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A GA K HAN D EVELOPMENT N ETWORK. What is AKDN? The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of international, private, non-denominational development.

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Presentation on theme: "A GA K HAN D EVELOPMENT N ETWORK. What is AKDN? The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of international, private, non-denominational development."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is AKDN? The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of international, private, non-denominational development agencies and institutions that seek to empower communities and individuals, usually in disadvantaged circumstances, to improve living conditions and opportunities.

3 AKDN’s Organisational Structure: Foundations University of Central Asia Aga Khan University THE IMAMAT AGA KHAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Economic Development Culture Social Development Aga Khan Foundation Aga Khan Trust for Culture Aga Khan Education Services Aga Khan Health Services Aga Khan Planning and Building Services Aga Khan Award for Architecture Historic Cities Support Programme Education and Culture Programme Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development Tourism Promotion Services Industrial Promotion Services Financial Services

4 AKDN’s Area development Programmes

5 Aga Khan Foundation Human and Institutional Development Education Agriculture Livestock Enterprise Development Engineering Aga Khan Development Network Microfinance Health Cultural Development Higher Education Disaster Mitigation and Relief Private Investments Stable, Self-Reliant, Prosperous Areas

6 AKDN Government CSOs Communities Capacity Building Facilitation Planning Area Development Plans Results Improved farming systems Healthier livestock More private enterprise Quality education system Access to water & health services Better environmental management Multi-Input Area Development (MIAD) (MIAD in Bamyan)

7 Health Education dsd Afforestation Farm Forestry Watershed Mgmt Livestock development Community- based infrastructure Water and Sanitation Agriculture Development Community CD Integrated Area Development Approach Community Planning Meeting, Shiva, Badakhshan Income Generation Enterprise Dvpt. Afforestation Farm Forestry Watershed Mgmt Community Development

8 National Solidarity Programme The National Solidarity Programme was created in 2003 by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development to develop the ability of Afghan communities to identify, plan, manage and monitor their own development projects. 1.Election of Community Development Council 2.Community Development Plan 3.Sub Project Proposal 4.Project Implementation

9 A community elects their CDC, Badakhshan

10 NSP Achievements NSP has covered 359 districts across all 34 provinces of Afghanistan 21,605 Community Development Councils (CDCs) elected 48,730 Community Development Plans (CDPs) completed 47,498 Community sub-project proposals submitted to the NSP 22,102 Community sub-projects completed

11 What other roles should CDCs adopt, beyond simply implementing NSP projects? What is the role of CDCs’ in local governance? How do we ensure the sustainability of CDCs, and capitalize on the investment made through NSP? NSP – Key Questions

12 The goal of AKF’s NSP Plus program is for CDCs to become democratic, inclusive, competent, accountable and transparent village based institutions, fulfilling local development and governance roles. AKF’s Vision For CDCs – NSP Plus

13 In addition to implementing NSP projects, AKF CDCs benefit from structured training in: Leadership Conflict management Project proposal writing Common Property Resources management Gender sensitization and planning Poverty analysis (starting June 09) NSP Plus – Part 1: Training

14 Training methodology  Locally designed for Afghan context  Cascade model - training of trainers  Training is participatory and interactive  Intensive follow up to translate theoretical learning into practice  Measure results and adjust methodology to emerging needs  Gender as cross-cutting issue

15 NSP Plus – Part 2: Additional capacity building inputs In addition to training, CDCs benefit from: Multi-stakeholder shura conferences on key issues (ie: primary education, health, common property resources) Exchange visits for peer learning Linkages with Government departments and other development actors Social audit exercises

16 NSP Plus – Part 3: Other support Micro Grants to encourage CDCs to act on strategic issues Voluntary campaigns Primary school enrollment Plantation Road repair (video)video Immunization campaign (proposed) Tailored support for CDC voluntary projects

17 NSP Plus - Achievements CDCs are taking initiative to address local development issues: Local development projects worth USD 600,000 22,730 children enrolled in school 3 million trees planted 3,337 km roads repaired Over 900 CDCs have initiated local voluntary development activities Maturity assessment of CDCs – 70% “A” Category

18 Marginal per-CDC cost of NSP Plus

19 NSP Plus - Conclusion NSP is a strong program, but one that needs concerted support to capitalize on its potential. AKF’s innovative NSP Plus pilot program is a multi-donor initiative that has leveraged NSP resources to create a network of competent, mature CDCs. CDCs that have gone through the NSP Plus process are capable of leading the local governance and development process, in coordination with other government initiatives. This NSP Plus model can be replicated on a national scale, providing massive value addition to the existing NSP program at a relatively low unit cost.

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