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1. SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 2 Innovation in companies and regions Easier for companies Tillväxtverket.

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Presentation on theme: "1. SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 2 Innovation in companies and regions Easier for companies Tillväxtverket."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 2 Innovation in companies and regions Easier for companies Tillväxtverket

3 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH From Arjeplog to Malmö 9 locations Approx. 350 employees 3

4 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Simplicity for entrepreneurs We make it easier to become and remain an entrepreneur 4 Business start-up days Regulatory simplification Innovation and Young People EXAMPLES:

5 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Better Regulation Exempting certain groups of companies from regulations Reformulating regulations designed in a complicated way Repealing regulations or using alternatives to regulations Developing electronic services Increasing service and accessibility Providing better integration of services 5


7 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Ambassadors for Women´s Entrepreneurship 7

8 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 8 Better Regulation Hunt Look behind the statistics Understand small businesses Share their experiences and stories Identify areas of improvement A communication tool Trying out a new methodology

9 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Manufacturing Hotel and restaurant Transport Trade 9 4 industries 16 municipalities 45 businesses

10 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 10 ”It is more difficult to get hold of the Migration Board than the Phantom …” ”The Emergency Services are problem solvers - that’s how all Authorities should act.” ”I § know food inspector, so I don’t want to disappoint her.” Summary

11 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 11 Regulation is a good thing The amount of regulation Enforcement ensures fair competition Dialogue, guidance and support Having employees and the responsibility Coordination of reporting requirements and inspections Public procurement Summary

12 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 12 Clear answers makes it easier for Aleris ”We need clear answers from agencies to feel secury with the legislation.” Susanna Adel Widlert Quality Manager, Aleris

13 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 13 Lack of guidance creates insecurity ” No body asks of it will be easier or more complicated for the businesses when the law changes.” Ann-Sofi Grönlund dentist,Sollefteå

14 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 14 Safety requires regulation ” Developing electronic services makes it easier but it takes time to learn how they works.” Helén Örtegren Owner, Äventyrslekhuset AB

15 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 15 Availability on the local level is key ” A little less talking a litte more action please …regarding better regulation” Jeanette Bohman Owner Skivarps Gästgivaregård

16 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH The Government’s Better Regulation Objectives The overall aim is to make a significant positive change in day-to-day business operations. Five focus areas : 1.Reduced cost to business 2.Reduced and simplified reporting 3.Simplified access points on county and municipal level 4.Follow-up on better regulation suggestions from the business sector 5.Improved quality of impact assessments 16

17 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Swedish Better Regulation Council 17 Mandatory for regulators to submit proposals for regulations and their impact assessments to the Swedish Better Regulation Council. Transparency – all documents at the Swedish Better Regulation Council are public. The Council is assisted by a staff of 9 people from The Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

18 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Consultation Consultation is in principle mandatory Early stage: hearings, workshops, surveys, interviews and working gropus Later stage: written procedure where legal proposal and an impact assessment is submitted to relevant stakeholders for comments Committees of inquiry 18

19 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 19 The Government appoints a comittee/commission of inquiry The committe presents its proposal in a report The Government circulates the report for comment The Government drafts a proposal for change – a Government bill The Government bill is submitted to the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) for consideration After the parliament committes have discussed the matter, a vote is taken in the Riksdag The Government promulgates a law Initiative for change

20 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH The process of a new Act 20 Case – Better regulations regarding businesses in the welfare sector

21 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 21 The Government appoints a comittee/commission of inquiry The committe presents its proposal in a report The Government circulates the report for comment The Government drafts a proposal for change – a Government bill The Government bill is submitted to the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) for consideration After the parliament committes have discussed the matter, a vote is taken in the Riksdag The Government promulgates a law Initiative for change

22 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 22 Ordinance on Impact Analysis of Regulation (SFS 2007:1244) General provisions on impact analyses Section 4 As early as possible, before an agency decides on regulations or general advice, the agency shall 1. make an assessment of the financial impact and other consequences of the regulations or the general advice to the extent necessary in the individual case, and document this assessment in an impact analysis, and 2. provide central government agencies, municipalities, county councils, organisations, the business sector and other parties that will be significantly affected financially or otherwise with an opportunity to state their opinion on the issue and on the impact analysis. If there will be a danger to the environment, life, personal safety or health or a risk of considerable financial damage if a regulation is not decided on, the measures laid down in the first paragraph may be taken after the decision.

23 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Section 6 - An impact analysis shall contain the following: 1. a description of the problem and the desired result, 2. a description of the alternative solutions that exist to achieve the desired result and the consequences if no regulation takes place, 3. information on the parties that will be affected by the regulation, 4. information on the authorisation the agency base their mandate on 5. information on the financial and other consequences of the regulation and a comparison of the impacts of the alternative regulations being considered, 6. an assessment of whether the regulation complies with, or goes beyond the obligations following from Sweden’s membership of the European Union 7. an assessment of whether particular account needs to be taken with regard to the date of entry into force and of whether there is a need for special informational measures. 23

24 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Section 7 - If the regulation could significantly affect the operational conditions of enterprises the Swedish Impact Assessment should also include the following (SME-test): The number of enterprises affected, the industries represented and size of the enterprises. The period of time required for the regulation to be implemented and administrative costs for affected enterprises. Other costs to enterprises and possible changes enterprises may need to make as a result of the proposed regulation. The extent to which the regulation may affect the competitive conditions for enterprises. Whether particular account needs to be taken of small enterprises when designing the regulations. 24

25 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 25 What we do Knowledge NetworkEducationTools Impact assessments Dialog Best practice About statistics Work on Better regulation Business calculator Web guidelines

26 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Better impact assessments Education Method development Guidance 26

27 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Proactive thinking – education for beginners 27

28 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Program 28 10.00–11.00 Why should you do an impact assessment? Tillväxtverket 11.00–12.15 What characterizes a good impact assessent? Regelrådet/The Swedish Better Regulation Council 12.15–13.00 Lunch 13.00–13.30 How can an effect chain ease the work with the impact assessment? Ekonomistyrningsverket/ The Swedish National Financial Management Authority 13.30–15.00 Group discussion including coffe break 15.00–15.30 Making life easier for businesses The Federation of Swedish Farmers,an interest and business organisation for the green industry 15.30–16.00 Summary Tillväxtverket

29 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH 29 Tools Newsletter Suggest better regulation measures What are we doing to simplify regulations?

30 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Web guidelines for impact assessments 30 Possibilities to document Text for help Examples

31 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Regelräknaren – calculator of economic consequences for businesses 31 Makes it easier to calculate cost for businesses

32 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH How we approached the task Step 1 Meeting with eight Swedish agencies Step 2 List of demands/requests Step 3 Public procurement Step 4 Agile approach Step 5 Demo Step 6 Paper sketches Step 7 Test on paper sketches Step 8 Improvements Step 9 Development of the system (web-based) Step 10 October – Presentation of the prototype - Positive and negative feedback Step 11 Improvements Step 12 Launched in February 2015 Step 13 Launch tour – January to March 2015 Step 14 Future improvements 32

33 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Impact assessments are not prioritised A helpful tool, but not enough/sufficient Limited budget 1,2 million SEK 33

34 SWEDISH AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GROWTH Challenges with impact assessments Attitudes Methods for work Resources Internal support 34

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