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Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer,

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Presentation on theme: "Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire – Draft River Basin Management Plan & WISE

2 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Reporting aspects WISE, EIONET, Reportnet, INSPIRE, SEIS concepts and ideas Stephan Nemetz Harald Marent

3 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Content WISE: EU-WFD 60/2000/EC –Implementation plan 2019 Reportnet and EIONET: based on an agreement with EEA SEIS: Commission Communication towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS), New Reporting Directive in preparation INSPIRE: Directive 2007/2/EC –Roadmap up to 2019

4 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISE proposal worked out by GEOsolutions for WISE Working group D meeting By Rombout Verwimp

5 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

6 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Distributed / Decentralised system Benefits –Distributed workload –Distributed responsibilities –Re-use of data and software components –data management at the level where it is created Drawbacks –Complexer coordination –Serveral critical components that can fale

7 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISEds IN/OUT

8 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISEds flow types Supported –Type A, D –Type A -> service oriented –Type D -> reportnet Not supported –Type B, C

9 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISE technically –Define an open architecture where early adopters of SOA and followers can both operate –Exchange data according the INSPIRE guidelines (where information is available) –Use of open standards are used where possible/necessary –The architecture has to be feasible with open source software

10 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISEds draft Architecture

11 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Overview implementation Phase I: –Pilot tools for reporting WFD art8 data –Other: draft WISE datamodel, WISE services (wms, wfs) –List directives Priority 1 – Priority 2 –05/2009 Phase II: –Directives P1 A, D communication ready –WISE services P1 –Other: WISE Geo Portal, WISE widgets, –2012

12 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Overview implementation Phase III: –All directives capable for A, D communication –WISE services P2 –Preferred use of A, D communication as defined for directives P1 –2015 Phase IV –Preferred use of A, D communication as defined for all directives –2019

13 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Summary WISE development is still ongoing 4 implementation phases Implemented and operational by 2019 Member states –Strong collaboration MS – EU required to define tools that work at both sites Agree on A, D reporting Reporting sheets –Mutual benefits through easier data exchange

14 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” 14 EIONET and Reportnet Reference: Hermann Peifer

15 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

16 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” What is Reportnet? Reportnet is a system of integrated IT tools and processes creating a shared information infrastructure to support the reporting of environmental data and information in Europe 16

17 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” 17 Priority data flows in EIONET Air pollution Exchange of Information Decision (air quality data) Monthly ozone data during summer (April–September) Annual air quality questionnaire Near real-time ozone reporting Climate Change CLRTAP data and NEC data (emissions data) UNFCCC reporting and EU GHG data (greehouse gases) Water quality Quality of Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater Quality of transitional, coastal and marine water Biodiversity Common Database on Nationally Designated Areas

18 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” 18 Evolution of data reporting Regular mail Fax Tapes CD-ROM Floppy disks Email with attachments Web-based data delivery 80‘s 90‘s 21 st century Paper based reporting >> Electronic data reporting

19 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” 19 Reportnet modules 1.Reporting Obligations Database ROD (A database of reporting obligations)ROD 2.Data Dictionary DD (Data element specifications)DD 3.Data Exchange Modules DEM (Formats and templates) 4.Directory DIR (Database of users)DIR 5.Central Data Repository CDR (The website to upload reported data. Optional data conversions and quality checks)CDR 1 2 3 4 5

20 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” 20 Reportnet unrolled Information products Content monitoring Data dictionary Reporting obligations EEA data services Data exchange modules Network directory Data repository Data handling Data reportingData dissemination 12 3 4 5 12 3 5 4

21 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Reportnet tools as part of SEIS Member States (Eionet,...) EU bodies (EEA,Estat,JRC,... Data Centres) International Organisations (Conventions,...) Others (Research, NGO,...)

22 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” dex.htm

23 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Directive INSPIRE, 2007 Time Directive on Public Access to Environmental Information, 2003 Directiveon Reuse of PublicSector Information, 2003 6th Community Environment Action Programme, 2002 Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, 1998 DeclarationoftheUN StockholmConference ontheHumanEnvironment,1972 Standardized Environmental Reporting Directive, 1991 SEIS ? Establishment EEA and Eionet Council Regulation, 1990 GMES Action Plan, 2004

24 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”  Improve availability and quality of information needed to design and implement Community environment policy  Reduce administrative burden on Member States and EU institutions & modernise reporting  Foster the development of information services and applications that all of us can use and profit from. General aims of SEIS    Reportnet

25 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” SEIS Principles information should be managed as close as possible to its source information is provided once and shared with others for many purposes data and information should be readily accessible information should be made available to the public after the consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation, given possible confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the national language(s)

26 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” –Secure political commitment to basic principles –Streamline reporting/monitoring requirements –Improve data/info sharing and infrastructure –Secure sustainable and appropriate data collection and archiving –Foster development of user-oriented information services Specific Objectives of SEIS   Reportnet

27 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Overview INSPIRE Steve Peedell, Felix Lux, Rudolf Legat, Stephan Nemetz

28 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

29 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” INSPIRE Architecture & WISE Steve Peedell Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit European Commission Joint Research Centre

30 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” INSPIRE Overview INSPIRE implies a distributed architecture Building on infrastructure in Member States (Article 1 §2) MS to establish and operate a network of services (Article 17, 18) three technical chapters of the Directive Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, invoke)

31 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” INSPIRE Roadmap Milestone date Relevant article Description 2007-05-15Entry into force of INSPIRE Directive 2007-08-1522§2Establishment of the INSPIRE Committee 2008-05-155§4Adoption of IR for the creation and updating of metadata 2008-05-1521(4)Adoption of IR for monitoring and reporting 2008-05-15*16Adoption of IR for discovery and view services 2008-11-15*16Adoption of IR for download services 2008-11-15*Adoption of IR for data exchange 2008-11-15*16(a)Adoption of IR for Coordinates Transformation Service 2009-05-15*17(8) Adoption of IR governing the access rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies 2009-05-159(a) Adoption of IRs for the interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services for Annex I spatial data themes 2009-05-1524§1Provisions of Directive are brought into force in MS (transposition date)

32 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” INSPIRE Architecture Overview Produced by Network Services Drafting Team with input from other DT’s Informative document produced, NOT an Implementing Rule Service layer consisting of Discovery, View, Download, Transform and Invoke Services Recognises that INSPIRE does not cover all the services and components necessary to build an infrastructure e.g. Registry services How to transport messages between components? HTTP/GET, HTTP/POST (OGC) vs SOAP (W3C) GetCapabilities (OGC) vs WSDL (W3C) Need for further investigation of feasibility of SOAP/WSDL for INSPIRE Network Services INSPIRE Material does not provide detailed implementation guidance Much of this would be tool-specific, or generic best practice (e.g. how to scale services for dealing with very large datasets)

33 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Registers Service Metadata Data Set Metadata Registry ServiceDiscovery Service DT MD DT NS GeoRM layers Application and Geoportals Service Bus InvokeSD Service Transf. Service Spatial Data Set TWG Thematic DS Framework for harmonized DS DT DS View Service Download Service Service Layer Data Sources INSPIRE Architecture Overview

34 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Discovery Services INSPIRE Discovery Services provide the functionality to search through catalogues Describe, publish, discover, manage, harvest Mature area of standardisation Existing standards & specifications available Community endorsement & deployment OGC Catalogue Service for the Web ISO 19115/9 Application Profile shall be used as the reference specification for the INSPIRE Discovery Service

35 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” View Services INSPIRE View Services provide the functionality to serve visual representations of the data covered by the Directive Annexes Publish, request, feature info, manage Mature area of standardisation Existing standards available Community endorsement & deployment ISO 19128:2005 (OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0) shall be used as the implementation standard for the INSPIRE View Service

36 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Austrian INSPIRE organisational structure

37 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Principles of implementing INSPIRE/AT Conformity to implementing rules of „INSPIRE “ Directive –time frame –content –Implementing rules as defined by European Commission Highest possible consensual interpretation of INSPIRE Directive –„ONE interpretation for all authorities concerned.“ Make geodata & -services part of the infrastruktur of public administration –These Geodata & -services cannot be compared with services as, e.g. Google Earth ! –authenticity, availability, area coverage, updating, continuity, etc. Open communication 21.09.201537

38 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Principles of implementing INSPIRE/AT No change of responsibilities of –compilation –maintenance of geodata Continuity of granted decentralized data management –interoperability by INSPIRE-compliant services Time & cost efficient implementation of INSPIRE on ALL levels of public administration –By integration of existing systems, e.g. „“ 21.09.201538

39 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Deliverables „INSPIRE AT“ Transposition into national law –Definition of laws affected by –Definition of laws to be amended –Legislative proposals Support of implementation on provincial level Cost assessment of individual implementations of methods & measures –For whom? 21.09.201539

40 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Conclusion INSPIRE (technique) WISE (content) SEIS

41 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Thank you!

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