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Computer Engineering Remote Controlled Car Project ACSE 2006 Graham Smyth Jerry Dolata.

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1 Computer Engineering Remote Controlled Car Project ACSE 2006 Graham Smyth Jerry Dolata

2 Computer Engineering Units 1. Hardware 2. Networking 3. Integrated Circuits 4. Programming 5. Interfaces Grades 10 - 12 Five Hands-0n Units

3 Software Turing parallelput ( number) put parallelget mousewhere ( x, y, click) play (“CDEFG”) drawline ( x1, y1, x2, y2, red) Provincially Licensed

4 Parallelport Pin Configuration (printer port) View from back of Computer 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Output D0 – D7 Input I0 – I3 Input I4 Grounds 18 - 25

5 D sub Pin Assignment pinfunctionparallelput 2forward1 3reverse2 4left4 5right8 18ground

6 parallelput(number) NumberD7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0 11111111 00000100parallelput(4) parallelput(5)00000101 parallelput(255)

7 Colour Code for Cables WireColourFunctionD Subparallelput 1OrangeForwardPin 21 2Orange/ WhiteReversePin 32 3GreenLeftPin 45 or 6 4Green/WhiteRightPin 59 or 10 5BlueGroundPin 18

8 Breadboard Connections Connected High Fives Divider Low Fives

9 Remote Controlled Car Project Hardware

10 Removing Shipping Holders 1. Remove Screw 2. Remove Screw

11 Removing Battery Covers 1. Remove Screw 2. Remove Screw 4. Insert 1 9V 3. Insert 4 AA

12 Opening Case Carefully Remove 10 Small Screws

13 Removing Joysticks Separate Case Remove Joysticks

14 4 Pair From Joystick 1. Green/White2. Green 3. Blue 4. Orange 5. Orange/White Carefully Wrap 5 Wires to Board

15 Closing Case Removing Battery Covers Use 2 Screws in Opposite Corners to Close Case Wrap to Secure Cable Antenna Inserted

16 4 Pair Wire to Transistors Orange to Right Pin Orange/White to Right Pin Green to Right Pin White/Green to Right Pin Blue to Ground

17 Adding Resistors Each Resistor to Middle Pin Each Resistor Jumps Divider

18 Adding Grounds Left Pin to Ground

19 From D Sub-connector From D sub Blue Ground From D sub

20 From D Sub-connector to BB Pin 2 Orange Pin 3 Orange/White Pin 5 White/Green Pin 4 Green Pin 18 Ground

21 Remote Controlled Car Project Software

22 Software 1 When 8 is pressed the car should go forward When 5 is pressed the car should stop When 0 is entered the program should exit

23 Software 1: Answer var key : string (1) loop getch(key) if key = “8” then parallelput(1) elsif key = “5” then parallelput (0) end if exit when key = “0” end loop

24 Software 2 Add to the previous program commands that will instruct the car to go: Forward/left when 7 is pressed Forward when 8 is pressed Forward/right when 9 is pressed Stop when 5 is pressed Reverse/left when 1 is pressed Reverse when 2 is pressed Reverse/right when 3 is pressed Exit program when 0 is pressed

25 Software 2: Answer loop getch(key) if key = “7” then parallelput(5) elsif key = “8” then parallelput (1) elsif key = “9” then parallelput (9) etc

26 Software 3 Write a program so the car will auto parallel park Add computer controlled turn signals Add reverse lights Add light sensors so the car will follow a light source

27 Addresses

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