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Introduction This morning we warned about men following the evil imaginations of their heart leading to rebellion against God and suffering the eternal.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction This morning we warned about men following the evil imaginations of their heart leading to rebellion against God and suffering the eternal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction This morning we warned about men following the evil imaginations of their heart leading to rebellion against God and suffering the eternal consequences. But we can use our imaginations for good if we allow God’s word to dwell in our hearts. But we can use our imaginations for good if we allow God’s word to dwell in our hearts. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Eph. 3:17; Phil. 4:8) The Bible is a book of pictures in which the Lord gives us metaphors to think about so that we will trust and obey Him.

3 Protection of Imagination (Metaphors in the Bible) The Lord is our shepherd who guides us in the path of righteousness while we are like sheep that have gone astray. The Lord is our shepherd who guides us in the path of righteousness while we are like sheep that have gone astray. (Psalm 23:1-3; Isaiah 53:6) Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11ff). Jesus knows His sheep by name, they listen to His voice and follow Him, and they will have eternal life and never perish (John 10:28ff).

4 Protection of Imagination (Metaphors in the Bible) Jesus is the Lamb of God that was led to the slaughter and takes away the sin of the world Jesus is the Lamb of God that was led to the slaughter and takes away the sin of the world (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; Acts 8:32ff). Jesus is the Bread of Life; if we hunger and thirst after righteousness, we will never be hungry and thirsty (John 6:35). Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches that bear fruit for Jesus. But apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:1-5).

5 Protection of Imagination (Sacrifice of Christ) We don’t need an image of a person dying on a cross to help us remember His death. When Jesus said to take the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him, He wanted us to use our imaginations to go back to the cross and remember His agony, suffering, and sacrifice for us When Jesus said to take the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him, He wanted us to use our imaginations to go back to the cross and remember His agony, suffering, and sacrifice for us (Luke 22:19-20; 1 Cor. 11:23ff). Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Heb. 9:22; 1 Pet. 1:19).

6 Protection of Imagination (The Magnificence of Heaven) God has given us our imaginations to use to think about the magnificence of heaven so that we might imitate Christ’s example. Jesus speaks in parables and says, “The kingdom of heaven is like….”. Instead of imagining that you will be great, humble yourselves and be a servant so that you will be exalted to heaven one day. Instead of imagining that you will be great, humble yourselves and be a servant so that you will be exalted to heaven one day. (Matthew 18:3-4; 20:25ff)

7 Protection of Imagination (The Magnificence of Heaven) If you love treasure, instead of focusing on the possessions that will perish someday, invest in God’s word that will lead to heavenly treasures If you love treasure, instead of focusing on the possessions that will perish someday, invest in God’s word that will lead to heavenly treasures (Pr. 2:1-5; Matt. 6:19-21; 13:44). If you love jewelry, imagine the brilliance of the priceless stones that will be in heaven along with the street of gold. (Matthew 13:45-46; Revelation 21:19-20)

8 Protection of Imagination (The Magnificence of Heaven) As a husband you remember your wife beautifully adorned in her wedding dress and the Lord uses that to picture the new Jerusalem (the holy city) coming down out of heaven from God for you As a husband you remember your wife beautifully adorned in her wedding dress and the Lord uses that to picture the new Jerusalem (the holy city) coming down out of heaven from God for you (Rev. 21:2). You might remember the times that you have wept at a loved one’s funeral but imagine God wiping away every tear from your eyes (as your mother did when you were a child) You might remember the times that you have wept at a loved one’s funeral but imagine God wiping away every tear from your eyes (as your mother did when you were a child) (Rev. 21:4)

9 Conclusion Jesus is the Good Shepherd (we are like sheep that have gone astray) He is the Lamb of God (who takes away the sin of the world) He is the Bread of Life (we should hunger and thirst for righteousness) should bear fruit) He is the Vine (we should bear fruit) Use your imagination for good by dwelling on spiritual things & obeying Christ so you might enjoy Paradise forever Use your imagination for good by dwelling on spiritual things & obeying Christ so you might enjoy Paradise forever (Heb. 5:8-9; Rev. 2:7)!

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