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An Interactive Learning Module for End Users Click here to move to next slide. Press ESC to exit module. Sharing Information About the CFFA with Caregivers.

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Presentation on theme: "An Interactive Learning Module for End Users Click here to move to next slide. Press ESC to exit module. Sharing Information About the CFFA with Caregivers."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Interactive Learning Module for End Users Click here to move to next slide. Press ESC to exit module. Sharing Information About the CFFA with Caregivers

2 How to Use This Learning Module Click on the navigation buttons to move through this learning module as follows: –Move forward to the next slide. –Move back to the previous slide. –Return to the Table of Contents & select new content. –Indicate an answer to a question. –Go to the CFFA web site Back Forward WEB

3 How to view the website during the training module During the training module we suggest links to important information on the web site. If you want to go to the web site to view information, click on the button. When you are finished, minimize the web site to return to the training module. Back Forward

4 Handouts for the training module 1. Sample Script - Telling Applicants about the CFFA Measures 2. CHAP Measures in the Home Study Back Forward To download these handouts - Click here WEB

5 Table of Contents Taking a Team Approach Telling Applicants about the CFFA Sharing Results Using Results to Plan for Home Development Documenting Results You can navigate to any part of the content by clicking the button next to a content area. Back Forward

6 Introduction This interactive learning module prepares you to share information about the Casey Foster Family Assessments (CFFA) with foster and foster/adoptive parent applicants. Back Forward

7 After completing this self-study module you will know about….. Share information about the CFFA with foster/adoptive parent applicants Discuss CFFA results with caregivers Document results in case records Use CFFA results to evaluate caregivers’ training and support needs Back Forward

8 Take a Team Approach The CFFA gives the applicant’s perspective and the worker’s perspective These two views provide the best vantage points for predicting how applicants will do and what development and support they will need Applicants know the most about themselves You know the most about foster care Back Forward

9 Telling Applicants About the CFFA Use the same case work and relationship building skills you use in other parts of the home study process Develop rapport and trust before asking applicants to complete the measures Engage the applicant in mutual assessment by answering questions they might have about the measures Give the measures to applicants during face-to-face contacts Contents Back Forward How you tell applicants about the CFFA improves the quality of information you get

10 Asking Applicants to Fill Out the CFFA Be direct in stressing the importance of giving accurate information. “It is important for us to get to know you. Please be as accurate as possible. If you give information that is not your true view, it might cause you problems later when you become foster parents and it might cause problems for any foster or adoptive children we place in your care. What I want you to do is to give me the most honest and accurate answers you can to every question. If you do that, you’ll see that this questionnaire will help you and help the children we place in your care.” Back Forward

11 Asking Applicants to Fill Out the CFFA (Cont.) Emphasize confidentiality of information, who will see the information, and how information will be used as part of the application process. Be sensitive to applicant’s background and reading level. Tell couples to complete the measures individually on their own so you get each person’s perspective and that you will discuss their responses with them together. Encourage applicants to complete all of the items on the CFFA questionnaires. Back Forward

12 More Points to Share The CFFA is not a test. It is a way to share views about themselves. The CFFA is one of many ways you are getting to know them during the licensing process. Information will help you know them better so that you can be more supportive. Completing the measures will help them see themselves as foster/adoptive parents. Information will help you plan together so that they are successful in caring for children. Back Forward

13 Present the CFFA with Confidence Share your belief that the CFFA is an important part of the licensing process. Applicants will notice your uncertainty and might not complete it as carefully as they would otherwise or might not complete it at all. CFFA materials and training exercises will help give you the experience and confidence to use the CFFA appropriately and constructively. Back Forward

14 Telling Applicants: A Demonstration Sample Script for Telling Applicants about the CFFA Measures Back Forward If you haven’t downloaded this handout yet - click here WEB

15 TEAM with the CFFA T reat each applicant as an individual E xplore perceptions of strengths and areas for growth A cknowledge and discuss similarities and differences in perceptions M ake plans to develop potential through training and support Back Forward

16 Sharing Results Use the results to help applicants to see themselves in the role of foster/adoptive parents with your agency –Identify strengths –Identify areas for growth and support Contents Back Forward

17 Sharing Results (Cont.) Explain what scores do mean –Scores indicate a level of potential in areas that predict success for foster parents –Scores identify how the applicant can best work with the agency –Scores identify areas for development And do not mean –Scores have limitations and are not the only source of information Back Forward

18 Sharing Results (Cont.) Put results in behavioral terms –“Let’s talk about what your response means in dealing with the children our agency serves. You expressed some concerns as evidenced by your score. What this means is that placing children with difficult behaviors into your home during your first months of being a foster parent may cause you frustration and discouragement about continuing. Let’s identify some areas of training and support that will be helpful to you as you begin.” Back Forward

19 Sharing Results (Cont.) Use results to build collaborative partnerships –You’re in the best position to integrate the information you collect for each applicant –Share your perspective about the applicant’s potential to foster/adopt with your agency –Explore differences in perspectives to promote communication and clarification Back Forward

20 Sharing Results (Cont.) Get the applicant’s perspective Support ongoing development by identifying strengths and areas for future growth Back Forward

21 Use CFFA results to plan foster home development activities Individualize support to caregivers Find and select relevant training opportunities Measure growth at time of re-licensing Plan agency training based on caregivers’ identified needs Contents Back Forward

22 Documenting Results Use behavioral terms Put information in the appropriate section of the home study report Consider results along with other information gathered Report the applicant’s perceptions of his/her CFFA results Identify a plan for action Contents Back Forward

23 CFFA and the Home Study Report Handout: CHAP Measures in the Home Study. After downloading this handout, follow the instructions. This will give you an understanding of just how the CHAP measures can be integrated into the home study document. If you have not already downloaded this handout - Click here Back Forward WEB

24 Documenting Results: Example 1 Mrs. Taylor sees her father as overprotective as indicated by her score in the low potential range on the Parental Bonding Instrument. She confirmed this perception during the home visit. She states that as a child, her father tried to make all her decisions for her. She rebelled against his authority as a teen. After her children were born, she came to see her father as looking out for her best interest. She sees herself as more permissive with her children and wants them to develop their own opinions and beliefs. Back Forward

25 Documenting Results: Example 2 Mr. Davidson indicated problems with co- parenting (scores fell in the low potential range on the CFAI-A co-parenting subscale). He reports that he and his wife take different approaches to parenting their children. During the home study interview he described himself as easy going and his wife as the “disciplinarian.” He reports being satisfied with his marital relationship (high potential range on the KMS) and with his relationships with his children (high potential range on the KPS). Back Forward

26 Getting Help with the CFFA Check out the CFFA web site for more information about the CFFA tools About Assessments Contents Back Forward

27 CFFA Training Curriculum Would you like to bring hands-on training to your agency? Click here for more information about training benefits and opportunities Training Back Forward

28 This concludes Sharing Information About the CFFA with Caregivers Thank you for your interest in learning about the CFFA! Other interactive self-tutorials on the CFFA: Introduction to the CFFA Completing the CFAI Completing the CHAP Press “ESC” on you keyboard to exit the tutorial. Click here to return to the beginning of this tutorial. To print a Certificate of Completion for this tutorial, click on the button then press “PrtSc” on your keyboard Back Forward

29 Is presented to: For completing the online interactive training module Sharing Information About the CFFA with Caregivers (Trainee’s Name) (Date Completed)

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