Purchase

13 Problems with new territory
The Louisiana Purchase area was very large and largely unknown The Spanish system of land claims and titles caused problems Undefined boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase created problems between the U.S. and Spain Spanish Texas and American Territory of Orleans disputed the area near the Sabine River

14 Aaron Burr Conspiracy Aaron Burr was a former vice president of the U.S. He lost political influence when he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel He plotted with the Spanish government to incite a rebellion against the French settlers in Louisiana In return, he hoped to gain is own empire in the southern U.S. Governor Wilkinson turned Burr in

15 Solutions to the Problems with new territory
President Jefferson sent out expeditions to map the unknown territory In 1806, Spain and the United States set up a neutral zone between the Sabine River and the Calcasieu River

16 West Florida West Florida (southern part of Mississippi and Alabama) was not included in the Louisiana Purchase, it remained Spanish West Florida included the part of the state on the east side of the Mississippi River today called “the Florida Parishes” For a very brief period, West Florida was an independent nation. In 1810, the U.S. annexed the area (annex means to add)

17 Great Slave Uprising of 1811
After the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana’s economy improved and plantations grew More slaves were brought into Louisiana, increasing tensions A major slave uprising occurred near present-day town or Norco in St. Charles Parish The leaders of the revolt organized the escaping slaves into companies complete with officers. They had no weapons except those they had made from farm tools The revolt was unsuccessful and the leaders of the rebellion were killed and their heads displayed on poles

18 Divided in Two The Louisiana Purchase was such a large amount of land that Congress divided the area into two territories General James Wilkinson became governor of the area north of the 33rd parallel which was named the District of Louisiana The District of Louisiana had its capital at Saint Louis William C. C. Claiborne was appointed governor of the area south of the 33rd parallel (present-day Louisiana) known as the Territory of Orleans

19 Divided in Two Gov. Wilkinson District of Louisiana
Territory of Orleans Gov. Claiborne

20 Lewis and Clark President Thomas Jefferson needed to know the geography of the Louisiana Purchase territory and also wanted to find the “North West Passage” to the Pacific Ocean He hired his secretary, Meriwether Lewis Lewis asked his friend, William Clark, to help

21 Meriwether Lewis & William Clark
Two goals Map Louisiana Find Northwest Passage and water route to the Pacific

22 Lewis and Clark Expedition

23 Lewis and Clark They depart St. Louis on their “corps of discovery” on August 31, 1803 Arrive back on September 23, 1806 Watch Video!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Questions?????? All material, including the power point information and the video are testable.

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