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MDG Data Coordination Neda Jafar Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation: Employment Indicators 12-13 July, Beirut Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation:

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Presentation on theme: "MDG Data Coordination Neda Jafar Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation: Employment Indicators 12-13 July, Beirut Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MDG Data Coordination Neda Jafar Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation: Employment Indicators 12-13 July, Beirut Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation: Employment Indicators 12-13 July, Beirut

2 Challenges Reporting challenges Central repositories for national indicators on database platforms Data availability and discrepancy challenges Streamlining and avoiding using multiple data systems Coordination at the national, regional and global level

3 Current dissemination practices SpreadsheetsStatic file formats National databases

4 Only a snapshot Data not downloadable Manual updates Fully controlled presentation Combine data, text, charts Quick, easy, cheap Static files √ X Key indicators Highlights >

5 Users have to download all Manual updates Easy format for data analysis Downloadable, Customizable Spreadsheets √ X Data files for further analysis >

6 Important implementation costs IT infrastructure System maintenance Customized queries Flexible downloads Easy updates National databases √ X General data dissemination >

7 National MDG Databases Establishment of national MDG databases as official repositories for all MDG data. – Improve coordination: national data producers submit data to a common repository – Facilitate dissemination of data to national and international users

8 Why is the coordination of statistics important? ? 1.4% 5.2 % -2.7 % Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Principle 8. Coordination among statistical agencies is essential to achieve consistency and efficiency in the statistical system

9 Data Reporting Cycle Other producers of official statistics National Statistical Office International Organizations

10 MDG data compilation and analysis Agency Headquarters eg. UNICEF Line Ministry in the country Agency Headquarters eg. UNESCO Agency Headquarters eg. ILO MDG Indicators database 60 MDG indicators + background/additional indicators 192 Member States 1990-2010 For each indicator one or more agencies are responsible for providing the data and metadata and for leading the methodological developments Country office of the International agency National Statistical Office in the country E-mail SDMX E-mail

11 Coordination issues Time lags: different data and metadata in different databases E-mails not delivered Harmonization of files (country and agency levels) Burden on countries Prone to errors Translation issues

12 Coordination tools Coordination between NSOs and line ministries through following tools: – The creation of central MDG databases – The use of standards for data exchange, such as SDMX.

13 Dissemination of MDG MDG databases should have: – Store data and their metadata – Produce charts, maps and cross-tabulations; – Import and export data and metadata; – On-line data dissemination using SDMX import and export – Open source database applications – Adaptable and customized to national needs

14 di User

15 ChildInfo 1995 - 2003 UNICEF developed a database to monitor the World Summit for Children offered to the UN system DevInfo 4.0 2004 ChildInfo upgraded and launched with UNDG endorsement in April 2004 UN Endorsement Endorsed by the United Nations to assist Member States in Monitoring human development DevInfo 5.0 2005 New web-enabled version developed and launched with broad government and UN support in May 2006 DevInfo 6.0 2009 New features with Web 2.0 social networking launched in Apr 2009

16 di User

17 di Org

18 in the Arab Region

19 Country Adaptations

20 spx

21 http://www.devinfoyemen.o rg/di6web/home.aspx


23 g/DI5Web/home.aspx

24 sudaninfo/ http://www.observatoire- =statistiques

25 Regional Adaptations nainfo_kpidatabase/ nainfo_database/

26 What is missing? To Improve coordination at the subnational level to report to national planning agency To improve coordination at the national level to report to regional and international agency To improve coordination at the international level to report to national agency

27 Recommendations

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