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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC RELATION.(P.R) AND CLIENT RELATIONSHIP OFFICER."— Presentation transcript:


2 DUTIES: May perform the following tasks:
monitor public opinion about an organisation or particular issues; advise management on policy issues and communication strategies; plan public relations programmes including preparing cost budgets; present arguments on behalf of an organisation (lobbying) to other organisations and special interest groups; liaise with the public and respond to inquiries; liaise with the media, i.e. respond to inquiries, arrange interviews with journalists, prepare and distribute news releases and make statements; write, edit and arrange production of print materials such as newsletters, house magazines, pamphlets and brochures; assist in preparing organisational documents such as annual reports, corporate profiles and submissions; write speeches, prepare visual aids and make public presentations; oversee production of visual (film or video) and audio electronic material, including managing an internet web site; organise special events such as open days, visits, exhibitions and functions; conduct internal communication courses, workshops and media training; evaluate communication activities and recommend future actions.

3 Personal Qualities: good analytical skills
able to write concisely, effectively and interestingly excellent communication and organisational skills an interest in current affairs ability to work under pressure versatile in audio visuals

4 Public relation officer in different sectors
Corporate Sector - shows that there is more to a particular organisation than merely making money; the activities and attitudes are portrayed as being beneficial and friendly towards the public. Government - deals with informing the public about the government's schemes and activities and showing the overall benefit of these projects to society at large Pressure Groups/Causes/Lobbies - This is possibly the most difficult area to work in, but the most fulfilling since it deals with particular groups of society or organisations that have been built with a cause to improve society in some way or the other. It is a relatively new area in India and demands dedication and extensive knowledge about the cause being fought for such as child labour, women's' issues, the environment, political ideology and so on. The work involves making the public aware of the issues through public programmes, fund-raising, charity shows, so that people are inspired to change and in-turn help convince the policy-makers. Products - involves creating a good image of the product before it is launched to ensure that consumers, retailers, distributors are enticed by it Public Personalities - This is probably the most glamorous of all the PR jobs since it deals with building and enhancing an image of well-known people such as politicians, sports people, musicians, actors/ actresses, writers etc.

5 Continued Public Sector - aims to show and prove to the policy-makers and common person that the public money is being spent in a worthwhile manner Schemes/ Projects - this involves informing the community being catered to or the organisation's employees about new schemes to reduce their apprehension towards change, answer any queries and show the overall benefit of these projects Tourism/Hospitality Industry - quite an important field since the image projected will determine or influence people's attitudes.

6 Career prospects. The opportunities are immense for potential Public Relations Officers. As outlined in the 'Areas of Work' section, work can be found in government offices, private companies, advertising agencies, tourist resorts, hotels, banks and financial institutions, non-governmental organisations, private consultancy firms etc. Depending on the designation and enterprise, the pay scales will definitely vary. In a PR department, we generally only have PRO and liaison officers (Senior PR officers are paid on par with the senior managers in Hotels/Corporate Sector etc.)

My advice for new comers within a PR agency is always to L.E.A.D., meaning ‘Listen, Experience, Ask and Dare’. I believe that you go through certain, overlapping stages when entering a new PR job at an agency. And listening will always be the starting point. That’s stage one, so try to grow bigger ears in that first period. Listen to seniors, partners, juniors and clients. Try to receive as much information as possible.And without really realizing it, you are now also experiencing how things work at the agency. That’s a good thing! Try to do as many chores, also the annoying ones, as you can. You will benefit from it later on. Really, you will. We have all been there. And then, feel free to ask all the questions you have. Don’t to ask them, even if it are 10 or 50 questions a day. Asking questions is so important. Try to get all the information you need to feel comfortable. Listen to conversations, experience meetings, ask questions and learn from it.

8 CONTINUED And when you feel ready to make a difference.. be sure to CRUSH IT! You, advice and energy. Daring is crucial for PR new commers Actually, that’s probably the reason why they hired you in the first place. To make a difference. And I know, skills are important. But as an agency owner, I hunger for passion. That will make you stand out and eventually, will get you your dream job in PR!

9 Thank You!


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