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The Christian’s Welcome Home Revelation 19-22 Introduction  We left our last lesson with some close-ups of Satan and his followers –They are all defeated.

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2 The Christian’s Welcome Home Revelation 19-22

3 Introduction  We left our last lesson with some close-ups of Satan and his followers –They are all defeated –They are all destined for eternal torment  We also saw a few glimpses of the victors –Christ and His followers –A brief look at the celebration in heaven following the victory (Rev 15)  Now we will look more closely at the victors and the reward that awaits them

4 The Marriage  Rev 19:1-6 Is another look at the celebration of victory as those in heaven praise God  The result of the victory is pictured as a marriage of Christ and His bride – Rev 19:7-9 –The bride is clothed in the righteous acts of the saints (didn’t follow Satan or the beasts) –The bride would then be the church (2 Cor 11:2, Eph 5:22-33)  She is the radiant woman of Rev 12, now ready because she overcame

5 A final vision  After picturing the victory as a marriage and showing Satan’s defeat one last time  We are brought to one last vision –This time the vision begins with the judgment and looks forward into eternity

6 Judgment  Rev 20:11-15 –All people stand before the throne –The creation (earth and heavens) are removed, they serve no more purpose –Death and Hades are cast into the lake of fire, there will be no more death and no need for Hades –All those not in the Book of Life will also go into the lake of fire  That’s really all there is to say about the wicked

7 A new heaven and new earth  Rev 21-22 –The eternal home of the righteous pictured as a new world, a new Jerusalem (see 21:9) –The picture is symbolic / figurative, not literal –But important truths are stated about our eternal home –21:3-4 – What has passed away –21:7-8 – Who will be there, and who won’t –21:22-23, 27 – Why it will be so much better –22:3-5 – What we will do there

8 Lesson  We have a choice to make –There are 2 eternal destinations –We get to pick which we want by the way we live here upon earth  Rev 22:11-13 –Whichever you choose, the consequences are eternal –Judgment will be coming soon –Are you ready?

9 Getting ready  Rev 22:14-15 –If you want eternal life, wash your robes  In the blood of the Lamb, by baptism –If you don’t, then you will end up with the immoral, murderers, and liars (21:8)  Rev 22:17 –The invitation is open to all who hear –Won’t you come?

10 Conclusion  Rev 22:20-21 –He is coming –He is victorious –Are you ready for His coming? –Are you looking forward to His coming?  We can share in the “Victory in Jesus” –A wonderful, eternal celebration  If you’re not ready, why not get ready now?


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