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Affordable housing: needs, gaps, emerging issues and recommendations March 2009 This report made possible through a grant from the New York Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Affordable housing: needs, gaps, emerging issues and recommendations March 2009 This report made possible through a grant from the New York Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affordable housing: needs, gaps, emerging issues and recommendations March 2009 This report made possible through a grant from the New York Foundation.

2 Empire State Housing Alliance Formed in 2005, following a series of meetings around the state. Platform developed includes four key points: Develop a housing plan and appoint key personnel to coordinate activities of all agencies involved in housing in NYS. Increase the financial investment – capital AND operating for existing programs, reduce barriers for accessing funds and support capacity building for nonprofit organizations Dedicate a source of revenue to support additional investment in affordable and accessible housing development. Promote regional planning initiatives to support sustainable, affordable neighborhoods.

3 Is there a true gap in funding for capital programs, and Are there program challenges that prevent organizations, especially not-for-profit organizations, from submitting applications for affordable housing projects? Challenge:

4 White Paper: what we found Methodology – Who we talked to, Where we found data, Survey findings Emerging issues Recommendations

5 Findings: Affordability: Rent burden Doubling up of tenant families and overcrowding Loss of affordable units Transition of Mitchell-Lama units to market rate Foreclosure of rental properties and displacement of tenants Concerns about affordability echoed in DHCR’s regional reports. Affordability affects middle- income renters, and homeowners as well.

6 Applications for funding: existing state programs DHCR: 2009 Formal Budget Presentation

7 Current State Programs Results & activities Challenges include: NYS provided funding for 7,721 Multi-family units in 2006 & 9,436 in 2007 Homeownership production, improvement & homebuyer assistance: 21,854 (2006) and 17,722 (2007) units were assisted. Increased funding for capital programs in 2008-2009. Increased support for Neighborhood & Rural Preservation Programs. Housing Trust Fund changes. Neighborhood Stabilization Program resources Loss of affordable rental units Requests for funding have greatly exceeded capital funds NSP provides limited resources for rural areas. Increased foreclosures Vacant and abandoned properties increasing, especially in upstate cities.

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