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November 13, 2013 Kansas Affiliate Grant RFAProcess Peggy Johnson Kansas Mission Advisory Council & Komen Advocate in Science Steering Committee Member.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13, 2013 Kansas Affiliate Grant RFAProcess Peggy Johnson Kansas Mission Advisory Council & Komen Advocate in Science Steering Committee Member."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13, 2013 Kansas Affiliate Grant RFAProcess Peggy Johnson Kansas Mission Advisory Council & Komen Advocate in Science Steering Committee Member Kirsten Bruce Kansas Affiliate Education & Grants Coordinator

2 Kansas Agenda Introductions Background Community Profile 2014 RFA Grant Writing Tips GeMS

3 Kansas Workshop Goals Familiarize applicants with the vision, mission, and strategies of Susan G. Komen ® Inform potential applicants about funding opportunities Help applicants develop a successful application Who We Are

4 Kansas Founded in 1982 by Nancy G. Brinker in memory of her sister Susan G. Komen Today, the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists Millions of supporters worldwide $1.9 billion invested to date in research, education, awareness, screening and treatment Susan G. Komen ® Promise: To end breast cancer forever.

5 Kansas Who is Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® ? The Vision… A World Without Breast Cancer The Promise… To Save Lives and End Breast Cancer Forever Empowering People Ensuring Quality Care for All Energizing Science to Find the CURES

6 Kansas Our Work: Fighting breast cancer on all fronts Local communities Innovative research on a national level Strong public policy across all levels of government Global expansion Next to the U.S. government, we are the world’s largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to ending breast cancer. Our “all angles” approach incorporates:

7 Kansas The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Affiliate Network 121 Domestic Affiliates and Three International – Germany, Italy and Puerto Rico

8 Kansas What does the Kansas Affiliate of Susan G. Komen do? Raise funds for local programs and national research Grant funds for restricted breast health programs for the uninsured/underserved population Educate the community on breast health Ensure quality of care for all through advocacy work at the local, state and national level

9 Kansas Where the money goes… 75 Percent to Local Treatment, Screening and Education Programs- restricted to breast health 25 Percent to National Research for breast health

10 Kansas AFFILIATE INFORMATION The Kansas Affiliate The Komen Wichita Race For The Cure celebrated its 24th year. In 24 years the Affiliate has: Provided approximately 40,000 no cost mammograms in the state of Kansas Invested nearly $4.3 Million in screening and education funds in Kansas Provided over $1 million to Komen national for breast cancer research Provided breast screening and education grants to cover 95 counties in Kansas

11 Kansas Community Profile 2011 The goal of the Community Profile is to use statistics and information about our service area to identify gaps in services and those most in need of breast health services. Identifies what people know and think The information in the report guides our Affiliate in the education, outreach, and grant making. It also helps the Affiliate ensure there is not duplication of programs already in place. The Community Profile is developed by reviewing quantitative data and by surveying and interviewing providers, community members, survivors and grantees.

12 Kansas Funding Priorities Your application needs to address at least ONE of these priorities. Kansas Affiliate Priorities: 1.Programs in rural Kansas focusing on decreasing barriers, such as health literacy, and increasing access to care. 2.Programs addressing gaps in culturally appropriate breast health services for Hispanic women and immigrant populations. 3.Programs focusing on providing services to African American women with the goal of lowering the percentage of women receiving a late stage diagnosis.

13 Kansas Important Dates Grant writing Workshop:Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Application Deadline:Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Award Notification:No later than Friday, March 30, 2014 Anticipated Funding Start:April 1, 2014 or when signed contract is received.

14 Kansas Eligibility The project must be specific to breast health Non-profit organization- must have tax exempt status under the IRS code All past and current Komen-funded grants and awards are up to date and in compliance with Komen requirements Located in 95 county Kansas Service Area

15 Kansas Program Description – Items to Include Background – Describe the breast health challenges in your community. Goals and Objectives – Simple, well worded. No more than 5 Evidence-based Strategies/Promising Practices Evaluation Plan – How many women or contacts will be accomplished? How will you evaluate your success? Organizational Capacity – How is your organization positioned to accomplish your program goals? Personnel, location, collaborations? Sustainability – How will to program be funded going forward?

16 Kansas Budget Salaries and fringe benefits for staff working on the program. This can only be for the time spent on the program. Consultant fees – Komen will not pay grant writer fees Meeting Costs Supplies Travel – Only Komen approved travel may be covered. Please plan to attend the Komen Wichita Race for the Cure & include your travel expenses for no more than 2 people.

17 Kansas Funds may not be used for the following purposes: No longer allow indirect costs or equipment line items Medical or scientific research Scholarships or fellowships Construction or renovation of facilities Political campaigns or lobbying Endowments Debt Reduction Non-Komen Conference Travel or Fees General Operating Funds Fund raising campaigns Event sponsorships Projects completed before the date of grant approval Employee matching gifts Land acquisition Program related investments/loans Education regarding breast self exams/use of breast models Thermography

18 Kansas Supporting Documentation Proof of Non Profit Status Letters of Support - Only 2, one page letters of support may be submitted Budget Justification – Written budget justification must be submitted Curriculum Vitae – Include all project personnel, including contract signing official Evaluation Forms- surveys, logic models or other related documents that demonstrate the effectiveness of your program

19 Kansas RFA: Educational Materials and Messaging Visit to ensure that proper educational messages and materials are consistent with

20 Kansas Selection Criteria Impact – Projects need to address one or more of the 3 priority areas. Feasibility – How likely will your project reach your target population, what are the possible pitfalls, how are you accounting for the barriers? Capacity – Does your organization have the personnel and the outside resources to be successful? Collaboration – You should have already made contact with those you plan to collaborate with on the project. Don’t assume your collaborations will be met before listing them. Sustainability – What plans have been made to sustain the project after Komen funding has ended?

21 Kansas Kansas Affiliate Small Grants Program The purpose of the Small Grant Program is to provide support to organizations for breast health events or smaller programs. Komen Grantees may only have one grant of any kind in a year. Small grants can be used to develop a pilot program which may be considered for larger funding the next year. Small Grants funding is up to $3000. You must apply for Small Grant funding 45 days in advance. Travel scholarships of up to $1,500 are part of the Small Grants Program. Travel scholarships must be for breast cancer specific programs and must have a community element to the program.

22 Kansas Deadline: January 15, 2014

23 Kansas Grantwriting Tutorial Developing a Proposal – Develop the proposal before you start to write the grant application. Meet with co-workers, focus groups, other personnel that may be involved in the project. Writing an Abstract – The abstract should be written in such a matter that the Affiliate can take the abstract and use it with the media or with other partners. It should be written in lay terms so non-medical people can understand your project. Developing Objectives – Develop clear, concise, obtainable objectives. Program Evaluation – Your proposal should include your method of evaluating the success of your program. This is a key element for the Grant Review Committee. Budgeting – Be honest, be detailed, and don’t include items which do not relate to your proposal.

24 Kansas Planning the Proposal Read everything! Consider the funding priorities carefully. Discuss ideas with decision-makers in your organization. Explore opportunities for collaboration. Prepare proposal together.

25 Kansas Proposal Abstract First impressions are important. Brief statement of your “case” and a summary of your proposal. Purpose of the program Be concise! Description of key activities Summary of evaluation methods Likely impact of the program. Do not exceed 1200 characters (about 200 words).

26 Kansas Writing Objectives Specific - Define success Tangible - Be realistic. Measurable - Form basis for evaluation Achievable within the 1 year grant period If you have more than five objectives, consider combining them for two or three general goals. Who, What, By when, How much?

27 Kansas Impact Evaluation Has your program made changes in your target population in:  Behavior  Knowledge  Attitudes  Beliefs Has your program made changes among:  Individuals  Providers  Organizations  Communities

28 Kansas Budget & Expenses Projects become reality because the central idea is solid, not because the proposal is cheap or because money is spent without purpose. Be realistic! Ask for what you need and no more. The Grant Review Committee will go over your budget very closely. Justify expenses. Do your costs follow with the narrative program description?

29 Kansas Helpful Hints Read the RFA carefully — follow ALL directions. All proposals are checked for compliance. If your proposal is not in compliance and it is received at the deadline you may not have an opportunity to revise. Be innovative, realistic, specific. Write clearly, use active rather than passive voice. Allow plenty of time. Be sure to have your application proof read by a co-worker.

30 Kansas Helpful Hints Remember- This is a Competitive Process: Don’t assume you will receive funding New applicants are consider same as previous You Don’t have to re-invent the wheel: What are you already doing that we can help with? What can you add to enhance your programs? If you have a well run program-what else can you try this year? Ask for help: Run ideas by us if you would like feedback Discuss your budget with us ahead of time if you have questions

31 Kansas Need Help? Kansas Affiliate office Kirsten Bruce – Grants Coordinator – 316-683-8510 Peggy Johnson – Mission Advisory Council – 316-686-7172 Submissions should be submitted to:

32 Kansas Questions

33 Kansas Deadline for Applications ALL GRANTS ARE DUE TO THE AFFILIATE BY 5:00PM on January 15, 2014

34 Kansas Submission Requirements All grants MUST be submitted through Komen’s Grants eManagement System (GeMS)!

35 Kansas User Roles Project Director: The role of Project Director should be assigned to the individual at your organization that will serve as the project’s lead contact. This individual is responsible for validating all new users when they register for the system under their organization. This individual will have the highest level of access in the system and will be responsible for overseeing all of the administrative functions available such as application creation and completion. 35

36 Kansas User Roles Authorized Signer: The role of Authorized Signer should be assigned to the individual at your organization that has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of the organization. This individual is responsible for electronically signing the application before submission and the grant contract if the organization is awarded funds. 36

37 Kansas User Roles Viewer: The role of viewer should be assigned to any individual at your organization that needs access to view the organization’s information but does not need the functionality to save, add, edit, or change anything within the organization’s information. 37

38 Kansas User Roles Writer: The role of writer should be assigned to any individual that needs access to an organization’s application process to help complete the application but does not have the authority to complete the submission process. This individual cannot change the status of an application and will not have administrative function availability. 38

39 Kansas User Roles The Project Director must be the first individual at your organization to register. The Authorized Signer must register and be validated/approved prior to the creation of the organizations first application. If you currently have a grant with Komen-you have already registered a username and authorized signer-reuse those names/passwords. 39

40 Kansas Registration 40

41 Kansas Registration 41

42 Kansas Registration 42

43 Kansas Registration After you save your contact and organization information, your account must be approved before you have access to the system. You will receive two email communications as part of the registrations process: Registration Submitted Access Granted 43

44 Kansas User Approval Project Directors will be approved/validated by an Affiliate representative. All other users will be approved/validated by the organization’s Project Director. 44

45 Kansas 45

46 Kansas User Homepage 46

47 Kansas Application Initiation 47 From the User Homepage, click the “View Opportunities” button.

48 Kansas Application Initiation 48 For grant programs you are eligible to apply for you will see an “Apply Now” button under the description of the grant. Click the “Apply Now” button to continue to initiate a new application.

49 Kansas Application Initiation 49 A confirmation page will appear. By clicking the “I agree” button you will initiate a new application.

50 Kansas Application Menu 50

51 Kansas Application Pages 51

52 Kansas Application Pages 52 Important Reminders: Always select the Save button before leaving a page. Utilize the navigation links at the bottom of the page. Always refer to the RFA while completing the application. You can download the RFA at

53 Kansas Application Submission 53 Project Director must change the status of the application to “Authorized Signature Required”. Authorized Signer must finalize the submission by changing the status to “Application Submitted”.

54 Kansas Application Submission 54 Click on “Open My Tasks”. Select the grant you would like to submit from your task list.

55 Kansas Application Submission 55 Click “Apply Status” under the appropriate status.

56 Kansas Helpful Hints Always hit “Save” to save your data. If you do not hit “Save” and you navigate away from the screen, your data will be lost. If you scroll over the first aid kits, help content will be available for that specific question. The system will log out after 45 minutes with no activity. If the system logs out automatically, the last data entered will not be saved if the save button was not selected prior to the log out. If you copy and paste text from Word, you must hit the backspace button within the text field for the character count to be shown. The Project Work Plan Summary is a report of all of the goals and objectives entered on the Project Work Plan pages. Print versions of the blank application and completed application are available within the Access Management Tools section of the application menu. Always use the “Back” button within the system when trying to return to a previous page. All amounts in the budget page must be whole, even numbers. Upload insurance document and non profit status document in the budget summary section. There must be an evaluation tool for each objective

57 Kansas Helpful Hint Be aware of the character limits of each text box. Attempting to copy and paste text that is larger than the allotted amount of space will yield an error. The character limit is found at the bottom of each text box. If you exceed the allowed length Do Not Exit the Document Until You Have Edited it Down to the allowed text limit! Otherwise your text will be lost. Always hit save! If you don’t hit save and you navigate away from the screen, your data will be lost.

58 Kansas Application Submission Checklist 1.Project Director registers for GeMS 2.Project Director approved by Affiliate Grants Administrator (Kirsten) 3.Authorized Signer registers for GeMS 4.Authorized Signer approved by Project Director within GeMS 5.Project Director initiates Community Grant Application 6.Project Director/Writer/Authorized Signer completes each page of the application 7.Project Director changes status to “Authorized Signature Needed” 8.Both the Project Director and Authorized Signer will receive an email notification that the application is officially submitted. 9.Once an application is submitted it will enter into read only status and can’t be changed.

59 Kansas Question and Answer

60 Kansas The Process Step 1:Determine if you are eligible to apply for a Komen Community Grant Step 2:If you are eligible, identify your program Step 3:Download the Request for Application – > grants tab > How to Apply for funding > Request for Application Step 4:Download the Applicant User Guide Step 5:Complete the application and return it ON TIME Step 6:Komen Committee conducts compliance review on each application Step 7:Applications meeting compliance are reviewed, rated and ranked by an Independent Peer Review Panel resulting in a recommended Grants Slate Step 8:Board of Directors approves or disapproves of the recommended Grants Slate – February, 2014 Step 9:All applicants are notified of results – Approximately March 1, 2014 Step 10:Grant Contracts are sent, signed and returned Step 11:Funds are distributed – Approximately April 1, 2014

61 Kansas Grant Review Panel The Review Panel is an Independent, Anonymous Group of Volunteers Decision makers for the grants-staff, Board, etc. do not chose who gets funded! Review panel is diverse-made up of health care professionals, grant writers, community members etc. Ranking Sheet utilized is formed directly from RFA sections

62 Kansas Question and Answer 62

63 Kansas Total Granted Over the Years $5.3 Million to Kansas breast health education, screening and research programs

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