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(It really does!) Course Overview and Introduction.

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2 (It really does!) Course Overview and Introduction

3 Why? First impressions High Expectations Time Management Learning Styles

4 Who Am I? Arta Szathmary Professor MaST (Math, Science and Technology) Bucks County Community College President of PA4C (2007/2008) myitlab Faculty Consultant

5 What is myitlab? Web based tool. Mapped to Office 2007 textbooks Interactive training, defensible assessment Gradebook, Communications and multimedia content Customizable

6 Students Lost inside your Course? Are you answering the same questions over and over? Are your students confused? Do you feel an “undercurrent” of student chatter? Unfamiliar with using a LMS (CMS)?

7 Welcome to CIS??? Create a folder that contains the “basic” information Syllabus Course Format Weekly Suggested Outline ?? What else???

8 Hints for ??what else?? Navigational instruction Easy to understand organization Introduction to course and how the student will learn Set expectations Netiquette—Discussions, email Student Participation Instructor feedback and grading

9 Hints for ??what else?? Self Introduction Instructor Appropriate Online Students To the instructor Other class members

10 Hints for ??what else?? Minimums Technology requirements Student skills Prerequisite knowledge Course specific information FAQ “hints” from previous students

11 Summary Quality Matters (it really does!) Help your students Help yourself

12 Resources Matters in myitlab.pptx

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