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1 Antigua and Barbuda Network Meeting Status of Compliance Status of Compliance Data Reporting Data Reporting Establishment of Licensing Systems Establishment.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Antigua and Barbuda Network Meeting Status of Compliance Status of Compliance Data Reporting Data Reporting Establishment of Licensing Systems Establishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Antigua and Barbuda Network Meeting Status of Compliance Status of Compliance Data Reporting Data Reporting Establishment of Licensing Systems Establishment of Licensing Systems Ratification of MP Amendments Ratification of MP Amendments In the English Speaking Caribbean region In the English Speaking Caribbean region

2 2 Overview of Presentation ODS reporting and remaining ODS levels ODS reporting and remaining ODS levels HCFC trends and challenges HCFC trends and challenges Status of licensing Status of licensing Status of reporting on QPS Status of reporting on QPS Reporting on Process agents Reporting on Process agents Status of ratification Status of ratification

3 3 Status of Reporting on ODS As of 27 September 2010, all countries in the Caribbean subregion had reported their data – making them the first sub-region to fully report for the 3 rd year in a row As of 27 September 2010, all countries in the Caribbean subregion had reported their data – making them the first sub-region to fully report for the 3 rd year in a row SO SO I owe you a celebration. Luckily – we are staying at an all inclusive place! Just kidding – lets talk about where and when. I owe you a celebration. Luckily – we are staying at an all inclusive place! Just kidding – lets talk about where and when.

4 4 But it was not just the timing – in substance, the region was doing great All countries in the region reported 0 CFC, halon, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, HBFCs, other CFCs and BCM for 2009! All countries in the region reported 0 CFC, halon, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, HBFCs, other CFCs and BCM for 2009! Only Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago reported 09 MBR consumption of 1.3 and.5 tonnes respectively – a reduction of 70% of baseline or more! Only Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago reported 09 MBR consumption of 1.3 and.5 tonnes respectively – a reduction of 70% of baseline or more! Congratulations to all Congratulations to all

5 5 Continuing Challenges - HCFCs Party 2007 2009 Party 2007 2009 Party 2007 2009 Party 2007 2009 Antigua 0.9 0.5^ Jamaica 1.4 18.2^^ Antigua 0.9 0.5^ Jamaica 1.4 18.2^^ Bahamas 5.8 3.5- St Kitts 0.5 0.4 Bahamas 5.8 3.5- St Kitts 0.5 0.4 Barbados 2.9 4.5^ St Lucia 0.0 0.4^ Barbados 2.9 4.5^ St Lucia 0.0 0.4^ Belize 1.0 2.5^ St Vincent 0.1 0.4^ Belize 1.0 2.5^ St Vincent 0.1 0.4^ Dominica 0.0 0.4^ Suriname 2.6 2.7^ Grenada 0.2 0.8^ T&T 45.4 38-- Dominica 0.0 0.4^ Suriname 2.6 2.7^ Grenada 0.2 0.8^ T&T 45.4 38-- Guyana 0.5 0.9- Haiti 0.4 1.9^ Guyana 0.5 0.9- Haiti 0.4 1.9^ 10 parties trending up – 4 down or stable 10 parties trending up – 4 down or stable

6 6 What is your strategy? In the period commencing on 1 January 2013, your calculated level of consumption of HCFCs should not exceed, annually, the average of your consumption in 2009/2010 In the period commencing on 1 January 2013, your calculated level of consumption of HCFCs should not exceed, annually, the average of your consumption in 2009/2010 The freeze is just two years away. Your baseline will be established through your reporting this year. Most of you are on an upward swing. What is your strategy??? The freeze is just two years away. Your baseline will be established through your reporting this year. Most of you are on an upward swing. What is your strategy???

7 7 Compliance scenario in the face of rising HCFCs 2007 08 (09 10) 11 12 1.4 6.9 8.6 10.7 frz 9.6 How will you get to 9.6 tonnes in 2013? Start mandating use of alternatives when new systems installed? Stop allowing imports of new HCFC systems? Retrofit systems? Limiting imports to required level will be one key way of ensuring compliance – for that you need robust licencing

8 8 Status of Licensing Systems All Montreal Ratifiers must have system to license imports and exports of ALL ODS All Montreal Ratifiers must have system to license imports and exports of ALL ODS Region appears in good shape on this item Region appears in good shape on this item However, more then cursory compliance is essential to ensure phaseout – are all ODS including HCFCs and MBR licensed in your country? Beijing compliance mandates this However, more then cursory compliance is essential to ensure phaseout – are all ODS including HCFCs and MBR licensed in your country? Beijing compliance mandates this

9 9 Decision XX/6 - QPS Reporting – Have you prepared your QPS submission??? Parties must report QPS annually as required by MP – leaving blank not option Parties must report QPS annually as required by MP – leaving blank not option The Secretariat now posts QPS data on the web The Secretariat now posts QPS data on the web non reporting of QPS will be reviewed by the Impcom and may be treated as non compliance non reporting of QPS will be reviewed by the Impcom and may be treated as non compliance

10 10 QPS Reporting in the Region Only Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados reported QPS last year Only Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados reported QPS last year 08 09 08 09 Barbados.3.1 Barbados.3.1 Jamaica 1.2 1.2 Jamaica 1.2 1.2 T & T 1.0.9 T & T 1.0.9 All must report on this in 2010 submission!

11 11 Continued Push for Global Ratification of all Amendments All have ratified Montreal Protocol All have ratified Montreal Protocol All have ratified London and Copenhagen All have ratified London and Copenhagen All have ratified Montreal amendment All have ratified Montreal amendment Beijing – On June 29, 2010, Antigua and Barbuda Ratified! We just need Haiti Beijing – On June 29, 2010, Antigua and Barbuda Ratified! We just need Haiti Secretariat is making a push this year Secretariat is making a push this year

12 12 Process Agents Process agents are chemicals used as a catalyst in the production of other chemicals/products (eg: chlorinated rubber and endosulfin). Often, most ODS is destroyed in the process – sometimes emissions. Decision XXII/8 called for the TEAP to break out process agent uses by country – and noted that only a couple A5 parties use ODS as process agents XXI/3 asked for all countries to ensure that they have reported, at least once, to say they do not use ODS as a process agent. We sent out a letter on that with a form for you to fill in - it is important to send it back.

13 13 Your Process Agent Response With reference to decision XXI/3 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, I hereby confirm that................ (Party) does not use controlled substances as process uses. With reference to decision XXI/3 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, I hereby confirm that................ (Party) does not use controlled substances as process uses. Comments (if any): Name of reporting officer: Signature: Designation: Organization: Address: Country: Fax: Phone: E-Mail: Comments (if any): Name of reporting officer: Signature: Designation: Organization: Address: Country: Fax: Phone: E-Mail:

14 14 Decision XX/9: Application of Trade Provisions of the Protocol to HCFCs Changed past decision to make clear that the trade provisions will apply to developing country trade in HCFCs beginning 1 January 2013 Changed past decision to make clear that the trade provisions will apply to developing country trade in HCFCs beginning 1 January 2013 What this means is that if the Beijing amendment has not entered into force for Haiti by that date, you may not have ready access to HCFCs! Please strive to ratify all amendments!!!!! What this means is that if the Beijing amendment has not entered into force for Haiti by that date, you may not have ready access to HCFCs! Please strive to ratify all amendments!!!!!

15 15 Presentation of Main Outcomes of The 22nd Meeting of the The 22nd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol Parties to the Montreal Protocol And And Main issues on the agenda for Main issues on the agenda for the August 1-5 OEWG in Bangkok the August 1-5 OEWG in Bangkok

16 16 Memberships and Officers Grenada’s seat on Excom was extended! Congratulations! Grenada’s seat on Excom was extended! Congratulations! St Lucia still has a seat on the on Impcom this year! Congratulations! St Lucia still has a seat on the on Impcom this year! Congratulations! Grenada is Rapportuer of the MP Bureau Grenada is Rapportuer of the MP Bureau This region continues to get the good representation it deserves! This region continues to get the good representation it deserves!

17 17 Decision XXII/3 - Replenishment The Parties agreed terms of reference for a TEAP study on the level of funding needed from 2012- 2014. Study to be distributed in June timeframe OEWG will discuss this in Bangkok, and is likely to request TEAP to do a bit more analysis Parties will decide on the agreed level of funding when they meet in Bali in November Replenishment contact group seems prestigious, but it is really hard going. You may want to consider representation

18 18 XXII/2 – Evaluation of the Financial Mechanism Parties agreed to terms of reference for an evaluation of the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol. The agreed group of Parties will review bids for the study in March, and the selected consultant will begin work on the study this year. Report will be submitted to the Parties next year.

19 19 HFC Proposals Parties did not take a decision on this last year, but agreed to reconsider this year Parties did not take a decision on this last year, but agreed to reconsider this year Part 1 of proposals would have the MLF fund the phasout of HFC23 produced as byproduct of HCFC22 production Part 1 of proposals would have the MLF fund the phasout of HFC23 produced as byproduct of HCFC22 production Second part calls for a phasedown of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol and funding for phasedown under the MLF Second part calls for a phasedown of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol and funding for phasedown under the MLF

20 20 Decisions XXII/7 Lab and analytical use exemption Non A5s have had this use exempted for more than a decade, and have worked to develop alternatives for almost all of these uses. Since there are alternatives for almost all uses, TEAP has recommended getting rid of the exemptions for all but a couple uses. XXII/7 extends the full exemption to A5s only until this December, and TEAP is to analyze A5 needs. Do any of your labs use ODS to perform testing??? Do you still need to use ODS? You should check. TEAP study to be reviewed in BKK

21 21 ODS Bank Management MOP did not take a decision on ODS destruction; main point of disagreement seemed to be a fundamental difference of views – should destruction be covered in full by the MLF, OR, since not needed for compliance, should other sources of money be found/MLF role limited to demonstration projects and information efforts MOP did not take a decision on ODS destruction; main point of disagreement seemed to be a fundamental difference of views – should destruction be covered in full by the MLF, OR, since not needed for compliance, should other sources of money be found/MLF role limited to demonstration projects and information efforts The Parties will consider related issues again this year The Parties will consider related issues again this year Specifically, this year, TEAP will review new destruction technologies and consider approaches for destruction strategies for diverse countries/regions. The Parties are also likely to engage the broader issue again Specifically, this year, TEAP will review new destruction technologies and consider approaches for destruction strategies for diverse countries/regions. The Parties are also likely to engage the broader issue again

22 22 XXII/9 – HCFCs in preblended polyol Historically, imports of ODS contained in preblended polyol were not counted as consumption under the Montreal Protocol Last year, the Excom took a decision agreeing to fund the phaseout of consumption of HCFCs in preblended polyol under specific conditions It was understood that the Excom decision would not affect the historic view that ODS in polyols was not to be counted as consumption. Bottom line: No need to report polyol to the ozone secretariat – but eligible for MLF funding

23 23 Other key issues on this years agenda QPS: EC proposal on better management and control of QPS exemption – likely to be put forward this year QPS: EC proposal on better management and control of QPS exemption – likely to be put forward this year Qs and As on Panels Quadrennial reports Qs and As on Panels Quadrennial reports CUEs and EUEs CUEs and EUEs Report on alternatives to ODS feedstocks Report on alternatives to ODS feedstocks Nepal and Copenhagen ratification Nepal and Copenhagen ratification

24 24 31st OEWG and 23rd MOP 31st OEWG in Bangkok from 1-5 August 31st OEWG in Bangkok from 1-5 August 22nd MOP will be in Bali, Indonesia from 14-18 November 22nd MOP will be in Bali, Indonesia from 14-18 November

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