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Diagnostic Testing Ethan Cowan, MD, MS Department of Emergency Medicine Jacobi Medical Center Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Albert Einstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagnostic Testing Ethan Cowan, MD, MS Department of Emergency Medicine Jacobi Medical Center Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Albert Einstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagnostic Testing Ethan Cowan, MD, MS Department of Emergency Medicine Jacobi Medical Center Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Albert Einstein College of Medicine

2 The Provider Dilemma u A 26 year old pregnant female presents after twisting her ankle. She has no abdominal or urinary complaints. The nurse sends a UA and uricult dipslide prior to you seeing the patient. What should you do with the results of these tests?

3 The Provider Dilemma u Should a provider give antibiotics if either one or both of these tests come back positive?

4 Why Order a Diagnostic Test? u When the diagnosis is uncertain u Incorrect diagnosis leads to clinically significant morbidity or mortality u Diagnostic test result changes management u Test is cost effective

5 Clinician Thought Process u Clinician derives patient prior prob. of disease: u H & P u Literature u Experience u “Index of Suspicion” u 0% - 100% u “Low, Med., High”

6 Threshold Approach to Diagnostic Testing u P < P(-)Dx testing & therapy not indicated u P(-) < P < P(+)Dx testing needed prior to therapy u P > P(+) Only intervention needed Pauker and Kassirer, 1980, Gallagher, 1998 Probability of Disease 0% 100% Testing Zone P(-) P(+)

7 Threshold Approach to Diagnostic Testing u Width of testing zone depends on: u Test properties u Risk of excess morbidity/mortality attributable to the test u Risk/benefit ratio of available therapies for the Dx Probability of Disease 0% 100% Testing Zone P(-) P(+) Pauker and Kassirer, 1980, Gallagher, 1998

8 Test Characteristics u Reliability u Inter observer u Intra observer u Correlation u B&A Plot u Simple Agreement u Kappa Statistics u Validity u Sensitivity u Specificity u NPV u PPV u ROC Curves

9 Reliability u The extent to which results obtained with a test are reproducible.

10 Reliability Not Reliable Reliable

11 Intra rater reliability u Extent to which a measure produces the same result at different times for the same subjects

12 Inter rater reliability u Extent to which a measure produces the same result on each subject regardless of who makes the observation

13 Correlation (r) u For continuous data u r = 1 perfect u r = 0 none O 1 = O 2 O1O1 O2O2 Bland & Altman, 1986

14 Correlation (r) u Measures relation strength, not agreement u Problem: even near perfect correlation may indicate significant differences between observations O 1 = O 2 r = 0.8 O1O1 O2O2 Bland & Altman, 1986

15 Bland & Altman Plot u For continuous data u Plot of observation differences versus the means u Data that are evenly distributed around 0 and are within 2 STDs exhibit good agreement 0 10 -10 O 1 – O 2 [O 1 + O 2 ] / 2 Bland & Altman, 1986

16 Simple Agreement u Extent to which two or more raters agree on the classifications of all subjects u % of concordance in the 2 x 2 table (a + d) / N u Not ideal, subjects may fall on diagonal by chance Rater 1 Rater 2 -+total - ab a + b + cd c + d totala + cb + dN

17 Kappa u The proportion of the best possible improvement in agreement beyond chance obtained by the observers u K = (p a – p 0 )/(1-p 0 ) u P a = (a+d)/N (prop. of subjects along the main diagonal) u P o = [(a + b)(a+c) + (c+d)(b+d)]/N 2 (expected prop.) Rater 1 Rater 2 -+total - ab a + b + cd c + d totala + cb + dN

18 Interpreting Kappa Values K=1 K > 0.80 0.60 < K < 0.80 0.40 < K < 0.60 0 < K < 0.40 K = 0 K < 0 Perfect Excellent Good Fair Poor Chance (p a = p 0 ) Less than chance

19 Weighted Kappa u Used for more than 2 observers or categories u Perfect agreement on the main diagonal weighted more than partial agreement off of it. Rater 1 Rater 2 12...Ctotal 1 n 11 n 12...n 1C n 1. 2 n 21 n 22...n 2C n 2......... C n C1 n C2...n CC n C. totaln.1 n.2...n.C N

20 Validity u The degree to which a test correctly diagnoses people as having or not having a condition u Internal Validity u External Validity

21 Validity Valid, not reliableReliable and Valid

22 Internal Validity u Performance Characteristics u Sensitivity u Specificity u NPV u PPV u ROC Curves

23 2 x 2 Table TP = True Positives FP = False Positives Test Result Disease Status cases noncases total + TP - positives negatives total cases noncases N FN FP TN TN = True Negatives FN = False Negatives

24 Gold Standard u Definitive test used to identify cases u Example: traditional agar culture u The dipstick and dipslide are measured against the gold standard

25 Sensitivity (SN) Test Result Disease Status cases noncases total + TP - positives negatives total cases noncases N FN FP TN u Probability of correctly identifying a true case u TP/(TP + FN) = TP/ cases u High SN, Negative test result rules out Dx (SnNout) Sackett & Straus, 1998

26 Specificity (SP) Test Result Disease Status cases noncases total + TP - positives negatives total cases noncases N FN FP TN u Probability of correctly identifying a true noncase u TN/(TN + FP) = TN/ noncases u High SP, Positive test result rules in Dx (SpPin) Sackett & Straus, 1998

27 Problems with Sensitivity and Specificity u Remain constant over patient populations u But, SN and SP convey how likely a test result is positive or negative given the patient does or does not have disease u Paradoxical inversion of clinical logic u Prior knowledge of disease status obviates need of the diagnostic test Gallagher, 1998

28 Positive Predictive Value (PPV) Test Result Disease Status cases noncases total + TP - positives negatives total cases noncases N FN FP TN u Probability that a labeled (+) is a true case u TP/(TP + FP) = TP/ total positives u High SP corresponds to very high PPV (SpPin) Sackett & Straus, 1998

29 Negative Predictive Value (NPV) Test Result Disease Status cases noncases total + TP - positives negatives total cases noncases N FN FP TN u Probability that a labeled (-) is a true noncase u TN/(TN + FN) = TP/ total negatives u High SN corresponds to very high NPV (SnNout) Sackett & Straus, 1998

30 Predictive Value Problems u Vulnerable to Disease Prevalence (P) Shifts u Do not remain constant over patient populations u As PPPV NPV Gallagher, 1998

31 Flipping a Coin to Dx AMI for People with Chest Pain SN = 3 / 6 = 50% SP = 47 / 94 = 50% AMINo AMI Heads (+)34750 Tails (-)34750 694100 ED AMI Prevalence 6% PPV= 3 / 50 = 6% NPV = 47 / 50 = 94% Worster, 2002

32 Flipping a Coin to Dx AMI for People with Chest Pain SN = 45 / 90 = 50% SP = 5 / 10 = 50% AMINo AMI Heads (+)45550 Tails (-)45550 9010100 CCU AMI Prevalence 90% PPV= 45 / 50 = 90% NPV = 5 / 50 = 10% Worster, 2002

33 Receiver Operator Curve u Allows consideration of test performance across a range of threshold values u Well suited for continuous variable Dx Tests 1.0 1-Specificity (FPR) Sensitivity (TPR) 0.0 1.0

34 Receiver Operator Curve u Avoids the “single cutoff trap” No Effect Sepsis Effect WBC Count Gallagher, 1998

35 Area Under the Curve (θ) 1-Specificity (FPR) Sensitivity (TPR) 1.0 0.0 1.0 u Measure of test accuracy u (θ) 0.5 – 0.7 no to low discriminatory power u (θ) 0.7 – 0.9 moderate discriminatory power u (θ) > 0.9 high discriminatory power Gryzybowski, 1997

36 Problem with ROC curves u Same problems as SN and SP “Reverse Logic” u Mainly used to describe Dx test performance

37 Appendicitis Example u Study design: u Prospective cohort u Gold standard: u Pathology report from appendectomy or CT finding (negatives) u Diagnostic Test: u Total WBC Cardall, 2004 Appy No Appy CT Scan OR + + - - Physical Exam

38 Appendicitis Example WBCAppyNot AppyTotal > 10,0006689155 < 10,0002198119 Total87187274 SN 76% (65%-84%) SP 52% (45%-60%) PPV 42% (35%-51%) NPV 82% (74%-89%) Cardall, 2004

39 Appendicitis Example u Patient WBC: u 13,000 u Management: u Get CT with PO & IV Contrast Cardall, 2004 Appy No Appy CT Scan OR + + - - Physical Exam

40 Abdominal CT

41 Follow UP u CT result: acute appendicitis u Patient taken to OR for appendectomy

42 But, was WBC necessary? Answer given in talk on Likelihood Ratios

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