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Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR [and More] Judith A. Kuhagen CPSO, Library of Congress FRBR Workshop - OCLC May 2, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR [and More] Judith A. Kuhagen CPSO, Library of Congress FRBR Workshop - OCLC May 2, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Continuing Resources in FRBR [and More] Judith A. Kuhagen CPSO, Library of Congress FRBR Workshop - OCLC May 2, 2005

2 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 2 Continuing resources Bibliographic resource issued over time with no predetermined conclusion: – Serials – Ongoing integrating resources

3 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 3 Serial A continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. – Includes magazines, electronic journals, annual reports, newspapers, monographic series …

4 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 4 Integrating resource A bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole – Continuing (or finite) – Includes updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites

5 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 5 Challenges of continuing resources? Seriality Number of records per cataloging codes Range of relationships, especially for serials

6 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 6 Seriality Susceptibility to change over time: – Title(s) – Responsible persons/bodies – Publisher, manufacturer, etc. – Numbering – Content – Physical carrier – Etc.

7 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 7 How is seriality of serials handled in cataloging codes? Number of records: – One record, or – Multiple (successive) records Description in record: – Based on latest issue, or – Based on earliest issue

8 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 8 How is seriality of integrating resources handled in cataloging codes? Often not in general cataloging codes (e.g., not in AACR2 until Dec. 2002) Principle of single record based on latest (i.e., current) iteration/state of resource – Update single record as resource changes Reality: sometimes multiple records for single resource due to difficulties in identification of resource

9 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 9 What is a serial work? RCA series on safe climbing (v. 1-7) changed to: Safe climbing series of the Rock Climbing Association (v. 8-12) changed to: Safe climbing series of the RCA (no. 1- 3 works or 2 or 1?

10 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 10 If work-ness is related to number of records … If issues on previous slide cataloged per AACR2 Dec. 2002+ = 1 record based on v. 1 If cataloged per AACR2 prior to Dec. 2002 = 3 records, each based on earliest issue of each segment If cataloged prior to AACR = 2 records: one record for 1st & 2nd titles based on v. 8; another record for 3rd title

11 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 11 Relationships of serials Earlier/later within the same serial Earlier/later beyond the same serial – Mergers, splits Alternate editions* – Language – Physical medium Reproductions Whole/part *Considered most important by IFLA FRBR CR Group

12 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 12 Earlier/later within the same serial Proposal: consider that all segments of a serial (represented by one or multiple bibliographic records due to different methods of accommodating seriality) together equal one serial work Important: – Be able to find – Be able to identify

13 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 13 Earlier/later beyond the same serial Proposal doesnt mean condensing all serials into only a few mega-serials New serial works when chronological relationship is not a one-to-one relationship – Mergers – Splits

14 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 14 Alternate editions Important: beyond finding and identifying, being able to select – Users preference/need for language – Users preference/need for physical format

15 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 15 Reproductions May not be issued/released with same mode of issuance as the original – Should be considered as same to satisfy the users need to find and identify = surrogate for the original Users need to select: preference/need for different physical format

16 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 16 Whole/part Some serials and integrating resources are aggregate resources (work of works), e.g.: – Monographic series: volumes – Journals: issues, articles – Loose-leaf services: monographs, serials, integrating resources May or may be bibliographic record for resource as a whole – local decision

17 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 17 Titlehas has Editorial version Linguistic version Continuing resource content is published as represents Publication has Physical version – general type has Physical version – specific type is materialized as Set of IndividualIndividual issues issues,is part of issue is part of bound together complete is part of [Patrick Le Bœuf 25aug04] is component of

18 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 18 Other resources with seriality? Yes, behavior not affected by intended end: – Finite integrating resources – Multipart monographs Somewhat easier to manage: – Identifying what is a work/expression – Number of records: usually only one

19 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 19 What adjustments to FRBR model? Acknowledging seriality of resources (noted in Areas for further study) Reconsidering some attributes Another mode of issuance: streaming resources

20 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 20 Acknowledging seriality Attributes of a manifestation now only for concurrent manifestations: – Different title, place of publication, publisher, series, physical medium, etc. Need concept of consecutive manifestations of same work/expression – Change in title, place of publication, publisher, series, physical medium, etc.

21 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 21 Reconsidering some attributes Redefining some expression attributes as belonging to manifestation, e.g., – Expected regularity of issue (serial)* – Expected frequency of issue (serial)* Considering if edition/issue designation, now at manifestation level, should also be at expression level for some serials *proposal from the CONSER Task Force on FRBR and Continuing Resources

22 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 22 Streaming resources From work of Carol Van Nuys and her colleagues in Paradigma Project Consider: – Resources themselves vs. how resources represented by bibliographic records – Attributes same or different?

23 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 23 Non-bibliographic model Using work authority record: next two slides as examples – From Barbara Tilletts presentation at American Library Association (Jan. 2005) contresourcecata/2005midwintermeeting.htm

24 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 24

25 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 25

26 Kuhagen OCLC 2005 FRBR Workshop 26 Questions/Discussion?

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